WWE Worlds Collide results: WALTER reigns supreme as NXT and NXT UK dazzle

WWE Worlds Collide results: WALTER reigns supreme as NXT and NXT UK dazzle image

Both the NXT and NXT UK brands were given a huge platform at WWE Worlds Collide on Saturday night and they took advantage of it with a night of incredible action.

The show was capped off by an awesome eight-man tag team match between factions Imperium and Undisputed Era. This was more than 30 minutes of hard-hitting wrestling with NXT UK champion WALTER dishing out massive chops and finally scoring the victory for his team.

Worlds Collide delivered from start to finish including a fantastic tag team battle between DIY and Mustache Mountain along with a dizzying display of athleticism in a Fatal 4-Way match with Jordan Devlin capturing the NXT cruiserweight championship. 

Good luck to everyone at Sunday night's WWE Royal Rumble trying to follow this up as the "other" brands once again stepped up their game and put on an amazing showcase event.

Check out Sporting News' complete coverage of WWE Worlds Collide below.

(All times Eastern.)

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WWE Worlds Collide 2020 live updates

Imperium (WALTER, Alexander Wolfe, Fabian Aichner, and Marcel Barthel) defeats The Undisputed Era (Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, Kyle O’Reilly, and Bobby Fish) in an eight-man tag team match

9:26 p.m. FINISH: Aichner flies off the top and levels a group of people outside the ring, leaving Fish alone in the ring with WALTER. It doesn't take long as WALTER hits a flying dropkick and a powerbomb to score the win. An awesome match to cap off a really good show as was expected. 

9:22 p.m.: O'Reilly has Barthel in a leglock in the center of the ring and Aichner hits a moonsault to break it up. And WALTER is alive and back no the apron. Barthel with a kick and he tags in the NXT UK champion who immediately dishes out some heavy chops. Cole is the other legal man and he gets leveled by another chop. WALTER hits a splash off the top rope onto Strong but Cole hits him with the Last Shot. He makes the cover but Barthel breaks up the pin. The crowd is going crazy and all of them are fighting in the ring. 

9:18 p.m.: Back in the ring, Aichner flies off the top rope right into a superkick from Cole. The NXT champion then nails Barthel but can't get the three count.  Imperium is trying to hang on as WALTER is still out on the floor. 

9:15 p.m.: It's Adam Cole time as he tags in and goes to work on Barthel. WALTER makes the save but gets swarmed by Undisputed Era. He goes to the floor where Strong, O'Reilly, and Fish are setting him up to go through the announcer's table. WALTER fights back and throws O'Reilly on a broadcast table but Strong comes up from behind him and connects with an Olympic slam on WALTER through the other table!  

9:10 p.m.: WALTER hits his first huge chop and O'Reilly was on the other end. He might need a chest implant after that blast. Strong tags in and cleans house before he and WALTER mix it up and exchange chops. WALTER drops him with a big clothesline but Strong comes back with a big knee strike. 

9:05 p.m.: Cole with a backbreaker on Barthel who has been trapped in the ring for a few minutes. O'Reilly tags in and drives elbows to his midsection. Barthel gets to his corner and tags in WALTER who cleans house on Undisputed Era including a big chop to O'Reilly. Strong tries to help him but WALTER gives them both a German suplex - at the same time. Incredible strength by the NXT UK champion.

8:58 p.m.: Hard shots from the get-go in this one. Fish and Strong connect simultaneously on Wolfe and he is down. The referee steps in and checks him and calls for the medical staff. On the replay, it looks like Fish connected flush with a kick to Wolfe's chin who may have suffered a flash knockout. He slowly gets out of the ring and the medical staff walks him to the back. Wolfe looks very woozy and hopefully, he is OK but he's not coming back in this match.

8:54 p.m.: Get pumped for the main event!

8:50 p.m.: Backstage, Johnny Gargano is doing an interview when he is attacked by Finn Balor. Tyler Bate helps break it up and draws the ire of Balor who threatens him. Maybe they'll hook up at NXT TV next week?

Rhea Ripley defeats Toni Storm for the NXT women’s championship

8:44 p.m. FINISH: Storm with a German suplex and Ripley kicks out after two. Storm goes to work on her back with kicks and knees but then Ripley comes back with a standing dropkick. Storm stops her dead in her tracks with a headbutt but then misses a frog splash off the top. Ripley immediately capitalizes with the Riptide and scores the win. Solid match but the crowd wasn't into it following the last match.

8:40 p.m.: They stand toe-to-toe and exchange slaps and punches. Ripley hits a pair of clotheslines and then a big dropkick to Storm's head. Now Ripley is stomping on Storm and puts her in a standing Cloverleaf submission hold which she finally escapes.

8:35 p.m.: These come out of the gate on fire exchanging heavy shots. Storm gets control and hits a suplex and then puts her in an STF but Ripley gets to the ropes to break it up.

8:31 p.m.: A lot of history between the two Aussies who came up together. Storm also defeated Ripley for the NXT UK women's championship and successfully defended the title against her. Now she has a chance to take the NXT women's championship from her and Ripley has a chance to show that she is now the dominant female. 

8:26 p.m.: Dakota Kai is at ringside and Tegan Nox attacks her from behind. The two brawl for a few minutes before security breaks them up. They'll get their chance to fight on next week's NXT TV show.

DIY (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) defeat Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven and Tyler Bate)

8:22 p.m. FINISH: Seven saves Bate from DIY hitting their double-team finisher and then nails Ciampa with a Burning Hammer along with a Bate knee off the top but Ciampa somehow kicks out of the cover. All four men are in with Ciampa and Gargano hitting big knees. Seven is down in the middle of the ring and DIY nails him with their finisher to score the win. These teams have great chemistry and this has some incredible action. Afterward, all four men shake hands and hug. 

