Bremer, Morris long for bygone era on hard-to-watch Twins broadcast

Jesse Spector

Bremer, Morris long for bygone era on hard-to-watch Twins broadcast image

When we’re not at the game, we’re watching on TV, and broadcasters shape the way we see baseball. This season, Sporting News will be reviewing the work done in booths across MLB. This time it’s the Minnesota Twins on Fox Sports North.

Jack Morris is the color commentator, alongside play-by-play man Dick Bremer, and within the first five minutes of the game, the not-quite-a-Hall of Famer highlights Twins starter Kevin Correia’s win-loss record, and talks about how Correia pitched in his last start, a no-decision in which he pitched very well against a Yankees team that had Masahiro Tanaka on the mound. Correia talked after that game about how it did not matter who the opposing pitcher was, he had to put his best effort out there. Morris, the patron saint of pitching to the scoreboard, is immediately living up to the standards of a caricature of himself.

That does not mean Morris does not have good things to say. His comparison of Correia to Sam Deduno, noting how each pitcher has to work differently with his fastball because of the differing movement each one has, and, uh-oh, here we go again…

“It’s a lot easier to pitch with a five-run lead than it is with a no-run lead or you’re down by one, because every pitch means so much,” Morris says. “You saw that last night. Ricky Nolasco was (on) cruise control, and within three pitches, the game was tied.”

Make what you will of Morris’ line of thinking, but hasn’t he undermined his own point, saying that it’s easier to pitch with a lead, then referencing Nolasco coughing up a three-run advantage in the blink of an eye? Correia gets through a 1-2-3 top of the first inning, successful in his work with a no-run lead.

History mystery

The Twins are wearing powder blue throwback uniforms, while the Brewers wear pinstripe throwbacks. It’s a little strange, because it’s a Twins home game, but these are more distinctive looks of the 1980s for each team.

Bremer takes an opportunity in the bottom of the first inning to note the success Morris had against the Twins in the powder blue era, but does so referencing Morris’ long winning streak at the Metrodome after the Baggie Palace opened in 1982. It’s true, Morris won his first 11 decisions in Minneapolis, after having gone 3-0 at Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington.

The Twins wore powder blue as their road uniform until 1986. While Morris was successful against his hometown team in Minnesota, he only went 5-5 against them in Detroit through 1986, so barring any uniform deviation during that era — and it was a lot less commonplace then — Morris really did not have success, by his standards, against the Twins in powder blue.

It was just an offhand comment, but it’s careless, and leads to a point that does not reflect reality.

Fair or foul?

A replay of Oswaldo Arcia’s home run from the previous game leads Bremer to ask Morris about the Minnesota right fielder admiring his blast as it sailed toward and eventually past the foul pole.

“I didn’t get too nervous about guys when it was right down the line,” Morris says. “I think that’s human instinct, to see if it’s gonna be fair or foul.”

Hey, that’s pretty reasonable from one of the deans of the old school. Wily Peralta misses the plate to run the count to 2-0 on Arcia.

“It’s the ones that are clearly 60 feet over the center field fence that they have to take a look at,” Morris continues. “You’re tempted to turn around and take a look yourself, only you feel so bad that you want to try to hide somewhere, and there’s nowhere to hide.”

Hey, that’s still pretty reasonable, as it acknowledges that the pitcher bears some responsibility for giving up mammoth home runs. Actually, pitchers should be all for hitters standing at the plate and admiring their work — sometimes the ball doesn’t go as far as the batter thinks it will, and he winds up looking stupid and doesn’t get as far on the bases as he would have with hustle out of the batter’s box. The point is still that if you don’t want a hitter styling at home plate, don’t throw a ball he can crush. All good here?

Nope. Bremer continues the topic.

“I suppose the other side of the coin is, if there’s a team that shouldn’t take exception to that, it would be the Milwaukee Brewers,” he says. “Just based on what their center fielder has done over the years. (Carlos) Gomez incited a near riot with the Pirates earlier.”

That’s one way to look at it. Another way to look at it is that Gerrit Cole acted like a big baby, and did not recognize the gift that Gomez had given him by settling for a triple instead of an inside-the-park home run when he admired a blast to center field that did not leave the park.

“So much of that for Carlos is just him,” Morris says of the former Twins outfielder. “It’s not — he doesn’t mean a lot by it. It doesn’t come across that way, so many times.”

That, mercifully, ends the conversation about hitters watching their home runs. Arcia strikes out to end the inning.

