WWE Hell in a Cell 2019 results: Seth Rollins retains against The Fiend after controversial DQ finish

Brian Fritz

WWE Hell in a Cell 2019 results: Seth Rollins retains against The Fiend after controversial DQ finish image

WWE Hell in a Cell got off to a hot start but ended with a thud.

Becky Lynch and Sasha Banks stole the show with an excellent Hell in a Cell match that saw Lynch outlast Banks in a violent war to retain the "RAW" women's championship. That was the start of the show and probably should have been the finish to send the fans home happy. 

Instead, HIAC was capped off by a strange and spooky encounter between Seth Rollins and "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt for the Universal championship. The crowd at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento was firmly behind Wyatt and hoping to see a new champion. Instead, it was Rollins using everything but the kitchen sink to get a referee stoppage as he retained the title to the crowd's dismay. 

The unsatisfying finish wasn't enough with "The Fiend" leaving Rollins down and bloodied as the show went off the air. But the damage had been done with WWE using tricks and the supernatural as Rollins kept the title rather than going with the hot star as a new champion. That left quite the bad taste for most fans who chanted their disdain during the final minutes of the show.

There were two other title changes at HIAC with Charlotte Flair defeating Bayley to become the "SmackDown" women's champion for her 10th title reign while The Kabuki Warriors upended Alexa Bliss and Nikki Kross to win the women's tag team titles. 

While there were some good matches on the show - the best being the opener between Lynch and Banks - this show will be remembered for a weird, flat ending and WWE not giving the crowd what it badly wanted.

Check out Sporting News complete coverage of WWE Hell in a Cell 2019 below.

(All times Eastern.)

WWE Hell in a Cell 2019 results: Live updates, highlights from every match

Seth Rollins def. Bray Wyatt in a Hell in a Cell match for the Universal championship

10:20 p.m. FINISH: A frustrated Rollins grabs a sledgehammer and is about to use it but thinks twice and the ref screams at him to "think about what you're doing." Rollins pauses and then smashed the sledgehammer into the ladder and chair that are still on Wyatt's head. The ref immediately calls for the bell. The crowd chants "BS" and they raise the cell with refs and the medical staff coming into the ring. They're trying to put him on a board and then Rollins comes over to Wyatt who puts him in the Mandible Claw. Wyatt then slams Rollins on a stretcher at ringside. 

Wyatt pulls back the mat and hits Sister Abagail on the concrete and then puts the Mandible Claw back on with Rollins bleeding from the mouth. The lights go out to the crowd boos. Another creepy shot of "The Fiend" and the show goes off the air. A weird, unsatisfying finish to cap off the show.

10:12 p.m.: Wyatt is down in the ring and Rollins is standing over him with a chair. He nails him with a chair shot to the head and makes the cover but Wyatt again kicks out on the one count. Rollins lays a chair on Wyatt's head and nails it with a ladder. He makes the cover and Wyatt kicks out at two. He's not a man! Rollins is looking for anything he can use and pulls out a toolbox from under the ring. He puts the ladder and the chair on Wyatt's head and smashes it with the toolbox over and over. 

10:09 p.m.: Wyatt pulls out a giant mallet from under the ring and uses it to slam Rollins into the cage. But Rollins comes back with a stomp onto the mallet. They go back in the ring and Rollins hits the stomp once, twice, three times, a fourth a Pedigree and another stomp. He makes the cover but Wyatt kicks out at one. Rollins with a stomp after stomp and the crowd is booing. They really want Wyatt to win the title. 

10:05 p.m.: Rollins puts Wyatt on the table and hits a frog splash. He follows that up with the stomp but Wyatt immediately stands up. He comes back with Sister Abigail but Rollins kicks out. Wyatt then wrenches Rollins' neck and throws him to the floor again. The champ is in trouble. 

10:02 p.m.: Maybe Rollins does have a chance.  He throws Wyatt into the steel steps and now he has a table in the ring. He goes for a dive but Wyatt catches him and connects with Sister Abagail into the cage.  

9:58 p.m.: The bell rings and the ref locks the door. Because this is a match with "The Fiend", there is spooky red lighting in the ring. Rollins tries to use a kendo stick but it has no effect. Wyatt looks unstoppable.

9:54 p.m.: This is just the second match for "The Fiend: And his entrance is still super creepy. 

