Am I the only one? A McMahon doesn’t pull rank; ‘Deletion’ is here; Coachman said what?

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? A McMahon doesn’t pull rank; ‘Deletion’ is here; Coachman said what? image

Every week, Kevin Eck will run down his burning thoughts from "RAW," "SmackDown Live" and the rest of the pro wrestling world.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… wonders why Stephanie McMahon didn’t just overrule Kurt Angle or fire him rather than agree to participate in a the mixed tag match at WrestleMania against a woman who is likely to decimate her?

This is one of those situations in which WWE has backed itself into a corner regarding logic and the McMahons as authority figures. It’s been established that Angle reports to Stephanie, so why would she have to comply with his decision that she and Triple H face Angle and Ronda Rousey?

Hopefully, Stephanie will show up on “RAW” this Monday and say that she had a week to think about it and has decided the match will not take place. Cue the “No Chance In Hell” music. WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon comes out and says the match will happen at WrestleMania because it’s what’s best for business. Boom. Gaping plot hole filled.

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… thought the explanation as to why Kurt Angle always swallowed his pride when dealing with Stephanie McMahon was lame?

Apparently the reason Angle took Stephanie’s abuse is that he has bills to pay. So you mean to tell me that Angle couldn’t find some other way to make money? Come on, there’s not a wrestling company in the world that wouldn’t hire Angle in some capacity. Not to mention the fact that he’s made millions in his career and should be well off.

On a side note, the line from Stephanie about Angle having to pay alimony to his ex-wife made me laugh. Everyone knows Angle’s former wife, Karen, has been married to WWE Hall of Fame inductee Jeff Jarrett for years.

… can’t wait to see “The Ultimate Deletion” with Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt at the Hardy Compound?

Finally, Hardy’s Broken Universe will appear on WWE television. I sure have missed Senor Benjamin, King Maxel, Queen Rebecca, Vanguard 1 and Skarsgard The Dilapidated Boat, and I look forward to the debut of Lord Wolfgang. Hopefully, Vince McMahon (aka “MeekMahan!”) will not feel the need to put his fingerprints on this. Just let Matt work his broken, or woken, brilliance.

I wonder if we might see the return of Brother Nero. Oh, and if Wyatt doesn’t go into the Lake of Reincarnation and come out as Husky Harris I’m going to be really disappointed.

… thought the angle with Nia Jax was well done?

What appears to be a babyface turn for Jax is off to a good start. First, Jax looked courageous in defeat as it took forever for her to finally tap out against the undefeated Asuka. Then, in an outstanding backstage segment, a dejected Jax got very emotional as Alexa Bliss comforted her in a passive-aggressive manner.

Since Asuka never officially declared which title she’ll be challenging for at WrestleMania, I’m guessing Jax faces Bliss for Bliss’ “RAW” title and Asuka takes on “SmackDown Live” Champion Charlotte Flair.

MORE: Getting a grip — at the latest in the world of pro wrestling

… thought Corey Graves yucking it up while Elias was being taken out on a stretcher hurt the segment?

The angle was that Elias had been seriously injured by Braun Strowman. Obviously, the announcers should’ve taken a somber tone, which Michael Cole and Jonathan Coachman did — not to get sympathy on the heel Elias but to convey the seriousness of the situation and how dangerous Strowman is.

Even though it’s been established that Graves hates Elias — which also makes no sense given that Graves is a heel announcer — he should’ve said something such as, “I don’t like Elias, but you never want to see something like this happen to anyone.”

… was surprised to hear Jonathan Coachman say “you never want to be accused of anything” in a throwaway line during the broadcast?

Before “RAW” went on the air that night, Coachman made headlines for being accused of sexual harassment in a lawsuit filed by a former ESPN anchor. I didn’t think he would say anything during the show that even remotely acknowledged the accusation against him.

Coachman took to Twitter the next morning to say that he is being falsely accused. WWE issued a statement saying that they are investigating the matter.

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… didn’t like the finish to Fatal 5-Way main event?

Instead of Sami Zayn betraying Kevin Owens and pinning him to win the match, which also included WWE Champion AJ Styles, Dolph Ziggler and Baron Corbin, wouldn’t it have been smarter for Zayn to wait until the title was on the line this Sunday at “Fastlane” to show his hand? A more logical finish would’ve been for Zayn to help Owens win the match, thus luring Owens into a false sense of security.

Unless it’s revealed at “Fastlane” that Zayn beating Owens on “SmackDown Live” was all part of the plan to thrown off their opponents and they’re still working together, Zayn is the worst mastermind on dry land.

MORE: Everything you need to know about Fastlane 2018

… wondered what happened to the women in the ring at the end of the opening segment?

Just as it appeared that The Riott Squad was going to attack Charlotte Flair, Bobby Roode’s music hit and he made his way to the ring. Flair was relieved and we went to a commercial break. When the show returned, the women were gone and Roode was at ringside to sit in on commentary for the Randy Orton-Jinder Mahal match.

Since men cannot get physical with women in WWE, why would The Riott Squad back down from Roode? Did he forget to put on deodorant, and the aroma when he raised his arms in his “glorious” pose repelled them? Surely there was a more logical way to end the segment.

… knew that Becky Lynch was going to defeat Carmella the moment the announcers pointed out that Carmella was dominating the match?

Happens every time.

By the way, I thought it was a mistake to have Carmella win the women’s Money in the Bank contract and now I’m wondering if the powers that be in WWE are having buyer’s remorse. Carmella just isn’t championship material, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all if she joins Damien Sandow, Baron Corbin and (believe it or not) John Cena as MITB winners who failed when cashing in.

Kevin Eck