WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 results: Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch retain titles as love conquers all

Brian Fritz

WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 results: Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch retain titles as love conquers all image

There wasn't much buzz heading into WWE Stomping Grounds but come the end of the night, the show easily exceeded expectations to be one of the more fun WWE shows so far in 2019.

The first half of the show was especially hot, including two title changes with Drew Gulak winning a Triple Threat match to become the Cruiserweight champion, while Ricochet upended Samoa Joe for the United States championship. Add to that a pair of fantastic tag team matches that the Tacoma, WA. crowd really got into and this was on its way to being a great night of action. 

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While the show was mostly built around the final two matches for the WWE championship and the Universal championship, that turned out to be where the show cooled off before Becky Lynch helped save the night — and her boyfriend Seth Rollins — to give the show a happy, satisfying ending.

Check out Sporting News' complete WWE Sttomping Grounds 2019 coverage below.

(All times Eastern.)


WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 live updates

Seth Rollins defeats Baron Corbin for the Universal championship

10:15 p.m. FINISH: Rollins hits a Falcon Arrow in the ring and Evans refuses to count the pin. Rollins confronts her and she barks at him and then slaps him. He then yells and her and she slaps him again before hitting him with a low blow. Corbin with a Deep Six and here comes Becky Lynch who goes after Evans and is pounding away at her outside the ring. Two other referees come down and finally pull Lynch off her, but Evans gets replaced as the referee. Rollins hits a Superkick and then the Stomp for the win. 

10:11 p.m.: Rollins hits a frogsplash and Evans takes her time to start counting the pin and then stops at two, feigning an injury to her shoulder. Rollins is not happy and says some words to her. In the meantime, Corbin grabs a chair and smashes Rollins with it right in front of Evans who makes this a no-disqualification match where everything goes. I have a feeling Becky Lynch will be coming to the aid of her man soon.

10:07 p.m.: Rollins grabs Corbin on the apron and delivers a huge powerrbomb through the announcer's table. Rollins tells Evans to count him out and she gets to right and then stops. She tells ring announcer Mike Rome to announce that now there are no count-outs in this match. Sure.

10:05 p.m.: Rollins is finally coming back with some offense including a dive and a springboard knee. He makes the cover and Evans with a very slow count before Corbin kicks out. That was totally expected.

10:00 p.m.: It's all Corbin early on and he's taking his time in dismantling Rollins as the crowd is becoming more and more disinterested with "Daniel Bryan" and then "CM Punk" chants. 

9:55 p.m.: Both Rollins and Corbin are in the ring and now comes the announcement of who is the special referee. Corbin is outside the ring on the mic and is about to make the announcement, but Rollins jumps out, grabs the mic and threatens to bash anyone who gets in his way with a steel chair. Corbin then makes his announcement and the special ref is ... Lacey Evans. Yep, the woman who earlier lost to his girlfriend Becky Lynch is the special referee.

Evans tells Rollins he can't use his chair before Corbin attacks him from behind. He then smashes him with the chair over and over and finally ditches it and Evans calls for the match to begin. 

Kofi Kingston defeats Dolph Ziggler in a steel cage match to retain the WWE championship

9:40 p.m. FINISH: Now Kingston goes after Ziggler's knee and the challenger is trying to get to the door, but Kingston is trying to hold him off. Ziggler pushes Kingston away and now is just a few feet from the door. The referee opens the door and Ziggler is about to crawl out, but Kingston makes a running dive over Ziggler through the ropes and onto the floor for the win. Solid match, but a bit disappointing. 

Afterwards, Kingston celebrates with Big E and Xavier Woods and then is interviewed on the ramp by Charly Caruso and said he respects Ziggler, but came through on his promise to keep the WWE championship.

9:35 p.m.: Ziggler is trying to escape the cage and gets to the top where Kingston cuts him off. They're fighting on the top of the cage, but then get back inside and fall to the mat. Kingston hits an SOS, but Ziggler survives. He goes for a Trouble in Paradise, but Ziggler stops him and then goes after his right knee with a kneebar. He's trying to use the cage to break the hold and Ziggler lets go and hits a superkick that almost knocks Kingston out of the cage. 

