WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 results, match grades: Cody Rhodes, Stone Cold return; Bianca Belair wins 'Raw' women's title

Liam O'Loughlin

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 results, match grades: Cody Rhodes, Stone Cold return; Bianca Belair wins 'Raw' women's title image

After months of build-up, WrestleMania 38 weekend began Saturday night in front of a massive crowd at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

Former AEW star Cody Rhodes made his return to WWE after six years, defeating Seth Rollins in an epic encounter, while Bianca Belair claimed the "Raw" women's title in an instant classic with Becky Lynch  

MORE: Bianca Belair talks facing Becky Lynch at WrestleMania 38

But without a doubt the biggest moment of the night was the main event between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kevin Owens. 

After weeks of taunting the Hall of Famer and the state of Texas, Owens called out Austin to the ring for a special "KO Show" segment. But after some back-and-forth, Owens challenged Austin to a No Holds Barred match — and Austin accepted, making it his first match in 19 years.

The Texas Rattlesnake would emerge victorious, hitting a Stunner for a pinfall victory in a chaotic match. 

The Sporting News covered the event throughout the night with results, match grades and highlights. 

Jake Paul appears on kickoff show, promises to get in ring

While there weren't any matches on this year's WrestleMania kickoff show, we did get an appearance from the one and only Jake Paul. 

With his brother Logan set for his official in-ring debut in Texas — teaming with The Miz against Rey and Dominik Mysterio — Jake is, of course, in attendance to support.

During an appearance on the preshow panel, Jake Paul hinted he may get in the ring tonight at WrestleMania — but not before he mouthed off at some members of the WWE Universe.

Will we see the social media phenomenon and boxer throw down at Mania? Only time will tell. 

Grade: N/A

The Usos (c) def. Rick Boogs & Shinsuke Nakamura for the 'SmackDown' tag team titles

After a hyped-up Mark Wahlberg gave us a spine-tingling WrestleMania intro and the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders kicked off proceedings, Boogs opened things up with his trademark intro for Nakamura. Pat McAfee was fired up, as always. The Usos strutted out and were dressed to the nines, as always.

Nakamura started hot but it wasn't long until the champs took control and cut off the former IC champion. After trading kicks with Jimmy, Nakamura got the hot tag for Boogs and "Main Event" Jay entered the match again. 

Boogs showed off his impressive strength with a delayed suplex. He went to lift both Uso brothers, but his knee gave out and he got the tag to his partner, Nakamura. It looked as though Boogs legit hurt his knee, as replays showed it clearly buckle underneath him. The Usos took control quickly after, and while Nakamura was able to kick out of the superkick/splash combination, he couldn't stop the 1D and the champs retained.

Solid match, but probably not the right choice to open a WrestleMania. Boogs looks to be seriously injured, with doctors surrounding him after the match and WWE confirming later in the night that he had torn his quad and would require surgery. The injury probably took away from the finish, but the right team won without a doubt. 

Grade: C+

Drew McIntyre def. Happy Corbin

McIntyre got a pretty cool entrance here — well-deserved considering his two big WrestleMania matches were affected by COVID. McIntyre started off hot against Corbin, who was wrestling in a party shirt and white jeans — certainly a choice. 

Madcap Moss got involved and allowed Corbin to take control soon after. Madcap got up on the apron and distracted his partner, giving Drew the upper hand with a spinebuster. A nice belly-to-belly throw, a jumping neckbreaker and a kip-up from McIntyre got a few cheers from a quieter crowd. McIntyre went for the Claymore but Corbin countered into the Deep Six for a two-count.

McIntyre regathered and looked for the Claymore once again, but Corbin bailed. McIntyre hit an impressive dive over the top and took them both out. Corbin hit the End Of Days, which has been the finish of his matches for his whole career — but McIntyre became the first man to kick out of it!!! That moment got the crowd going for a little bit. 

Drew recovered again, hit the Future Shock DDT and a Claymore for the pinfall victory. After the match, Drew used his big sword and chopped the ropes in half. OK, then. 

The match probably went a bit lot longer than it needed to and the crowd wasn't really into it until the last couple of minutes. McIntyre kicking out of the End Of Days was a cool moment, but probably one we should have seen coming. Both men worked hard, but this one didn't quite click. 

Grade: C

Logan Paul & The Miz def. Rey & Dominik Mysterio

The Mysterios came out from underneath the stage, which was pretty dope. Logan Paul came out with a Pokemon card attached to the gold chain around his neck. According to Jimmy Smith, it's 1/1 and the most expensive in the world. This guy is a national treasure. 