Phoning it in

The second inning brings an interview over the phone with Nick Gordon, just selected by the Twins with the No. 5 pick in the draft. Bremer welcomes him with a “Congratulations, young man,” which is technically courteous, but brings with it an air of condescension.

Bremer notes that Gordon is a lefty-hitting shortstop, which is fairly uncommon. Of the 49 players to appear at the position in the major leagues this year, six are left-handed batters, and 13 are switch-hitters. Brandon Crawford and Nick Franklin are the only regulars for their team who hit left-handed, although Stephen Drew will be that, bringing the total to 10% of major league shortstops — the same as the number of lefties in the general population, even though baseball does tend to feature more southpaws.

“Talk a little bit about your upbringing and how you ended up settling at short,” is Bremer’s non-question to Gordon.

Gordon says he is a shortstop because Derek Jeter is his idol, and he tells the story of how his dad started him hitting lefty, and how he wanted to switch-hit.

There’s a lot more talk about Tom Gordon, and Nick’s brother Dee Gordon, the Dodgers speedster. A valuable question might be to ask Nick how similar his game is to Dee’s, but instead Bremer settles on asking how much of a help it will be to have a father and brother who have gone ahead of him. Gordon calls that “a blessing.”

Bremer tells Gordon, “Before you’re done with the Twins, we’re gonna convert you to be a true Minnesotan. We’re gonna have you ice fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.”

“Yes sir, I’m ready,” Gordon says. That’s it for the interview, from which we have learned almost nothing about the Twins’ newest prospect outside of the fact that he loves Jeter, comes from a baseball-playing family, and refers to the older gentlemen as “sir.” Oh well.

Good old days

Gomez makes a leaping catch against the high right-center field wall on Trevor Plouffe to begin the bottom of the second inning, and finishes with a flourish.

“In Ron Gardenhire’s daily session with the media, the subject of animation, shall we say, was brought up,” Bremer says. “Gardy’s about as old school as you’re gonna get, and he said, basically, that it’s the way the game is now. People who might have taken exception to something like that 10 years ago better get over it, because it’s here to stay now. For better or worse, players are more animated on the field.”

“I think what really controls that is the way pitchers pitch to guys in this generation,” Morris says, making not a whole lot of sense, but we’ll see where he goes with it. “I think Buck Showalter put it in perspective better than anyone I’ve heard. Buck said if the players don’t care, why should I care?”

Bremer mutters something under his breath.

“If they’re okay with it, I’m okay with it,” Morris says. “Quite honestly, as I watch more and more baseball, I’m adjusting to the fact that it is what it is.”

Bremer: “You tend to think of Latin ballplayers, like Oswaldo Arcia, Carlos Gomez, and Casey Fien as being animated. Casey’s about as animated as you can get out there on the mound. He gets a big out and he’s very animated. Very excitable.”

Is Casey Fien a Latino? He’s from California. Actually, it doesn’t even matter. Whatever point Bremer is trying to make here is falling flat, sounds either casually racist or casually xenophobic, and he would do well to just drop it right here. A promo for fans to tweet their photos to the booth provides an opportunity to change the subject.

“I asked Gardy today, because he went down to winter ball in the early ‘80s…”

Oh no.

“I think the reason people tend to associate animation on the baseball field is because of the WBC a couple of years ago. The Dominican team, they had a lot of fun playing baseball, and they showed it.’

Okay. Please explain how it is controversial for baseball players to have fun playing baseball, especially in an exhibition tournament. What are we even doing if this isn’t supposed to be fun?

“He said, and this is Ron Gardenhire now saying, when he went down there for winter ball, it wasn’t that way,” Bremer continues. “You played in a Latin American country, and they played as stoically as they played in the big leagues, back then.”

Morris responds: “I think, personally, I think that’s a generational thing. I think the Latin American players of 20-30 years ago, they knew not to show guys up. They didn’t do that, I think.”

So, it’s not about who the players are or where they come from, but how old they are. Oh, those pesky kids!

Bremer remembers that he’s calling a baseball game that is taking place in front of him, and talks a bit about Peralta, last year, having snapped the Brewers’ record streak of starts without a complete game.

“I was looking through the Brewer media guide,” Morris says. “Some of the pitching records, over the years — complete games, Mike Caldwell, 81. Jim Slaton, 69. Complete games for one year: 23 for Caldwell, 22 for (Jim) Colborn. So, there were — again, generational thing. Guys in the ‘60s, ‘70s, even the early ‘80s, they were getting the job done there.”