9:28 p.m.: Ziggler on offense in the early going but he runs into an elbow and then Kingston with a drop kick off the middle turnbuckle. Before he can build up some offense, Ziggler pushes him face-first into the cage. He's screaming "look what you made me do!" at the champ who fires back, throwing Ziggler into the cage three straight times.

9:21 p.m.: The door is closed and here we go. Ziggler with the first big move and he connects with a dropkick and tells the outside referee to open the door, but Kingston stops him before he can get out and hits a drop kick of his own. 

Roman Reigns beats Drew McIntyre

9:10 p.m. FINISH.: Reigns hits a spear, but McMahon pulls the referee out of the ring before the three count. McMahon gets in the ring and kicks Reigns before hitting the coast-to-coast. He gets the ref back in the ring and McIntyre makes the cover, but Reigns kicks out again. McIntyre goes for the Claymore Kick, but Reigns instead hits a Superman Punch. McMahon jumps in the ring, but Reigns tosses him off the top rope to the floor and then connects with a spear on McIntyre to get the win. Good match, but too much McMahon and it should be McIntyre looking stronger against the "Big Dog" rather than Shane-o-Mac.

9:05 p.m.: Here comes McIntyre who slams Reigns face-first into the announcer's table. They go back in the ring and McIntyre with a big spinning slam and shortly after that he connects with a superplex from the top.

9:01 p.m.: McIntyre is wearing Reigns down with a reverse surfboard and then a modified STF, but Reigns gets to his feet and lands a Samoan drop. He nails McIntyre with 10 clubbing shots in the corner and then drops him in the center of the ring to a mix of cheers and boos. McMahon gets on the apron and Reigns knocks him down with a Superman Punch and then another on the floor. 

8:57 p.m.: Reigns is bascially fighting two people as every time he gets some offense going, McMahon gets a shot in behind the referee's back. McIntyre follows up some interference with a spinebuster and then hits a big clothesline.

8:52 p.m.: As expected, Shane McMahon is out there in McIntyre's corner. The bells rings and they're firing away at one another with Reigns clotheslining McIntyre to the floor and then lands a massive dive. Shane backs away and Reigns chases him through the crowd, but then gets caught with a big punch from McIntyre when he comes back to ringside.

8:44 p.m.: Backstage, Ricochet is taking pictures with his United States championship when Anderson and Gallows congratulate him. They get in on some pictures with the champ, but want him to do the "too sweet" gesture. But Ricochet doesn't want to do it. AJ Styles then walks about and congratulates him and gets in on the picture before saying he'll see Ricochet tomorrow night. It sounds like Styles vs. Ricochet on "Raw." Maybe a heel Styles with Anderson and Gallows?

Bayley beats Alexa Bliss for the "SmackDown" women's championship

8:40 p.m. FINISH: Bayley with a sunset flip that drives Alexa head-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Alexa goes outside the ring and Bayley with a dive, but connects with Nikki instead who was trying to protect her friend. Alexa hits a powerbomb on the floor and then back in the ring, she goes to the top rope, but Nikki jumps in the ring and is pleading with the referee. Bayley jumps up and tries to hit a suplex, but Alexa pushes her down and goes for Twisted Bliss. But Bayley gets her knees up and she hits her Bayley-to-Bayley suplex to score the victory. The match was fine, but not as good as the others before it.

8:35 p.m.: They go outside the ring and Bayley attempts a dropkick under the ropes, but misses and Alexa drives her shoulder-first into the post. Back in the ring, Alexa is focusing on that right shoulder. 

8:30 p.m.: Alexa living up to the "stomping" part of Stomping Grounds.

8:25 p.m. : Nikki Cross is coming to the ring to support her friend Alexa Bliss. This has to backfire somehow, right?

Daniel Bryan and Rowan defeat Heavy Machinery to retain the "SmackDown" tag team championship

8:18 p.m. FINISH: Tucker tags in and now he and Bryan are exchanging shots. Tucker takes control and goes for a moonsault, but misses. Both men make the tag and now Otis and Rowan are trading big shots. Bryan with a blind tag and he nails Otis off the top rope. He then goes for a dive on Tucker, but gets hits with an elbow and is down. Rowan then dives off the top rope and lands on Tucker. He goes back in the ring and Bryan with a small package and he gets the pin. Yet another fun match and the lively crowd really helped make it.