8:15 p.m.: Bate with a Tiger Driver '97 onto Ciampa who barely kicks out of the pinfall. Gargano and Seven then hit the ring and exchange moves and now everyone is down. A minute later, both Ciampa and Gargano have each of them in submission moves but Bate and Seven power out and give each of them airplane spins. That is really picking up now.

8:10 p.m.: Bate makes the hot tag to Seven who is cleaning house including a big slap to Gargano and then powerbombs Ciampa. Each makes a tag and now Gargano takes control including a slingshot spear onto Bate.

8:05 p.m.: Bate tags back in and he and Ciampa have a flex-off and then have a test of strength. It feels like this match could go on for a while considering not much has happened yet. But that just changed with Ciampa connecting with a straight right hand and here we go. Ciampa with a knee off the apron onto Seven and they each throw their opponents over the broadcast table before patting themselves on the back. 

8:00 p.m.: Starts out the Gargano and Bate who have some good mat wrestling and the pace quickens as they exchange moves before shaking hands. Then both teams make the tag and we've got Ciampa vs. Seven.

7:56 p.m.: Get ready - this could be the match of the night. 

Jordan Devlin defeats Angel Garza, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, and Travis Banks in a Fatal Four-Way match to become the NXT cruiserweight championship

7:48 p.m. FINISH: Garza with a Wing Clipper on Scott but Devlin breaks it up. The "Irish Ace" then connects with a head butt onto Garza and then hits his finisher to get the win. A wild match and this marks the first time that someone from NXT UK has held the cruiserweight championship.

7:45 p.m.: Banks with a wild sequence with a double slam onto Scott and Devlin off the top rope and then nails Devlin with the Slice of Heaven and the Kiwi Crusher to almost get the win.

7:42 p.m.: This is a new one.

7:39 p.m.: Banks is on a tear in the ring, kicking both Scott and Garza in the head. Scott then goes for a cannonball on him but misses and nails Garza. Then Banks with a dive onto Devlin on the floor. A minute later, Devlin shows off his athleticism with a reversal into a DDT onto Scott. 

7:35 p.m.: Garza is super cocky from the get-go and was going to rip his pants off but got kicked by all three of his opponents. And after that, Scott with a pop-up Flatliner before they all exchange moves from the ring to the floor. 

7:30 p.m.: This one should be pretty fast-paced and wild with four cruiserweights fighting it out for the title.

7:27 p.m.: At ringside are both the Grizzled Young Veterans and the BroserWeights (Pete Dunne and Matt Riddle) who was faceoff on Wednesday's NXT TV show in the finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. And they announced that the winners will get a shot at the NXT tag titles at NXT TakeOver: Portland next month.

Finn Balor defeats Ilja Dragunov

7:23 p.m. FINISH: Dragunov misses a senton off the top rope and he was all done after that. Balor lands a nasty shotgun dropkick followed by the Coup de Grace and then 1916 and he gets the win. Nothing fancy about this one — just a really good, straight-forward match.

7:20 p.m.: Back and forth they go with forearms and chops. Balor with a Sling Blade and Dragunov with a knee strike and a deadlift German suplex and he almost gets the win. Balor falls outside the ring and Dragunov connects off the top rope. Then back in the ring, he lands a coast-to-coast kick but again cannot get the three count.

7:15 p.m.: Balor with a flurry of stops in the corner as he tries to put a hole in Dragunov's chest. He comes back with a knee drop off the top rope and is trying to pump himself up. He fires off a bunch of strikes to Balor's neck and then hits a huge knee strike. 

7:10 p.m.: Nice deliberate pace early on as they exchange chops and Dragunov hitting a standing senton. They go outside the ring with the Russian hitting a running dive from the ring but then misses with a double ax handle off the top rope.

7:05 p.m.: Well, I was wrong but this is a good choice to start the show. BTW, Dragunov has crazy eyes.

7:00 p.m.: Time for the main card of Worlds Collide. Let's guess the first match. I'll say DIY vs.Mustache Mountain which could be the best match of the night. 

Kay Lee Ray defeats Mia Yim

6:52 p.m. FINISH: Yim is hitting some big moves and has come close to the win a few times including hitting a Canadian Destroyer but KLR survives every time. Yim then with a rollup but KLR reverses it and used the ropes to get the win. Solid match between the two women to start things off.

6:48 p.m.: High-risk move as KLR with a wild cannonball dive off the top that connects.

6:45 p.m.: A quick start for Yim who goes on the attack with a flying dropkick as soon as the bell rings.  She's in control for just a few minutes before the UK champ turns it around until she misses a senton off the top rope.

6:41 p.m.: First match of the night with the NXTT UK women's champion Kay Lee Ray taking on Mia Yim.

6:40 p.m.: So far, the focus on the pre-show has been about Imperium against Undisputed Era. Curious to see who the crowd gets behind in the match considering both are heels teams.

6:30 p.m.: Welcome to Sporting News' live coverage of WWE Worlds Collide 2020. All matches will feature stars from NXT and NXT UK against one another. We have six matches on the card including one during the pre-show.

WWE Worlds Collide 2020 matches

— Imperium (Walter, Alexander Wolfe, Fabian Aichner, and Marcel Barthel) vs. The Undisputed Era (Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, Kyle O’Reilly, and Bobby Fish) in an eight-man tag team match

— Rhea Ripley vs. Toni Storm for the NXT women’s championship

— Finn Balor vs. Ilja Dragunov

— Angel Garza vs. Isaiah “Swerve” Scott vs. Jordan Devlin vs. Travis Banks in a Fatal Four-Way match for the NXT cruiserweight championship

— DIY (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) vs. Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven and Tyler Bate)

— Kay Lee Ray vs. Mia Yim (kickoff show match)