Jack Morris turned 30 years old in 1985. Dick Bremer turned 30 years old in 1986. What a coincidence that the golden age of baseball, whether it be full of Morris’ beloved complete games or Bremer’s preferred cast of players with no personality ended right when they hit the big three-oh.

To be fair, this game was selected for a broadcast review because of the throwback uniforms, so nostalgia is understood. The tone of this broadcast however, is that everything was better when… and it’s infuriating.

Morris in the third inning: “Well, (Correia) hasn’t gone out to the mound with many huge leads, either, where he’s just been able to relax, and challenge hitters, throw it right down the middle.”

Let’s just skip ahead to some real action in the game and see how the booth handles it, although before doing so, pause to commend Marney Gellner for a solid in-game report on Danny Santana, based on what she asked Gardenhire before the game — a legitimate angle on the rookie’s speed allowing him to overcome some mistakes.

Going, going, gone

The wait for action does not take long, although the buildup to it in the bottom of the third inning feels interminable as there is a discussion of pitcher win totals and run support whose details you can be spared.

Arcia bats with the bases loaded and two outs. “Nice crowd on hand. Let’s see if Arcia can bring them to their feet,” Bremer says, adding some open rooting to his repertoire.

Arcia does bring the crowd to its feet. Bremer’s call: “DEEP TO RIGHT FIELD! What county will this land in?” The ball lands in the right field pavilion. Morris lets out a couple of astonished chuckles at how far the ball went. “My! ---- halfway to Ramsey County, it’s 4-0 Twins. That’s back in Jim Thome country, there.”

Arcia, after admiring his blast for just a moment (not discussed), takes a quick lap around the bases (not discussed), does some forearm bashes with his teammates (not discussed), and takes a curtain call (discussed only in terms of how rarely it’s been seen in Minnesota recently). Morris takes issue with the homer being measured at 422 feet, saying, “I’d put another 30 or 40 onto that. That was a bomb.” Actually, with today’s technology, mapping of home run distances is pretty darn accurate.

So, Correia has that big lead that Morris wanted to see him handle. Ryan Braun singles. Jonathan Lucroy singles. Here’s Gomez!

“This is the inning that Kevin really needed to have a shutdown inning,” Morris says as the at-bat begins. ‘When your team goes out ad puts up a big four, a crooked number, you don’t want to follow the same act. You want to get right back in the dugout.” What happened to throwing the ball down the middle and challenging hitters? Oh, right, it’s not working, because it’s not a legitimate strategy for preventing runs against major league hitters. Here’s the thing, though: Correia is trying to get outs on every batter he faces. He’s just not good.

Gomez swings at an 0-1 pitch. It is a 90 mph fastball right down the middle.

Bremer: “Drilled. To center. ... Gone, and it’s a 4-3 ballgame. … So much for a shutdown inning.” It’s all the grim pathos of a Hawk Harrelson opponent home run call, with none of the humorous appeal of listening to Hawk Harrelson call a whole game.

Let’s go back to one inning ago and revisit Morris’ analysis: ““Well, (Correia) hasn’t gone out to the mound with many huge leads, either, where he’s just been able to relax, and challenge hitters, throw it right down the middle.”

Here’s Morris after the home run, “Well, Gomez, we’ve talked so many times about his absolute athletic ability he has. The raw talent of Carlos Gomez. Of course, he’s a free swinger, and that ball left right over the middle.”

You told him to do that

Mercifully, Gomez’s gesticulations on his home run trot do not become a topic of discussion. But then Aramis Ramirez hits a ball deep for an out, deep enough to draw Gomez to lift his leg onto the dugout railing, ready to hurdle it to celebrate a home run.

“Heh. Calm down, Go-Go!” says Morris.

The Brewers hit two more home runs, and roll to an 8-5 victory. The viewing experience becomes no more enjoyable for either Twins fans or neutral observers.

Rankings so far

1. San Francisco (Kuiper/Krukow, CSN Bay Area)

2. Oakland (Kuiper/Fosse, CSN California)

3. Arizona (Berthiaume/Brenly, FS Arizona)

4. Seattle (Sims/Blowers, ROOT)

5. Chicago-AL (Harrelson/Stone, CSN Chicago)

6. Houston (Brown/Ashby, CSN Houston)

7. New York-AL (Kay/Cone, YES)

8. St. Louis (McLaughlin/Hrabosky, FS Midwest)

9. Washington (Carpenter/Santangelo, MASN)

10. Minnesota (Bremer/Morris, FS North)

Jesse Spector