8:13 p.m. : Bryan and Otis are tagged in and the big guy runs through Bryan a few times. Now Bryan with some running dropkicks in the corner, but then he gets caught with a powerslam and almost pinned. He goes to the top rope, but misses on a Vader Bomb. Bryan lands some “Yes!” kicks, but Otis still comes to life and is absorbing the kicks before he suplexes Bryan.

8:06 p.m.: Heavy Machinery is basically working as heels and they are using their power to control Bryan early on. 

8:02 p.m.: The crowd is totally behind Washington’s own Daniel Bryan, who tags Rowan before any action to start things off. Good decision to not try and fight this crowd and make them boo him and Rowan.

Ricochet defeats Samoa Joe to win the United States championship

7:58 p.m. FINISH: Joe with a German suplex and then turns Ricochet inside out with a big clothesline, but he can't put him away. Somehow, Ricochet won't stay down. Joe goes for another big clothesline and Ricochet flips around, but lands on his feet and then nails a Codebreaker. He goes to the top rope and connects with a 630 for the win to become the United States champion. Another really good match as Ricochet wins his first title in WWE. 

7:55 p.m.: Joe drops Ricochet with a big forearm and then a powerbomb and slows the match down. He goes for a clothesline, but Ricochet ducks it and hits a spinning kick. He's back in it and connects on a springboard dive to the floor. Back in the ring, he lands a moonsault, but Joe kicks out of the pin attempt.

7:48 p.m.: This is all about strength versus quickness, with Joe hitting power moves and Ricochet trying to avoid them and hitting counter strikes. Ricochet charges at Joe, but gets caught and is slammed down hard.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn defeat The New Day

7:41 p.m. FINISH: Big E hits the spear through the ropes on Zayn and they both crash to the floor. Back in the ring, Woods goes to the top rope, but Owens knocks him off and then hits a Stone Cold Stunner for the win. A really fun match between them and a great sell on the Stunner from Woods.

7:39 p.m.: Big E gets pushed into the cornerpost with Zayn hitting a Helluva kick and Owens with a powerbomb, but Big E makes the save. Then, a nice exchange with all four trading moves and they're all down.

7:35 p.m.: It's been all Owens and Zayn as they're dominating Woods and knock Big E off the corner again. Woods finally makes the tag and it's all business for the power man of The New Day.

7:30 p.m.: The bell rings and Owens hits Big E with a superkick and knocks him off the apron to the floor. He turns around and nails Woods with three straight superkicks and a senton off the top rope, but Woods kicks out. Zayn tags in and connects with a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Woods again survives. Owens back in with a frogsplash, but Woods kicks out yet again. 

7:27 p.m.: Brotherly love.

7:25 p.m.: Paul Heyman comes out of a room backstage and teases that Brock Lesnar could cash in later in the show. He walks away and then Baron Corbin walks out of the same room and says that he has chosen who will be the special guest referee and who will be unbiased although he won't say who that is. I smell a swerve with Lesnar instead cashing in after the WWE championship match.

Becky Lynch beats Lacey Evans for the "Raw" women's championship

7:21 p.m. FINISH: Lynch misses a legdrop off the second rope and Evans follows that with an awkward elbow drop over the ropes, but Lynch gets her knees up to sort of block it. Evans with a modified Stunner and a kick to the face and then goes to the top rope, but Lynch pulls her off and locks in the Disarmer with Evans immediately tapping out. The crowd was hot for the champ and a solid match despite a couple clunky spots.

7:15 p.m.: Evans is pounding away on Lynch's ribs on the mat. It wasn't long before Lynch locked in the Disarmer, but Evans gets to the ropes to force the break.

7:09 p.m.: The Tacoma crowd is pumped for Lynch who is taking the fight to the challenger early on, slamming her head first into three separate turnbuckles. They go outside the ring and Evans drives Lynch into the announcers' table with the champion now selling her ribs.

7:02 p.m.: And the WWE Stomping Grounds main card begins with "The Man" looking to defend her title against Lacey Evans. They've had a good match before, but there's always questions surrounding the inexperienced Evans. We'll see how they do tonight.

