Am I the only one? DX vs. Brothers of Destruction; what a Rush; Nakamura needs dose of Truth

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? DX vs. Brothers of Destruction; what a Rush; Nakamura needs dose of Truth image

Every week, former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck  runs down his thoughts from "RAW," "SmackDown" and the world of pro wrestling, and previews the week ahead.

RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only who …

… is not looking forward to the seemingly inevitable DX vs. Brothers of Destruction match at Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia on Nov. 2?

The match hasn’t been announced but all signs point to it happening. Undertaker announced last week on “RAW” that Kane will be in his corner for his match at “Super Show-Down” in Australia Oct. 6 against Triple H, who will have Shawn Michaels in his corner. 

Rumors of Michaels returning to the ring for the first time since losing a retirement match to Undertaker at WrestleMania 26 in 2010 heated up a couple weeks ago after Michaels and Undertaker had a verbal exchange on “RAW.” The speculation was that Michaels would face Undertaker at next year’s WrestleMania, but The Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer reported that the working idea internally was for Michaels to wrestle in a tag match on the show in Saudi Arabia. It appears he was right. 

As I’ve said previously, I’m a huge HBK fan, but I have no desire to see him don the tights again. I’ve always admired him for sticking to his word about not wrestling again; it made a guy who arguably is the best all-around performer ever even more special. Now, he’ll just be another guy who was lured back into the ring by a huge payday. The fact that it’s a tag match rather than a singles match won’t change the fact that he went back on his word.

Speaking of people going back on their word, Glenn “Kane” Jacobs said on Chris Jericho’s podcast in March that if his bid to be mayor of Knox County, Tenn., is successful (it was), he wouldn’t wrestle while in office. 

“No, I can’t,” Jacobs told Jericho. “Mayor is a full-time job and I would direct all my attention to that.” 

However, a few months later, Jacobs hedged when discussing the topic in an interview with Pro Wrestling Sheet.

“I never rule anything out,” he said, sounding like a true politician. “I think it would be great to have a pay-per-view here in Knoxville. We haven’t had one in forever. If there’s a pay-per-view, it would be an honor for me to take part in that.”

I was never too good with geography. Is Saudi Arabia near Knoxville?

… thinks Bobby Lashley is going to be a much more entertaining and compelling character with Lio Rush as his mouthpiece?

Lashley needs something to breathe life into his stale act, and his association with Rush will do exactly that. Anyone who has ever seen Rush wrestle on “205 Live” or during his time in Ring of Honor or on the independent circuit knows how talented he is in the ring, but the “Man of the Hour” also has shown that he has the gift of gab and an abundance of charisma. 

My guess is that it’s just a matter of time before Lashley and Rush — who is a heel on “205 Live” — turn heel on “RAW.” That’ll be a good thing for Lashley, who has been miscast in WWE as a smiling babyface after he had done the best work of his career as a heel in TNA.

… LOL’d when Elias said, “Whose kid is this?” after Rush interrupted him?

It was a great line and Elias delivered it perfectly. Elias is going to be really over as a babyface whenever WWE decides to turn him (perhaps a double turn with him and Lashley?).

… was pleasantly surprised that Drew McIntyre scored a clean victory over Dean Ambrose?

I wasn’t surprised McIntyre won, but I figured he would do so by dubious means to protect Ambrose. Kudos to the powers that be in WWE for understanding that Ambrose is a made man and a clean loss to a guy like McIntyre doesn’t hurt him. It definitely helps McIntyre, though, and it’s another indication that WWE has big plans for him.

… thinks WWE needs to do a better job of explaining why The Authors of Pain took on Drake Maverick as their manager?

AOP dumped Paul Ellering — the legendary manager of The Road Warriors who led AOP to the NXT Tag Team Championship — when they debuted on “RAW” last April, but now they want the general manager of “205 Live” guiding their careers? It doesn’t make any sense.

When announcer Corey Graves said last week that AOP might be unstoppable now that they have Maverick as their manager, he never said why he felt that way. What has Maverick ever accomplished as a manager? What is it about Maverick that makes him such an asset for AOP?

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only who … 

… hates that Shinsuke Nakamura has been reduced to being a pawn in other wrestlers’ storylines?  

First Nakamura played a supporting role in the Randy Orton-Jeff Hardy program, and now he’s in the same position in the Rusev-Aiden English saga. The talented United States Champion deserves better. The problem, of course, is that the “SmackDown Live” roster is a bit thin and there are no obvious dance partners for Nakamura.

One possibility is to turn Shelton Benjamin babyface and have him pursue Nakamura. Another potential opponent for Nakamura in a U.S. Title program is R-Truth. No, I’m not kidding. 

Truth has kept himself in great shape and I’m actually enjoying his pairing with Carmella. Moreover, having the quirky Truth and the equally quirky Nakamura in a program together would likely make for some entertaining matches and segments.

… thought Rusev looked like an idiot for turning his back on Nakamura during their match to yell at English to get off the apron?  

English didn’t screw Rusev Day. Rusev screwed Rusev Day.

… noticed the cheers weren’t quite as loud for Becky Lynch and there wasn’t much jeering of Charlotte Flair during their confrontation?

Those reactions are most likely due to the fact that the crowd in Tulsa, Okla., isn’t as “smarky” as some others, but I’d love to believe it’s an indication that WWE fans may be willing to stop pushing back against Lynch’s heel turn.

All the fans who wanted Lynch to get a significant push should be happy, because she’s getting it. And she’s absolutely killing it as a heel. 

… didn’t care for the angle in which Maryse was revealed as The Miz’s “special guest” on MizTV?  

That type of bait-and-switch put more heat on WWE than it did on Miz and Maryse.

Looking ahead

Am I the only who … 

… is looking forward to seeing what “RAW” acting general manager Baron Corbin has in store for the babyfaces on the roster tonight?

Corbin probably won’t be in a good mood since his plan to win the WWE Universal Title from Roman Reigns last week was foiled. 

Corbin has been generating the right kind of heat since becoming an authority figure. In fact, he’s done such a good job in the role that fans are actually cheering for Reigns when Corbin opposes him.

… wonders if WWE has plans for Aiden English beyond his feud with Rusev?  

I hope English isn’t going to be relegated to a role as jobber to the stars after “The Bulgarian Brute” inevitably prevails in their program. I’m a big fan of English’ singing gimmick, and he’s underrated in the ring.

Kevin Eck