The celibate life of a champion racehorse: When sex doesn't follow Kentucky Derby glory

Thomas Schlarp

The celibate life of a champion racehorse: When sex doesn't follow Kentucky Derby glory image

It’s no secret that life for a Kentucky Derby-winning horse is quite enviable. Fame, food and fortune immediately follow the winning of horse racing's crown jewel. But it’s a fourth “F” that really seals the deal: fornication.

While this year’s Kentucky Derby champion will win a record $3 million in prize money, the real cash cow is in the post-retirement sale of breeding rights. Potential earnings as a studhorse following the thoroughbred’s successful racing career dwarf anything the horse and its owner could hope to win on the track.

Derby champions command six-figure stud fees from horse owners looking to produce the next Triple Crown champion.2014 Triple Crown winner American Pharoah charges $200,000 a cover (impregnation). A typical breeding season produces around 150 covers, meaning American Pharoah’s owners take home about $30 million a year in stud fees.

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That’s a lot of money for a lot of sex.

But what’s a horse to do when he's unable to perform in the bedroom, er, breeding shed?

“He’s basically just a big old lawn mower,” said Chip Woolley, the former trainer of 2009 Kentucky Derby champion Mine That Bird.

Mine That Bird’s inability to breed isn’t a psychological abnormality, but rather a physiological one. Bird is a gelding, or a castrated horse.

Geldings are no rarity in the horse racing community. Over a quarter of all thoroughbred starters in North America are geldings, and they take home roughly a proportionate amount of overall prize money, according to Jockey Club officials.

But success in the Derby is virtually unheard of for geldings. Funny Cide, the 2003 Kentucky Derby champ, broke a 74-year gelding dry spell in the annual “Run for the Roses,” and only Mine That Bird has won it since. One-hundred fifteen geldings have run in the Kentucky Derby since official gelding records began in 1908, producing just six winners.

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“When you look at the horses that run in the Derby, by in large, when you look at the breeding, people are hopeful that they are buying into a successful race horse," said Jackson Knowlton, managing partner of the Sackatoga ownership group of Funny Cide. “We both know that the real money in racing is in a successful stud career. You’re not going to have people gelding a horse that has any sort of potential.”

So why geld a horse, severing its shot at millions of dollars in retirement? 

The answer is three-fold. For most horses like Mine That Bird, it’s a matter of behavior modification. Removing the testicles eliminates the mating instinct for a colt whose hormones make him difficult to train. Bird was gelded as a yearling after his racing performance started to dip. His former owners say he wouldn’t have been as successful had he not been gelded.

“If you’re training a stallion that’s manageable and you can keep focused, then it’s great for him to be a stallion,” Whooley said. “But some just aren’t meant to be. They’re rank, hard to handle or you can’t keep them focused.”

Other horses are gelded to prevent muscle overdevelopment. By halting testosterone production, a horse is less likely to develop bulky neck and shoulder muscles, thus lightening his load.

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Funny Cide was gelded for health reasons. He was a chryptorchid — born with an undescended testicle — and trainers thought the abnormality was creating discomfort during racing.

But for what these horses lack in gonads, they’ve made up for in becoming two of the Kentucky Derby's most heartwarming storylines.

“[They’re] kind of every-man horses,” Knowlton said. “It all goes back to [their] stories. Funny Cide wasn’t one of these horses purchased for six figures.”

Knowlton and five of his high school classmates from Sacket Harbor, N.Y., formed Sackatoga Stables and pooled their money together to buy a horse named Sacket's Six. Seven horses later, after earning modest profits from success on the track, the ownership group purchased the gelded Funny Cide for a mere $75,000. 

“We were a nobody in the racing world,” Knowlton said. “We put it all together and went to the Derby in a school bus, drinking Coors Light and took down the Sheik’s horse and morning favorite Empire Maker.” 

Mine That Bird was originally purchased by a Canadian horse trainer for $9,500 before later being sold to Double Eagle Ranch and Buena Suerte Equine. After qualifying for the Kentucky Derby, Woolley loaded Mine That Bird into a trailer attached to his pickup truck and drove over 1,200 miles from New Mexico to Churchill Downs. 

A 50-1 longshot, Mine That Bird charged from 30 lengths off the lead to win one of the craziest finishes in Kentucky Derby history, becoming the second-largest underdog champion.

“You’ll never find a comparison story,” Woolley said. “It was a one-of-a-kind race, and he was a one-of-a-kind horse. There’s not many horses in history that could track a Derby field from 30 behind, and he did it with authority.”

Bird finished second and third in the ensuing Preakness and Belmont Stakes, and Funny Cide saw his Triple Crown hopes dashed with a third-place finish at Belmont, losing to winner Empire Maker.

Typical Kentucky Derby champions retire almost immediately after the final leg of the Triple Crown as their owners weigh the risk of chasing more pay-me-now prize money against pay-me-later breeding money. But geldings are able to extend their racing careers for years, free of the risk of injury ruining breeding capabilities, until their bodies age beyond racing.

Some history’s most successful horses — Kelso, a five-time Horse of the Year winner; Forego, a three-time Horse of the Year; and John Henry, a two-time winner — were geldings whose total career starts reached unheard-of levels for stallions of similar racing caliber.

Kelso started 63 races from 1959-66. Forego ran 57 races throughout the 1970s and John Henry made an astonishing 83 starts during the ‘80s. By comparison, last year’s Triple Crown winner Justify ran in a total of six career races before his breeding rights were quickly purchased for $75 million.

Mine That Bird  made 18 career starts, earning $2,228,637, while Funny Cide made 38 starts, winning $3,529,412 — both far cries from potential earnings in the breeding shed.

“For a group of guys buying a $75,000 New York-bred gelding, the last thing on our mind was what was going to happen down the road,” Knowlton said  “We were just hoping we could get a horse that may win a few races in New York and we would at least break even.”

Today, Mine That Bird and Funny Cide have retired to paddock life, where their days are spent in relaxation, grazing. Mine That Bird resides in New Mexico where he is occasionally showcased for photo shoots and trail rides. Funny Cide, meanwhile, has found residence in the Hall of Champions at the Kentucky Horse Park, where he is one of the most visited horses and a popular tourist attraction.

So while champion geldings may not lead a sexy post-racing career life like their fully-equipped brethren, the peaceful lifestyle is nothing to lament.

And if you’re looking for an underdog to root for in this year's Kentucky Derby, Tax is the lone gelding competing for the garland of roses. He’s far from being one of the favorites to win. But if anything, he has two fewer obstacles slowing him down. 

Thomas Schlarp