Am I the only one? Rousey talks the talk; thumbs down to Batista vs. Triple H; Strowman a face again?

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? Rousey talks the talk; thumbs down to Batista vs. Triple H; Strowman a face again? image

Every week, former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck runs down his thoughts from "RAW," "SmackDown" and the rest of the wrestling world, and he previews the week ahead.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only who …

… thought Ronda Rousey’s promo was the highlight of the show?  

Based on Rousey’s previous performances on the mic, I would’ve said there was a better chance of Curt Hawkins winning the Universal Championship from Roman Reigns. However, Rousey’s scathing promo on the Bellas felt real, both in her intensity and the way she delivered her lines. The Bellas, by the way, did a nice job on the mic as well.

The end result of the verbal exchange is that a match I had zero desire to see — Rousey vs. Nikki Bella for Rousey’s "RAW" Women’s Championship at the Evolution pay-per-view on Oct. 28 — is now something I’m looking forward to. 

MORE: Bruce Prichard talks All In, podcast success

… thinks Braun Strowman is turning babyface again?

Strowman’s heel turn was ill-advised from the start, so hopefully the angle at the end of the show — he power-slammed Dolph Ziggler before being hit with a Claymore Kick from Drew McIntyre — will result in Strowman being a fan favorite again. 

By the way, Strowman vs. McIntyre is definitely a match I’d like to see.

… thought for a second that acting general manager Baron Corbin was going to send Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose to Dr. Shelby for counseling?  

I can see it now: Rollins and Ambrose will continue to bicker and even physically attack one another, and then they’ll be in some really lame counseling session segments. Then Rollins will admit to Ambrose that he loves him, and they’ll be BFFs again. Oh, wait. That’s already been done, hasn’t it?

… saw the irony in Alexa Bliss saying “the thing about nostalgia is it’s fleeting?”  

(Cough) DX, (cough) Undertaker.

… thought it was lame to do the Allen Iverson “practice” bit during Trish Stratus and Lita’s promo on Bliss and Mickie James?  

I get that the show was in Philadelphia, but the former 76ers star’s famous rant was nearly 20 years ago. I’m actually surprised there wasn’t a W.C. Fields joke about The City of Brotherly Love on the show.

… (speaking of lame) thinks the Riott Squad’s vandalizing of Natalya’s dressing room door with ketchup and mustard was weak?  

I guess making a mess with condiments passes for rebellious behavior in the PG era. Now if you really want to see cutting edge condiment entertainment, check this out .

… thought Michael Cole sounded like an idiot for believing that Kurt Angle was under the Conquistador mask this week?  

Cole is supposed to be the voice of reason on the announce team, yet it was heel announcer Corey Graves who pointed out the obvious.

… thought it was silly for the women to start dumping each other over the top rope following the tag match pitting Nia Jax and Ember Moon against Tamina and Dana Brooke?  

When wrestlers start randomly tossing each other over the top rope we know there has to be a battle royal on the upcoming pay-per-view. To quote former WWE lead writer Brian Gewirtz once again, “It’s literally the least creative thing we can do.”

… can’t wait until the Mixed Match Challenge is over so that B’N’B will no longer be a thing?

I like Finn Balor. I like Bayley. I absolutely loathe the two smiling, white meat babyfaces together. They’re just ...

… is reminded of the music video for the KISS song “Uh! All Night” everytime I see Alicia Fox in her captain’s hat?  

MTV used to play that video all the time. Yes, kids, MTV used to play music videos. 

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only who … 

… isn’t interested in a match between Batista and Triple H at next year’s WrestleMania?

Batista has said that Triple H is the guy he would want to work with if he returned to WWE, and the seeds obviously were planted during the Evolution reunion segment. 

I have no problem with Batista being in a match at WrestleMania, but I’d much rather see him work against a current star (i.e. Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre) instead of rehashing his feud with Triple H from more than a decade ago.

If WWE does go the nostalgia route at WrestleMania, at least make it a first-time ever matchup such as Batista vs. Goldberg. 

… thought it was odd that Triple H wore a leather jacket instead dress clothes for the Evolution reunion?

Back when the group had its run, Triple H always styled and profiled. Perhaps he got his nights mixed up and thought he was doing his other nostalgia act. 

On a side note, Randy Orton, who has been portraying an unhinged sadist as of late, looked completely out of place in his GQ attire.

… wishes Becky Lynch would stop playing to the crowd?  

Lynch’s actions in the ring are heelish and so are her promos, yet she has no problem basking in the audience’s adulation of her. It’s counter-productive. Either pull the plug on her heel turn or have her heel on the fans.

Perhaps the powers that be in WWE believed they were fighting a losing battle in trying to get the fans to boo Lynch, but if that’s the case, I think they gave up way too soon, and I also think they’re doing a disservice to Charlotte Flair and any other babyface that faces Lynch. 

If Lynch stopped encouraging the cheers and delivered more vitriolic lines such as the one she dropped on Edge about his surgically repaired neck, a segment of the audience just might stop chanting her name.

… thought for a second that Edge was going to criticize WWE for going through with Crown Jewel show in Saudi Arabia Nov. 2 when he said he was going to be the moral compass of the show?  

I didn’t really think he was going to say that, of course, but it was an interesting choice of words given the current controversy with Crown Jewel.  The sad truth is that when it comes to $450 million — which is what the deal between WWE and Saudi Arabia reportedly is worth — there’s so such thing as a moral compass.

MORE: WWE Crown Jewel date, start time, details

… thought it was lazy booking to have AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan not be on the same page during their tag match against The Usos as a way of creating tension between them before Styles’ WWE Title defense against Bryan at Crown Jewel?  

To quote former WWE lead writer Brian …. you know the rest.

… was thrilled to see the return of TruthTV?  

It might get old at some point, but right now I’m getting a kick out of the R-Truth/Carmella segments. If you don’t smile at the mandatory seven-second dance break, you hate fun.

… got a chuckle out of Vince McMahon showing off his dance moves on TruthTV?  

I’m just glad the chairman didn’t tear a quad (or two).

… wondered if WWE turned Big Show for the 1,000th time as a tribute to it being the 1,000th episode of  “SmackDown Live?”  

OK, that joke basically wrote itself, but I couldn’t resist. Seriously, though, unless Big Show is being used as a special attraction or in a role as a goodwill ambassador, I don’t really need to see him on WWE broadcasts anymore.

… had mixed feelings about Sheamus and Cesaro defeating New Day for the SmackDown Tag Team Title?  

New Day as champions had a been-there, done-that feel, so I’m definitely in favor of taking the title off of them, but The Bar as champions isn’t exactly fresh either. And, no, putting Big Show with them does not freshen up their act.

… is looking forward to a potential program between U.S. Champion Shinsuke Nakamura and Rey Mysterio?  

There wasn’t much drama in the Nakamura-Mysterio match on last week’s show, as it was Mysterio’s big return to WWE, so there was no way he was losing. But Nakamura is in desperate need of a program, and one between him and Mysterio would be new and compelling.

Looking ahead

Am I the only who …

… is curious to see what the follow-up is tonight on “RAW” to the heated segment between Ronda Rousey and the Bellas last week?  

Other than the issues involving The Shield, Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler, I’m more interested in the Rousey-Bellas feud than anything else on the show.

… thinks Matt Hardy’s “House of Halloween” special on WWE Network Oct. 28 will be delightful?  

I loved the Broken Hardys’ “Treat or Delete” episode of “TNA Impact” a couple years, so I’m excited about more Halloween hijinks from Matt and his crew.

And remember, kids, if you don’t like green beans, you may want to avoid the Hardy compound on Halloween night.

Kevin Eck