Tony Bellew analyzes the World Boxing Super Series' cruiserweights

Chris Walker

Tony Bellew analyzes the World Boxing Super Series' cruiserweights image

The cruiserweight division is enjoying a glowing renaissance. Often the most unloved and troubled member of boxing’s dysfunctional weight class family, the tortured sibling in the heavyweight division’s monstrous shadow is a category congested with a number of possible satisfying outcomes.

The inaugural World Boxing Super Series crowned Ukraine’s Oleksandr Usyk as undisputed champion when it peaked in July this year, and Tony Bellew, a former WBC champion at 200 pounds, saw enough weaknesses in the 2012 Olympic gold medalist to convince himself that he can reverse from heavyweight back to the weight he scaled in 2016 when halting the dangerous, Junior Makabu.

Deep in negotiations for the Usyk showdown, Bellew does not have much to add on what has previously been reported, but he was quick to offer his insights and expertise on the upcoming Season 2 WBSS, which once again features the league where Bellew scooped top prizes.

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Returning for the second instalment are losing semifinalists from the original series, Mairis Briedis and Yunier Dorticos. They will be accompanied by Krzysztof Glowacki, Mateusz Masternak, Ruslan Fayfer, Noel Mikaelian, Maksim Vlasov and Andrew Tabiti.

With the maiden presentation providing a fascinating range of matchups due to the lofty rankings of the participants, the contestants this time around have a hard act to follow. But Bellew, an ardent observer of his peers, believes the hunger of those competing will once again captivate audiences with more intriguing clashes.

“Everyone in there is going in with a point to prove,” opines the Liverpool fighter, who is catching a rare quiet moment from his hectic schedule. “Briedis and Dorticos know what this is all about after falling short last time and they’ll be looking at the rest of the field confident that they’ll be able to do a number on them all. They’ve mixed in the very best company against the likes of [Marco] Huck, Usyk and [Murat] Gassiev, so entering them as the favorites means they’ll have to go out there and show everyone why they’re the favorites.”

Once a keen student of Glowacki, when monitoring the daunting landscape during his ascent to world champion, Bellew is aware of the threat posed by the heavy-handed pole.

The former WBO champion jumped onto the consciousness of boxing fans back in 2015, when he stunned Huck to become ruler in 2015. That gong was surrendered to Usyk one year later, but Bellew believes his former topic of study still possesses enough power to turn a fight in his favor.

“If he catches you then you’re staying hit,” Bellew said. “He was patient with Huck and even had to ride his luck by getting himself out of some sticky spots, but he found the punch when it mattered most and he didn’t stop punching until he got the result he wanted. He relied on that power a little too much against Steve Cunningham when he defended his belt, but when you’ve got that type of power then it’s hard to not want to use it. He’s not the fighter he was, but he’s someone who must be approached with caution at all time.”

Masternak, Glowacki’s countryman, is a fighter Bellew is massively familiar with. At the backend of 2015, the pair contested the European title at London’s 02 Arena and the result was a Bellew win by points following a grueling battle that pushed both fighters to the stage of exhaustion.

The outspoken Brit almost removed Masternak from the running in the final round with a heroic last minute barrage, but the well-travelled 31-year-old used all his experience to hear the final bell. Bellew believes this tournament is a step too far for him.

“Once upon a time, it would’ve been ideal for Masternak because he’s a tough, hard man who gave me one hell of a fight,” Bellew said. “There has to be miles on the clock with him now because he’s been around for so long and every fight seems to be a hard one for him. He’s someone I wish all the very best because he’s a fighter I respect, but for me he falls short against the very best fighters and I don’t make a case for him against the likes of Briedis and Dorticos.”

With the rest of the field considered betting outsiders for the crown, Bellew insists that the unfavorable tags attached to them could actually work to their advantage as they will never have a better chance to prove they belong at the highest class.

“It’s a massive opportunity for everyone in the competition because it opens so many doors for the winner,” Bellew said. “These guys are going to be earning good money, fighting on TV in both the U.K. and America, and doing their very best to announce themselves to the world. Guys like Andrew Tabiti have long been making noise and now he has the chance to show it. He’s quick and confident and he’ll want to show the entire world why there’s a buzz about him within his team. He’s certainly worth keeping an eye on.”

Pushed on a winner, Bellew can only offer two viable candidates, but even then he admits that one stands out more than the other.

“It’s Dorticos for me,” revealed Bellew exclusively for Sporting News. “I look at him and Briedis and I just edge slightly towards the Cuban fella because he’s just that little more skilled. Inexperience on the biggest stage went against Briedis last time, so if he can learn from his mistakes then he’ll be right in the mix. Word on the street is that he’s had some issues with his hands and he’ll need them both against someone like Dorticos. It’s 50-50 when they’re both at their best, but I’ll stick my neck on the line and say Dorticos.” 

Chris Walker