Am I the only one? Paul Heyman’s acting chops; Randy Orton’s handshakes; Renee Young’s opportunity

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? Paul Heyman’s acting chops; Randy Orton’s handshakes; Renee Young’s opportunity image

Every week, former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck  runs down his thoughts on "RAW," "SmackDown" and the week ahead in pro wrestling.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… thinks Paul Heyman is the best performer in the business?

Heyman’s performances the past two weeks have been incredible. If the powers that be in WWE want to impress the Emmy Awards voters next year, they should submit for consideration Heyman’s sit-down interview with Renee Young last week and his interaction with Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle two weeks ago.

I don’t know how much Heyman is contributing behind the scenes to WWE creative these days, but it’s no secret that he has a great mind for the business. When you combine that with his promo skills and acting ability, a strong case can be made that he’s the MVP of the company. No, not that MVP.

MORE: Wrestling world reacts to the death of Jim Neidhart

… thought Ronda Rousey’s first match on “RAW” was exactly what it needed to be?

WWE continues to do a good job of booking Rousey as a dangerous anomaly in the “RAW” women’s division, and that’s exactly how she came across when she thrashed Alicia Fox on last week’s show. Rousey received a mixed reaction from fans during her early appearances with WWE, but the people clearly are with her now and she is looking very much like the major star she is.

… appreciated how the crowd in Jacksonville, Fla., behaved themselves?

Get this: The fans actually cheered the babyfaces — even Roman Reigns! — and booed the heels. They also didn’t try to hijack the show with smart mark chants and beach balls. Well done, Jacksonville.

… doesn’t understand what WWE wants us to feel about the Stephanie McMahon character?

Is she a champion of women’s rights who we’re supposed to love for being the driving force behind the women’s evolution in WWE? Or she is a megalomaniac who gets off on humiliating a certain Olympic gold medalist on a weekly basis?

… immediately knew something was up when “The Kevin Owens Show” took place on a makeshift platform instead of in the ring?

Even Jake “The Snake” Roberts after being blasted in the eyes with “The Model” Rick Martel’s atomizer could see it coming that Braun Strowman was going to show up and destroy the set.

… thought the exchange between Michael Cole and Corey Graves regarding Jinder Mahal was unintentionally funny?

After Graves noted that Mahal is “a peaceful being” and thus detests violence, Cole shot back by saying, “Corey, he’s a sports entertainer.” Cole had to know how ridiculous that sounded, but he obviously wanted to avoid a tongue-lashing from non-peaceful being Vince McMahon for saying the forbidden w-word.

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… thinks Randy Orton has been on fire on the mic since turning heel?

I admit I wasn't initially excited by another Orton heel turn, but his promos have been so good, I’ve changed my opinion. It's not so much what Orton's saying; it's how he's saying it.

On a side note, I don’t have any comment on the recent stories about Orton’s backstage behavior other than to say that I always avoided shaking hands with him during my time on the WWE creative team.

… would rather shake hands with Randy Orton and risk an appearance by “the little Viper” than listen to a promo from The IIconics?

Either way, you’re probably scarred for life, but at least Orton’s naughty handshake won’t cause your ears to bleed.

How can the powers that be in WWE not realize that Peyton Royce and Billie Kay’s mean girls act is generating go-away heat? The material they've been given isn’t great, but their performances are even worse.

… was hoping Sheamus and Cesaro would beat New Day?

The match to determine who faces The Bludgeon Brothers for the “SmackDown” Tag Team Title at “SummerSlam” was great, but I was surprised New Day went over. Sheamus and Cesaro versus The Bludgeons in a matchup of badass teams is a much more appealing matchup in my opinion.

… thinks The Bludgeon Brothers’ promos are terrible?

As a former WWE writer, I obviously don’t have a problem with promos being scripted, but no one in real life takes turns talking like Harper and Rowan. It would come across much more natural to have one say his piece and then hand off to his partner and let him finish up. In the immortal words of Road Warrior Animal, “Tell em, Hawk.”

… feels sorry for Aiden English?

WWE’s resident crooner is coming off way more likeable than Rusev and Lana in this angle. Honestly, I don’t know why WWE would want to split up Rusev and English, as the latter’s singing helped get Rusev Day over. I also don’t know why WWE just won’t pull the trigger on a full-fledged babyface turn for them.

Looking ahead

Am I the only one who …

… is really looking forward to Renee Young joining the “RAW” announce team tonight?

Young is replacing Jonathan Coachman, who has another obligation, for tonight’s episode. Young is great in her role as an interviewer and she has earned this opportunity.

A female voice on the WWE announce team is overdue, and I would love to see Young become a permanent replacement for Coachman, not just because I think she’d be good, but also because Coachman is awful.

On a side note, what are the odds Stephanie McMahon takes credit for Young's historic accomplishment?

… is hoping the Paul Heyman-Brock Lesnar breakup angle isn’t all a ruse?

This is wrestling after all, so the possibility of a swerve always exists. But if Lesnar and Heyman reunite at SummerSlam” and reveal it was all a set-up to screw over Roman Reigns, I think it’ll get go-away heat. I believe the majority of WWE fans legitimately want the absentee Universal Champion to go away.

… hopes WWE finds something soon for Asuka?

Last week’s “SmackDown Live” marked the second week in a row and third time in four weeks that “The Empress of Tomorrow” wasn’t on the show. It’s a travesty that Asuka is on “Main Event” rather than in the main event, not to mention the fact that she doesn’t have a match at “SummerSlam” but Carmella does. What a waste of a special talent.

Kevin Eck