Logan got into the match early, throwing a few body shots at Rey in the corner. Dominik tagged in and flew around the ring and ringside area, taking it to The Miz. Paul snuck behind the ref's back and allowed their team to get the upper hand for a little bit. Paul hit a nice running powerslam on Dominik before hitting a picture-perfect blockbuster from the second rope. 

There was actually some pretty good tag team psychology from Paul and Miz. They cut off the ring and tagged in and out frequently. Dominik fought his way out eventually, getting the hot tag to his father and getting the crowd on its feet. Rey gained a couple near-falls on Miz before hitting a sweet tornado DDT and two of the signature "Three Amigos," gaining a big "Eddie" chant from the crowd. 

Paul was able to tag himself back into the match and managed to hit a "Three Amigos" of his own, which was seriously impressive stuff in his first match. Paul then hit a frog splash from the top rope for another near-fall. The Mysterios hit a double 619, but Miz tagged himself in and broke up the pin before hitting a Skull-Crushing Finale on Rey for the win.

After the match, Miz turned on Paul and hit him with a Skull-Crushing Finale. Jake Paul did not come out, which was a little bit of a letdown. 

This wasn't amazing by any means, but it was a lot better than perhaps anybody expected. Logan Paul was an absolute natural in the ring and produced a celebrity appearance for the ages, rivaling the likes of Bad Bunny and Pat McAfee. Both Mysterios did their job well and Miz's turn opens the door for more Paul shenanigans moving forward. We're calling this match a success. 

Grade: B

Stephanie McMahon introduces Gable Steveson to WWE Universe

Between matches, McMahon, WWE's chief brand officer, came out to introduce Olympic gold medalist Steveson to the WrestleMania crowd.

He didn't do anything, but he got a bit ovation and his future in WWE is extremely bright. 

Grade: N/A

Bianca Belair def. Becky Lynch (c) for the 'Raw' women's title

Both superstars got grand entrances, which is absolutely fitting. Becky came out in a luxury SUV and was rocking her new haircut, but Bianca managed to trump her. The EST of WWE came out to a marching band playing her theme song, before the actual song hit, similar to Chris Jericho's choir at AEW Revolution in 2020

The crowd was hot from the get-go, with both women staring around as the Texas faithful produced a deafening prematch response. Bianca extended a handshake to Becky, but the champ denied it and attacked her straight away. Bianca looked for KOD but Becky blocked it, grabbed the hair and hit a Man-Handle Slam for a near-fall. That was a great throwback to their SummerSlam clash, but this time Bianca was able to kick out. 

Both women traded pinfall attempts. Becky went for a moonsault but Bianca rolled away before locking in the Dis-Arm-Her. Becky found a way out, with the pair again trading pinfall attempts. They were setting a frantic pace early, but Becky throwing Bianca into the stairs slowed things right down. 

The champion gained control and started targeting the challenger's throat, fitting in with the recent injury Belair sufferedon "Raw." Every time it looked as if Bianca was gaining momentum, Becky countered and kept the advantage in her favor. Bianca countered a triangle choke, but both women spilled to the outside. Bianca hit a handspring on the apron into a suplex onto the floor, which was pretty slick. 

Once the women returned to the ring, Bianca gained control after the suplex on the outside. Becky countered a powerbomb attempt into a near-fall. Bianca hit her springboard standing moonsault for another near-fall. Bianca picked up Becky on the top rope and hung the champ across the top turnbuckle, which looked real nasty. The challenger followed it up with a 450 splash, but it could only garner yet another near-fall. 

Becky managed to get things back in her favor before hitting a flipping-dropkick that caught Bianca flush in the cheekbone. Belair looked to be dazed for a few moments, but she regained her composure and hit a spinebuster. Becky had a counter for a lot of Bianca's offense, including holding onto the top rope to stop a KOD attempt. Becky hit a Man-Handle Slam on the steel steps outside the ring, but Bianca got back in the ring at the count of nine from the ref. 

Becky went for another Man-Handle Slam, but Bianca countered with a backflip and hit the KOD for the pinfall victory to win the title. 

This was a match worthy of WrestleMania and easily the best match to date on the card. Both women tore it up and kept a frenetic pace from bell to bell. One of the greatest women's matches in WrestleMania and a great finish. The crowd truly ate up every second of the clash between two of the best superstars on the roster. This was another real coming-out party for Belair. 

Grade: A

Cody Rhodes def. Seth Rollins

Rollins entered first, obviously, and he got a superstar entrance with a full choir singing his banger of a theme song. But we were all here for one reason, and that was to find out who Seth's mystery opponent would be. 

IT'S CODY RHODES!!!! After a lengthy wait in the ring, Rollins was met by the infamous words "Wrestling has more than one royal family," and The American Nightmare rose through the stage to a raucous reception. This was truly an amazing moment for Rhodes, Rollins and the WWE Universe. 