Charlotte Flair def. Bayley for the "SmackDown" women's championship

9:44 p.m. FINISH: Charlotte is slamming Bayley's leg into the ring as they're on the floor. She tosses the champion back insider and gets rolled up but kicks out. Finally,  Charlotte locks on the Figure Eight and Bayley taps out. Yep, Charlotte is the "SmackDown" women's champion for a record 10th title reigns. A short, solid match but the show has tailed off after the first few hot matches. 

This doesn't surprise me in the least since WWE has always had so much invested in Charlotte and "SmackDown" now airing on Fox. It's too bad Bayley didn't get a longer run as champion. She's at ringside crying over losing the title and the crowd is booing. 

9:40 p.m.: Turn about is fair play as Charlotte works on Bayley's left knee. She hits Natural Selection but Bayley gets to the ropes before the three count. 

9:35 p.m.: Charlotte is going after her knee but instead Bayley drags her out of the ring and Flair lands hard on the floor. Now it's Bayley going after her left knee and wraps it around the ring post.

9:29 p.m.: Before the match gets started, Tamina is in the crowd near ringside with the 24/7 championship which she apparently won earlier in the night. R-Truth comes running at her but she uses Funaki from the Japanese announce team as a shield. She finally pushes him away and turns around but eats a superkick from Carmella and Truth makes the cover to become the  24/7 champion for the 146th time. I think that's the count. 

Chad Gable def. King Corbin

9:24 p.m. FINISH: Gable is putting together some offense but then runs into a Deep Six. Corbin makes the cover but Gable survives. All this is happening while Graves continues to call him Shorty Gable. Gable finally gets the Anklelock on but Corbin crawls out of the ring, only to take a chokeslam on the apron. Corbin grabs his scepter and tries to use it but the ref stops him. Gable then schoolboys Corbin and gets the three count. Michael Cole is selling this as a huge upset.  The match was fine but not as good as their match at the KOTR finals. 

9:21 p.m.: Here comes Gable again with a flurry for forearms and he finally connects with a German suplex. He hits a couple of wheelbarrow kicks but goes for a third, only to get caught and hit with a powerbomb. They're in the corner and Gable slaps on an armbar while hanging over the ropes and then drives Corbin's leg into the post. 

9:17 p.m.: Gable finally comes back with a dropkick off the top rope and goes for a dive off the middle rope but Corbin turns it into a spine buster. 

9:13 p.m.: All Corbin early on with power moves. And the crowd is chanting "STD" at him again.

9:09 p.m.: Before the match starts, the crowd chants "STD" at Corbin (The Rock called him that for "super tough dude" on "SmackDown"). Corbin gets on the mic and makes short cracks at Gable.  Cheap heat.

Viking Raiders and Braun Strowman def. The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) via disqualification

9:00 p.m. FINISH: Strowman is going for a running slam but Styles clips his knee. The entire OC attacks him inside the ring and the ref calls for the bell. Afterward, Erik and Aybar connecting with stereo dives onto Anderson and Gallows. Then Styles and Strowman are left in the ring with Styles going for the Phenomenal Forearm but gets dropped by a right hand. The announcers explain that is a message for Tyson Fury leading up to their encounter tomorrow night on "RAW". Sure.

Anderson and Gallows have to help Styles to his feet and he asks them what happened. He keeps saying he's good but then is staggered and needs help to get to the back. 

8:56 p.m.: Erik finally makes the tag to Strowman who clears house and then hits a trio of running shoulder blocks outside the ring. Would that be "VINTAGE STROWMAN?" 

8:52 p.m.: Lots of beef in the ring here. The smallest guy is Styles and he and the OC have Erik trapped in the ring including Styles connecting with a Pele kick.

8:47 p.m.: My thinking was it would be Ricochet as the mystery partner. Nope — it's Braun Strowman. Yeah, he's pretty much a Viking. 

Kabuki Warriors def. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross for the women's tag team titles

8:39 p.m. FINISH: The heel turn is complete as Asuka blows green mist into Cross' face behind the ref's back and she finishes her off with a kick to the face. We have new women's tag team champions. Solid match and hopefully this means we get more of the Warriors on TV. 

8:37 p.m.: Bliss finally makes the hot tag to Nikki Cross who hits a flying crossbody off the top rope onto Sane. Kairi comes back with an Alabama slam and then goes for the Insane elbow off the top but Cross gets her knees up. 

8:33 p.m.: WWE announced that Natalya and Lacey Evans will face each other in a Last Woman Standing match tomorrow night on "RAW." Back to the action where the  Kabuki Warriors are working over Bliss in and out of the ring.

