Ryan Lochte video surfaces, latest reports say two security guards pointed guns at U.S. swimmers

Rea White

Ryan Lochte video surfaces, latest reports say two security guards pointed guns at U.S. swimmers image

What really happened to Ryan Lochte and his U.S. teammates in Rio? Video footage has surfaced that reportedly shows Lochte and three other American swimmers at a gas station in Rio and what Lochte said was a robbery.

Shortly after the video surfaced, The Associated Press reported that Rio police confirm that two security guards did point guns at the swimmers. 

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Lochte, Jimmy Feigen, Jack Conger and Gunnar Bentz have claimed that they were robbed at gunpoint at the gas station. Reports surfaced on Thursday showing video of the incident and claiming that the group was not robbed but rather that security guards were collecting money for damages to a gas station restroom. The video shows what is reportedly the swimmers entering and exiting a restroom, entering and exiting their taxi cab and then walking into another area of the gas station, some with their arms held up over their heads.

Here is the video that Globo TV obtained and broadcast, via ABC News:  

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According to The Associated Press report, two security guards did point guns at Lochte and the three swimmers. The report says that the change in the police version of the events came after one of the security guards was interviewed on Thursday. The AP credited an anonymous source with direct knowledge of the investigation for its reporting. 

The report says that after the bathroom was allegedly vandalized, "a security guard also came and confronted the swimmers, and pointed a gun. A second guard came behind him and pointed another gun."

In a police news conference in Rio on Thursday afternoon, the civil police chief admitted only that one security guard - and no police officers - pointed a gun at the swimmers and, according to CNN, the use of the firearm was not deemed to be "excessive force" since it was used to control one of the men. 

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The report further states that Civil Police chief Fernando Veloso said that, "In theory, one or all of them might be charged for false communication of a crime and for damaging private assets, the gas station. I'm not saying that they are charged right now because of that. We have to finalize the investigation and in theory that could be the case. This is not really a -- this kind of crime will not lead to their arrest."

Feigen has not yet been interviewed by investigators, according to CNN.

Veloso said that there "was no robbery in the way it was reported by the athletes" and that "they were not the victim of the criminal act they described," the New York Times reported.


Rea White