The pair started off slow once the bell rang. Both men were able to continually counter the other's offense. Cody was able to gain some control, but Rollins got things back in his favor with a dropkick as Cody went aerial. Seth began to target Rhodes' ribs and got a couple of near-falls. 

Cody hit a sharp forearm followed by a snap powerslam, paying homage to his brother Dustin. Rollins ended up on the outside and Cody hit a suicide dive, sending Rollins over the announce table. Cody went for the moonsault but got tangled up with Rollins, only able to secure a two-count. 

Rollins gained the upper hand while both men were on the outside, before rolling Cody back in and hitting a superkick-falcon arrow combination for a near-fall. Both men continued to hit sweet counterattacks, before Rhodes hit a Cross-Rhodes for another near-fall. Rhodes looked for the moonsault again but Rollins was too quick and prevented it. He then hit a dragon sleeper-style suplex from the top rope into another on the canvas. Somehow, Cody kicked out at 2.9999 of the ref's count. 

Rollins went for the Phoenix Splash but Rhodes rolled away, before attempting a Tiger Driver that Seth countered. Instead of a Tiger Driver, Rhodes hit a release powerbomb and a springboard Cody Cutter for another near-fall. The crowd broke out in a standard "This is awesome" chant as both men began to tire. Rollins hit a Pedigree for another near-fall. 

Both men traded forearms, but Seth got the upper hand and hit some short kicks and two rolling elbows to Cody's dome. Rollins went to run to the ropes for a Curb Stomp, but Rhodes stopped him and hit two straight Cross-Rhodes and the signature Dusty punches and Bionic Elbow, paying homage to his father. Cody hit a final Cross-Rhodes and gained a pinfall victory.

This match was absolutely fantastic. Both men gave it their all for over 20 minutes, and the presentation of Rhodes was exactly what it needed to be. Rollins held up his end of the bargain as well, adding to his stellar WrestleMania resume. But this night was all about The American Nightmare and this was the perfect return for the former AEW star. 

Grade: A+

Hall of Fame inductees 

Every year, the Hall of Fame inductees come out on stage 

Shad Gaspard's family, Vader's family, Sharmell and The Steiner Brothers all made their way out and waved to the crowd. But the crowd wanted to see one man.

The Undertaker's gong hit and the crowd erupted. 'Taker came out, thanked the crowd and went to the back — exactly what was expected and exactly what it needed to be.

Grade: N/A 

Charlotte Flair (c) def. Ronda Rousey for the 'SmackDown' women's title

The second women's match of the night certainly didn't have the grand entrances of Becky vs. Bianca, but both women looked ready for a fight before the bell rang. 

Charlotte landed a sharp elbow early on before a few chops and a takedown. The former UFC star looked for a triangle, but Charlotte escaped immediately. The champion took control, sweeping the leg of Ronda, who took a rough bump on the ring apron. Flair flipped Ronda to the outside, with the challenger taking a rough landing on the floor. Flair locked in a modified cravat before hitting a nasty-looking elbow to Rousey's temple for a near-fall. Flair locked in a reverse sleeper but Rousey countered, flipping her with a judo throw and delivering a stiff knee for a near-fall of her own. 

Rousey gained the upper hand for a brief period, but Flair hit back with a brutal spear for a two-count and took control once again. Charlotte went for the Andrade moonsault fake-out spot, but she didn't really connect at all. Charlotte locked in a modified crab submission on the top rope, but Rousey hit back and landed a judo arm drag from the top for a near-fall. 

Rousey hit the Piper's Pit but started to gloat before locking in the armbar, allowing the champion to escape. Ronda hit a scoop-slam for a two-count. Rousey transitioned into an ankle lock, but Flair reversed it into one of her own. Charlotte countered a submission attempt into a powerbomb for a two-count.

Rousey locked in a knee bar but Flair escaped. Flair locked in the Figure-Eight, but Rousey reversed the pressure. Both women scrambled to the ropes and the challenger rolled out of the ring. Flair hit a fallaway slam on the outside into the barricade, resulting in a nasty landing for Rousey. 

Rousey hit another Piper's Pit, but despite referee Charles Robinson counting three, the champ got her foot on the bottom rope. Charlotte hit back immediately with a Natural Selection for a near-fall. Robinson took a bump from a spear, leading to Charlotte tapping out and the ref missing it. Charlotte capitalized on Ronda getting distracted, nailing a big boot for a pinfall victory. 

