Am I the only one? The reunited Shield; Baron Corbin beats AJ Styles; Sami Zayn speaks truth

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? The reunited Shield; Baron Corbin beats AJ Styles; Sami Zayn speaks truth image

Every week, Kevin Eck will run down his burning questions from the past week in professional wrestling.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… would love to see The Shield become legitimate tweeners?

When the reunited Shield powerbombed Braun Strowman through the announce table and later said that they “are the three workhorses who run this business,” it struck me that those are not the actions and words of babyfaces.

With an increasing amount of shades of gray on the WWE spectrum, why not have Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins truly go rogue in the same vein as the nWo and Bullet Club? They could target both heels and babyfaces, never hesitating to take out foes three-on-one. While they wouldn’t pander to the crowd, they wouldn’t antagonize them either.

I also think it would be cool if they added a couple members. Bringing the Usos, Reigns’ cousins, into the fold is a natural. Jimmy and Jey are way more over now than they’ve ever been. Here’s some fantasy booking for you: What if The Shield (Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose and the Usos) engaged in a rivalry with a reunited Club — Finn Balor, AJ Styles, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and their new member — Shinsuke Nakamura?!

Now that’s box office. (I know the Usos, Styles and Nakamura are on “SmackDown Live,” but there are ways around that).

MORE: The biggest stories in wrestling this week

… thought it was odd that The Shield members already were wearing their new t-shirts?

I suppose that’s what Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins were meeting about at the end of last week’s “RAW” after the cameras stopped rolling. It’s impressive that The Shield managed to get WWE’s Creative Services to design the logo and have the shirts ready for sale in time for “RAW.” I guess The Shield really does run this business.

… thinks The Shield should bring back the skull masks they wore for a very brief time a few years ago?

Unless Vince McMahon has had a change of heart, it’s probably not likely we’ll see those badass masks again.

I was working on the WWE creative team when The Shield started wearing them. The guys never asked for permission to do so, and when McMahon saw them with the masks on he hated it. So that was the end of that.

However, given McMahon’s forgetfulness, he might not remember that he didn’t like the masks or that The Shield ever wore them in the first place. After all, this is the same guy who once asked in a creative meeting I was in a few years ago, “What’s Brock’s finish again?” And I’m pretty certain he wasn’t ribbing us.

When he was told that Lesnar’s finisher is the F-5, he suddenly remembered that he had been on the receiving end of one not that long ago.

… thinks it’s pretty much a sure thing that Enzo Amore will regain the Cruiserweight title from Kalisto at the TLC pay-per-view Oct. 22?

I didn’t expect WWE to take the title off Amore on “RAW,” but this has quickie title change written all over it. Amore is by far the best thing going in the cruiserweight division, so it wouldn’t make any sense to take the title off of him unless he was going to win it right back.

I think WWE switched the title for two reasons: It made for a nice surprise and it erased the stipulation that the rest of the cruiserweights aren’t allowed to compete for the title.

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… thought it was illogical that the heel lumberjacks in the Cruiserweight Title match were helping Amore?

With the aforementioned stipulation in effect, are we to assume none of the heels care about being champion? Plus, it’s not like Amore has done anything to endear himself to them. Even heels shouldn’t be that stupid.

… also thought it was illogical that Emma would want to face Asuka?

Asuka is an ass-kicker, so wouldn’t a heel try to get out of a match with her rather than in one? I can excuse it with Alicia Fox since she’s “crazy,” but it seemed out of character for Emma.

By the way, I know I can't be the only one who knew Emma was going to win the elimination match to determine who would be fed to Asuka at TLC.

… thinks commentator Corey Graves might not know what Gun N’ Roses’ song “Mr. Brownstone” is really about?

And if he does, I’ll bet Vince McMahon doesn’t. Taking offense to Michael Cole mentioning Elias and GNR in the same sentence, Graves said he “would rather dance with Mr. Brownstone for the rest of the night than to hear more of [Cole’s] nonsense.”

For the uninitiated, “Mr. Brownstone” is about heroin abuse. So, basically, Graves would rather shoot heroin all night than listen to Cole. Now if he would’ve said it about Booker T, well ...

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… was shocked that new United States Champion Baron Corbin pinned AJ Styles clean in his first title defense?

I was expecting a non-finish or perhaps Corbin heeling a win, but Styles taking Corbin’s End of Days finisher and putting him over clean was a surprise — and a pleasant one at that.

It was the biggest win of Corbin’s career and reinforced that he’s back on track after a rough couple of months that saw him unsuccessfully cash in his Money in the Bank contract, lose decisively to John Cena at SummerSlam and suffer an embarrassing loss to Tye Dillinger on TV.

As for Styles, he’s built up enough goodwill with the fans that this loss won’t hurt him. Moreover, he now is free to enter the WWE Title picture.

… found myself agreeing with every bad thing that Sami Zayn said about Shane McMahon?

Shane O’Mac really did blow off Zayn when Zayn warned him about Kevin Owens. And he really did try to end Owens’ career — or worse — with his leap off the top of the cell during the Hell in a Cell match.

Zayn didn’t even mention Shane O’Mac’s biggest transgression: having the audacity to expect Owens to sell his s—ty-looking punches. What a jerk.

MORE: Hell in a Cell — what worked, what didn't, what's next

… thinks it might be time for New Day’s Big E to enter singles competition?

I’m not saying WWE should break up New Day, but perhaps Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods handle the tag matches for a while as Big E pursues the WWE or United States titles. It would add another guy who’s “over” into the singles mix.

… thinks the The Bludgeon Brothers is a horrible name for the tag team of Luke Harper and Erick Rowan?

I don’t which was worse: the silly name, the “spooky” music, the poorly scripted and poorly delivered promo or the oversized rubber hammers they had in their hands.

It almost seemed like WWE’s intent was to portray them as comedic heels. Which makes me wonder if I’m the only one who …

… thinks the “2B” in the “Fashion Files” vignettes stands for Bludgeon Brothers?

… was curious as to why WWE Champion Jinder Mahal wasn’t on the show?

My guess is that, yes, I am the only one curious about that.

Kevin Eck