Drew Gulak beats Tony Nese and Akira Tozawa in a Triple Threat match to win the Cruiserweight championship

6:53 p.m.: FINISH: Gulak puts Nese up on his shoulders, but he escapes over the top rope and onto the apron. Tozawa then with a running drop kick that misses Gulak and hits Nese who goes flyng into the ringside barricade. Gulak then picks up Tozawa and connects with a torture rack neck breaker and gets the win. Yep, Drew Gulak is finally the Cruiserweight champion. Very good match to get the show under way. 

6:49 p.m.: Gulak had the Gulak submission locked in on Nese and but Tozawa broke it up with a senton off the top rope. A lot going on here including Nese with a springboard moonsault on Gulak, but Tozawa breaks up the pin. Nese wraps up Gulak and drops him straight down, but Tozawa breaks it up with a Shining Wizard. Yet, the champion kicks out.

6:44 p.m.: As you would expect, this has been all action from tthe get-go including Tozawa doing a cannonball dive running off the steps onto Gulak. 

6:40 p.m.: Time for the first of seven (yeah, seven which is crazy) title matches on the night with the cruiserweight championship on the line.

6:38 p.m.: Daniel Bryan and Rowan cut a really good promo about saving the "SmackDown" tag team division from the idiocracy of Heavy Machinery. Then another promo with Drew McIntyre saying that he's going to make Roman Reigns is too emotional and that his kids won't recognize him once he goes back home. Strong stuff from Bryan and McIntyre who are easily two of the better talkers in the WWE.

6:28 p.m.: Ricochet joins the broadcast to discuss what will be his first WWE title opportunity against Samoa Joe for the United States championship. Of course, Joe was listening in the back and then he chimes in to threaten Ricochet. Do. Not. Cross. Joe.

6:23 p.m.:  The cage has been lifted up so we won't be starting the show with the WWE championship match. The question now is if that match could close the show. If it does, you have to think that is a tipoff to a potential Brock Lesnar cash in.

6:11 p.m.: The steel cage is up around the ring. Does that mean that the show is opening with the WWE championship match between Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler? Charly Caruso is speaking with Booker T inside the cage hyping up the match. Meanwhile, Big E and Xavier Woods join the broadcast table where Woods is doing most of the talking while Big E is dousing himself down.

6:00 p.m.: Time for live coverage of WWE Stomping Grounds with the kickoff show. We've got Jonathan Coachman, Charly Caruso, David Otunga, and Booker T on the broadcast to begin the festivities.

WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 lineup

- Seth Rollins vs. Baron Corbin with a special referee TBD for the Universal championship

- Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler in a steel cage match for the WWE championship

- Becky Lynch vs. Lacey Evans for the "Raw" women's championship

- Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss for the "SmackDown" women's championship

- Roman Reigns vs. Drew McIntyre

- Samoa Joe vs. Ricochet for the United States championship

- Daniel Bryan and Rowan vs. Heavy Machinery for the "SmackDown" tag team championship

- The New Day vs. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

- Tony Nese vs. Drew Gulak vs. Akira Tozawa in a Triple Threat match for the Cruiserweight championship

WWE Stomping Grounds 2019 predictions

- Seth Rollins overcomes the special referee and Baron Corbin to retain the Universal championship.

- Kofi Kingston defeats Dolph Ziggler only to lose the WWE championship to Brock Lesnar who finally cashes in his Money in the Bank briefcase.

- Becky Lynch beats Lacey Evans to keep the "Raw" women's championship.

- Bayley holds on to the "SmackDown" women's title with a win over Alexa Bliss.

- Drew McIntyre gets a helping hand from Shane McMahon to beat Roman Reigns.

- Samoa Joe beats Ricochet to keep the United States championship.

- Daniel Bryan and Rowan successfully defend the "SmackDown" tag team titles against Heavy Machinery.

- The New Day tops KO and Sami.

- Tony Nese holds on to the Cruiserweight championship.

Brian Fritz

Brian Fritz Photo

Brian Fritz is a contributor with The Sporting News covering the NBA and NFL who previously worked at BasketballNews. He is a 20-year veteran of sports talk radio in Orlando, Florida, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. He now resides in Durham, North Carolina.