Both women worked really hard and produced a high-quality, submission-heavy title match. Rousey and Flair both nailed some pretty stiff shots throughout, but there were a lot of sloppy moments too and it ran a little bit longer than necessary. The finish was a little messy with the ref bump, but it was clearly done to make sure Ronda came out of the match looking strong in defeat and set up a potential rematch. This was definitely one of Rousey's better showings during her WWE run, but not quite at the level of the earlier women's match. 

Grade: B+ 

The 'KO Show' featuring Stone Cold Steve Austin

The main event of the evening, as advertised, was Stone Cold Steve Austin returning to confront the loudmouth Kevin Owens. This always promised to be an awesome moment, with Austin not wrestling in 19 years and a big Texas crowd ready to welcome back the home-state hero. 

Owens came out to the ring and received the loudest boos of the night, by far. After dishing out plenty of abuse toward the state of Texas in recent weeks, it was no surprise the fans weren't thrilled to see KO. Interestingly, Owens came out in his ring attire, a sign that this was absolutely going to get physical. 

KO continued to run down Texas and continued to get booed by the crowd. He was completely heeling it up and you could tell he was loving every second of it. Owens called Austin a poor role model and said he would tell Austin to his face that he sucks, and that he didn't Austin would do anything about it. 

But just as Owens was going to continue berating Austin, The Texas Rattlesnake's music hit and Stone Cold walked out to the ring. Knee pads, denim shorts, Austin 3:16 shirt and wrist tape. This man was ready for a fight and the crowd popped massively. Austin returned to the back and Owens laughed it off — but Stone Cold returned moments later with his trademark ATV and pulled up to ringside.

Austin embraced the crowd, but Owens cut him off early and told Stone Cold to "take a seat." He said he wasn't here for a fight. Austin began to tear down KO and the crowd did the "WHAT" chants between each line. Austin got the crowd to chant "a—hole" at Owens after he berated Texans and told them they should move to Mexico. 

KO said he had tricked Austin and wanted to fight him. Owens challenged him to a No Holds Barred match but said that Austin thinks he can't beat him, and he told him to leave the ring. Stone Cold stared down KO as the crowd chanted "One more match." After a long pause, AUSTIN ACCEPTED!!!

This segment was amazing — and we got a match out of it. Owens heeled it up and Austin didn't say a lot, but the crowd loved every minute. Stone Cold is back in action after 19 years. 

Grade: A+

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kevin Owens in a No Holds Barred Match

Austin and Owens traded blows to start, before the Hall of Famer stumped a mudhole in Owens in the corner. Austin had a sip of beer and continued to lay the boot into Owens. 

The match spilled to the outside and Austin took a bump into the barricade before bouncing back with a clothesline. Austin continued to beat up KO, but the former Universal champion hit back and threw Austin into the ring post. 

Owens got a table out from under the ring but it backfired as Austin drove KO through the table at ringside. The match spilled into the crowd and both men traded shots as they walked through the fans. KO hit Austin with a suplex onto the concrete — probably not a good thing for Austin's surgically repaired neck. 

Austin countered some of Owens' offense and threw KO onto the announce table before raining down right hands. Owens jumped on the ATV and tried to leave the arena, but Austin stopped him and drove the pair up to the top of the stage. Austin hit KO with two suplexes on the stage before blasting him with shots all the way down the ramp and back to the ring. 

Owens was able to hit a Stunner on Austin for a close near-fall. Owens tried to hit Austin with a steel chair, but it rebounded off the ropes and hit Owens in the face. Austin nailed a Stunner and pinned Owens 1-2-3 for the victory. Austin hit Owens with another Stunner after the match, before KO was escorted out of the stadium by police. 

Austin sent the crowd home happy, saying it was good to be back in Dallas and smashing another handful of beers. Byron Saxton got in the ring and had a beer with Austin, who, of course, gave the announcer a Stunner. The crowd continued to eat up every moment of this Austin match and appearance. 

This was by no means a technical masterpiece or anywhere near some of the other actual matches on the card, but this was a WrestleMania moment that will be remembered forever. Austin looks to be in great shape, he gave his body to Owens and both men delivered a worthy main-event match. KO deserves so much credit for his work in this feud, on the night and during the match. He truly is a one-of-a-kind performer and it's no wonder why Austin agreed to work a comeback match with him. 

Grade: A+

Liam O'Loughlin

Liam O'Loughlin Photo

Liam has been with The Sporting News since 2019, helping lead both NRL and cricket content, as well as delving into the world of combat sports and NFL. A true rugby league tragic, he has spent the past 20 years playing, coaching and volunteering for his beloved junior club, Penshurst RSL. 

Away from work, Liam has a lifelong passion for all things pro wrestling and has travelled abroad to attend showcase events for WWE, AEW and NJPW.