2019 Fantasy Baseball Draft Strategy: Auction draft tips

Glenn Colton, FantasyAlarm.com

2019 Fantasy Baseball Draft Strategy: Auction draft tips image

When it comes to fantasy baseball, aucition drafts are about as exciting as it gets. And before you go into an auction, there's something you need even more than dollar values: A plan for your auction draft strategy.

In fact, you need a plan and fallback plans. You should never draft without one. And if your plan is to "just figure it out" while someone's yelling “going twice” in your ear, just make your donation to the rest of the league and move along. But we're here to help with the tools you need to make a "lucid, intelligent, well thought-out” auction plan that will not be overruled (yes, that's a "My Cousin Vinny" reference).

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Fantasy Baseball Auction Tips, Advice, Strategy

Make a defined budget: This is a must. Be realilstic, and be ready. Are you planning on a balanced roster, or are you going with the "Stars and Scrubs" strategy, spending up on a few elite players before paying down to fill your roster? Maybe you are willing to punt at a position (i.e., two minimum catchers). In any case, establishing what you want to do before the draft keeps you from making rash decisions under pressure once selections are being made -- and gives you a good shot at winning your league.

Create alternate budgets: Even the best plans have to deal with a curveball or two. That's OK. If, for example, you budget $40 for either Mike Trout or Mookie Betts and then both go for $45, you can split what you would have paid between one of those stars and a lower-level talent into two players for $25. You don't have to chase another high-priced player. You don't have to panice -- you just pivot to Plan B, which, if you planned ahead, will also be a solid course of action. You should also have a Plan C, just to be safe.

DOMINATE YOUR DRAFT: Ultimate 2019 cheat sheet

Stick to the plan: It's tempting to jump at Mike Trout (I have to have him!), Mookie Betts (Oh, I want him, too!), Jose Ramirez (Gimme!) or Francisco Lindor (Yes, please!), even if they're going for far past what you expected, but overspending on those guys can really hurt you later. Your budget might have a line item for one, may e two of these types of players, but it's almost impossible to pay for all four. If your plan is sound, the results will follow. Stay the course!

Track your purchases relative to your budget: Every auction is different, and you can't predict precisely how much players will wind up going for. Your budget won't match up exactly with every player, but you still need to track where you stand so your bidding can be informed and you can make the most of what your remaining dollars. For example, if you budgeted $40 for one of Trout, Betts or Lindor and you roster Ramirez at $35, you have $4 more with which to work. On your tracking sheet (or Excel file), add $4 elsewhere so you can make the most of that extra dollar or two. Likewise, if you paid $42 for Lindor in the above example, you need to be more budget conscious and cut $2 from your shopping list elsewhere to keep the books balanced. 

The Nick Punto Rule: Don't compete for the last seat on a train; or, more plainly, don't get into a bidding war for the last item multiple people feel they must have. The results can be devastating to even the best of us. One unidentified Tout Warrior was once stuck in a bidding war for the "last speed guy" that resulting in Nick Punto going for $19 -- yes, that Nick Punto, the middling journeyman infielder with a career .245 average who topped out at four HRs in a season. Here's a simple piece of advice you've likely heard before: If there are four decent closers left, buy one of the first three even if you need to pay a couple of bucks over budget to avoid the “Punto Moment.” 

Be involved in the bidding: You see it all the time in auction: A player goes for well below the value he's expected to go for. Staying involved in the action has two advantages. First, it allows you the possibility of getting a great value when the crickets come early. In a 12-team league, 276 players will be put up for auction. As such, lightning only needs to strike less than 0.4 percent of the time to make it worth your while. Second, getting involved often (not every time of course) allows you to stay sharp. It is similar to fielders who stay sharp when the pitcher works fast as opposed to those who lose focus when the pitcher takes a long time between pitches. 

DOMINATE YOUR DRAFT: Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Vary your bidding style/cadence: As with poker, you want to be unpredictable. Other people at the table shouldn't know when you'll raise and when you'll fold (or when you're bluffing). Bid early, bid late, change your mannerisms if you're doing an in-person auction -- all of these slight variations in your routine will make you less predictable.

Make jump bids: On a similar note, don't be afraid to up the bidding ante quickly, rather than by $1 every time. Early in the draft if you are bidding on a guy that is likely to go at $30 and the bidding is $15 or $16, bang it to $25. You might get crickets or you might chase all but one rival out as the unsuspecting owners are caught off guard, and you end up buying at $27 and saving money. Another good use of the jump bid is to jump directly to a milestone number (i.e. a "0" or a "5"). If you think a player is a $35 but could go higher, when the bidding reaches $32 or $33, jump straight to $35 in order to try to freeze your opponents and get your guy. It works far more often that you would think. 

Never price enforce: If you don't want a player and he's not in your plans, don't draft him just because you think he's a cant-miss bargain. It doesn't matter if you value Catcher X at $20 and you can get him for $18 if your plan calls for spending way down at catcher. Price enforcing at $18 will be a headache as you try to come up with a new plan (unless, of course, $18 on a catcher was Plan B as described above, but we assume you get that). While the occasional fantasy baseball player can win in that kind of chaos, they are few and far between. We won LABR, Tout Wars and FSTA in 2018, and we do not believe we can be effective in such an environment.

Manage the end game: You need to know how much money you have remaining, how much money other teams have remaining, and especially how much money your key rivals have remaining. And for the record "key rival" is not the person with whom you talk trash; rather, he or she is the fantasy owner who needs what you need. If there is one good shortstop left and you and your adversary both need a shortstop, it makes sense to call out that shortstop if and only if you have more money than your adversary. If not, wait to see if your adversary spends his/her money on another need and this gives you the financial advantage

Know your league rules: Example: LABR and Tout Wars have unlimited disabled lists. As such, it smart to roster injured but potentially valuable players late in the auction. If a few dollars can net you a player who will help in the second half, why not go for it? Every league has nuances that can make a difference. Know them and exploit them.

Follow the SMART System and the Rules of Engagement: This one is optional but recommended. For all the details on this system, click here

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Final thoughts: Above all other rules: Have fun! Fantasy baseball is a great way to foster an enjoyable, competitive environment among friends, and there are few better things than a lively auction draft. As the Cat in the Hat says, “It is fun to have fun but you have to know how”. Now you know how.

Glenn Colton, FantasyAlarm.com