Am I the only one? Lesnar-Reigns silver lining; it’s all about Stephanie; Bryan bullies Miz’s family

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? Lesnar-Reigns silver lining; it’s all about Stephanie; Bryan bullies Miz’s family image

Every week, former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck runs down his biggest questions from "RAW," "SmackDown" and the world of pro wrestling.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… is cautiously optimistic about the SummerSlam main event between Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns?

I know, I know. No one wants to see another Lesnar-Reigns match, and I have no doubt the crowd at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Aug. 19 will defecate all over the bout, but it’s possible that the end might justify the means. I’m probably naive for saying this, but even Vince McMahon can’t be so stubborn and tone deaf that he would have Reigns win the title and continue to be booked as the lead babyface.

Since this might very well be Lesnar’s last match in WWE before he returns to UFC, I’m holding out hope that Lesnar’s advocate, Paul Heyman, turns on him and helps Reigns win the title. Reigns as a heel champion with Heyman as his mouthpiece going forward would be a huge shot in the arm for WWE's stale product.

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Of course, if McMahon really wants to send the fans home with smiles on their faces, he’ll book Braun Strowman to successfully cash in his Money in the Bank contract on the winner of the match (assuming Strowman retains the MITB briefcase in his match against Kevin Owens earlier in the night).

… thought WWE’s announcement of an all-women’s pay-per-view was another example of the messenger overshadowing the message?

The news that WWE's female performers are getting their own pay-per-view (Evolution on Oct. 28) should’ve been an amazing, feel-good moment, but once again the heavy-handed involvement of “RAW” commissioner Stephanie McMahon sucked nearly all the good feelings out of it.

She was joined in the ring by her husband, Triple H, and her father, Vince McMahon, for the historic announcement, which became as much about the McMahons delivering the news as the news itself. Throughout “RAW” and the next night’s episode of “SmackDown Live,” any mention of “Evolution” — and it was mentioned a lot — included the phrase, “Stephanie McMahon’s announcement.”

MORE: More info on WWE Evolution

Stephanie always getting the credit for being the driving force behind the women’s movement in WWE comes across nauseatingly self-congratulatory.

Moreover, Stephanie portrays a despicable heel on TV, so she’s the last person who should be depicted as a champion of gender equality. Such a noble endeavor is totally inconsistent with her on-screen character. The same goes for Triple H, who made sure to call attention to the tear in his eye during the announcement.

It would’ve come across much better — and also would’ve been a nice gesture — to have had “SmackDown Live” commissioner Paige make the announcement. The 25-year-old Paige was at the forefront WWE's “women’s revolution” before being forced to retire as an in-ring performer earlier this year due to a serious neck injury.

… didn’t like the breaking of kayfabe during the Evolution announcement?

We all know the business is a work, but it makes no sense to call attention to it within the scripted world of “RAW.” That’s exactly what Triple H did when he said the wrestlers work together and put their lives in each other’s hands. And then Stephanie McMahon talked about how the women used to be booked to do 30-second matches but that’s no longer the case because WWE listened to the fans and (hashtag) gave the Divas a chance.

I’m not against breaking the fourth wall on occasion, but there’s no need to bulldoze the whole damn house.

… doesn’t understand why Kevin Owens is the heel in his feud with Braun Strowman?

Strowman tried to end Owens’ career and possibly cripple him for life by throwing him off the top of the cage at Extreme Rules a couple weeks ago. So Owens showed up on “RAW” this week and talked about how his children are scared because they see how much pain he is in. He also said that he has a family to feed and Strowman tried to take away his livelihood.

Strowman just laughed at Owens. Yet Owens is the heel and Strowman is the babyface. Am I missing something here?

… knew the finish of the match between “RAW” Tag Team Champions The B-Team and Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt the second that Michael Cole said “the odds aren’t good that The B-Team will retain the title?”

The B-Team won. What a surprise .

On a side note, while I do think Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas are somewhat amusing as a mid-card comedy act, mid-card comedy acts really shouldn’t be champions. It just makes the titles they hold a joke.

… was happy that Corey Graves called out Jonathan Coachman for saying that he never thought he’d see Seth Rollins and Finn Balor on the same side?

By my count, Rollins and Balor had already teamed together 17 times on WWE live events in 2018 and four times on “RAW” (once in March and three times in April).

Is Coachman really an idiot or does he just play one on TV?

… picked up on the significance of the last names of the two enhancement talents who faced Sasha Banks and Bayley?

One of their last names was Simon and the other was Lunde. Two of WWE’s producers are named Dean Simon and Marty Lunde, better known to fans as Dean Malenko and Arn Anderson.

WWE has often taken a wink-wink approach to assigning names to TV jobbers. When I worked on the WWE creative team and Ryback was winning squash matches every week, the writers assigned to the segments usually named Ryback’s opponents after friends of theirs. One time Ryback destroyed a jobber named Stan Stanski, which may sound like a made-up name, but Stan Stanski is actually WWE’s head of creative services .

… is wondering if Rezar of The Authors of Pain went to the Sid Vicious School of Cutting Promos?

When Titus O’Neil told the AOP that they could learn something from Titus Worldwide, Rezar replied, “What could you learn us?”

It might be time to give Paul Ellering a call.

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… thought the segment between Daniel Bryan and The Miz didn’t do Bryan any favors?

An angry Bryan came down to the ring to beat up The Miz while Miz had his infant daughter in his arms and his wife by his side. Bryan looked like an even bigger jerk than that bully Braun Strowman.

Even though it was obvious to anyone with an IQ above Maria Kanellis’ airhead character that Miz was holding a baby doll and not a real baby, Bryan apparently didn’t know it judging by the way he reacted when Miz tossed it to him.

Overall, as far as WWE segments involving baby dolls, this was a far cry from Gene Snitsky’s masterpiece back in the day.

… still doesn’t know why Randy Orton turned on Jeff Hardy?

Orton’s delivery on his promo was great, but his explanation for turning heel was convoluted. Something about not getting the respect he deserves, he’s not an indy darling, blah, blah, blah. It seems like the powers that be in WWE just wanted Orton to be a heel again and didn’t really think it through.

Oh well, better a convoluted explanation than no explanation at all. I’m still waiting to hear why Mickie James became BFF’s with Alexa Bliss.

… doesn’t want the Rusev act to break up?

Aiden English’s singing gimmick has been a significant factor in Rusev Day getting over like it has, so I think it would be a mistake to take him away from Rusev. As for Lana, she’s never going to be Mildred Burke in the ring, so being her husband Rusev’s cheerleader is probably the best role for her. Hopefully she’s not going to be a modern-day Yoko Ono (who, by the way, is not relation to Sony Onoo).

… thought Paige came off looking stupid when she confronted Samoa Joe backstage?

Paige told Joe she was upset with him for sneak-attacking WWE Champion AJ Styles, and then in the next breath said she chose him to be Styles’ next challenger because he’s “unpredictable and dangerous.”

… thought The Usos’ imitation of Byron Saxton on commentary was entertaining?

I don’t think Jason Sensation could’ve done it any better. Also, I believe this may be the first time the words “Byron Saxton” and “entertaining” were used in the same sentence.

Kevin Eck