8:28 p.m.: Another match where they're not wasting time getting to the action. BTW, the Kabuki Warriors are working as heels. 

Randy Orton def. Ali

8:21 p.m.: Orton goes for the RKO but Ali counters it and springs back up off his hands. Ali goes for a roll into a facebuster but gets caught with an RKO and gets pinned. Good, solid match, especially considering the position they were put in.

8:19 p.m.: Ali comes back with a Tope Suicida then sends Orton into the announcer's table but Orton quickly goes back on offense as the crowd chants  "RKO."  Ali comes back with a DDT off the second rope and then goes for a 450 splash but Orton rolls out of the way.

8:12 p.m.: They're fighting outside the ring early as Orton drops Ali face-first onto an announcer's table and then suplexes him onto it. Ouch.

8:07 p.m.: These two have their work cut out for them after those first two matches. 

Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan def. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper in a Tornado tag team match

8:02 p.m. FINISH: Bryan takes a powerbomb off the second rope from Harper but survives. Then the Big Dog hits the ring and drills Harper with a spear for the win.  Another wild, non-stop, fantastic match. That's two in a row to start the show.

After the match, Bryan extends his hand but right before Reigns can shake it, he pulls his hand away. He then puts his arms out and panders to the crowd before he gets a big hug from the Big Dog. Friendship. 

7:59 p.m.: Harper and Rowan clear off the three announcer tables at ringside. They set up Bryan for a powerbomb but he hits a hurricanrana to get out of it and Reigns immediately drills Rowan with a spear through a table but then immediately grabs his knee and screams in pain.

7:55 p.m.: Bryan is pulling all out the favorites including a series of "Yes!" kicks on Harper. The action spills to the outside again and Harper takes out Reigns on a dive but also catches the announce table with his head. It looks like he's okay.

7:51 p.m.: Harper and Rowan are trying to maul Reigns and Bryan with power moves and using the steel steps. Reigns is down outside the ring leaving Bryan alone in the ring. He takes a spinning heel kick from Rowan and a big slam but he's still in it. Bryan fights back but gets caught into a Michinoku Driver but Reigns breaks up the pin. Good match so far and it's picking up even more.

7:45 p.m.: This didn't take long to heat up with Bryan connecting with a Topa Suicida onto Harper outside the ring and then Reigns dropping Rowan with a Superman punch coming off the steel steps.

7:40 p.m.: Tornado tag team rules so that means no tags, no rules, and everyone can fight at the same time. 

Becky Lynch def. Sasha Banks in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the “RAW” women’s championship

7:32 p.m. FINISH: Banks tosses a bunch of chairs into the ring but it backfires on her as she takes a Bexsploder off the top rope onto the chairs and then Lynch slaps on the Dis-arm-her and Banks taps out. That was a great, hellacious match. 

7:30 p.m.: More carnage.

7:27 p.m.: That was innovative. 

7:23 p.m.: Banks is going to have mesh marks ingrained into her body after hitting the cage so many times. She takes a Bexploder into the cage and then gets faceplanted into an open chair in the ring. 

7:20 p.m.: This match is quite violent so far. Banks has gone face-first into the cage multiple times along with getting hit with the chair and a chain. Meanwhile, she connected with a Meteora that sent Lynch hard into a ladder outside the ring.  They're working really hard. Banks with another Meteora off the top rope and makes the cover but Lynch kicks out.

7:15 p.m.: More weapons as Banks pulls out a ladder before Lynch smacks her in the face with. Plus, there's a table in the ring. 

7:10 p.m.: As the cell is lowering, Banks attacks Lynch and they're already outside the cage. The cage is all the way down but Lynch is down and hurting with Banks back in the cage. But Lynch fires back by kicking the door in the face and now they're both back inside. Time for hell! The referee is locking the door with a chain but Lynch takes it from him. She's using it as a weapon against Banks but then uses it to lock the door.

7:05 p.m.: They're opening the show with the first of two cell matches. I'd expect the other — Rollins vs. "The Fiend" — to close the show.

7:00 p.m.: And here we go.

6:51 p.m.: Heavyweight boxing champion Tyson Fury got into an argument with Braun Strowman on "SmackDown" and he'll confront him Monday night on "RAW". I'm not excited about WWE doing business with Fury considering his past homophobic and sexist comments. Here's a reminder of what he said several years ago. Yeah, he's not a good dude but he's charismatic so, apparently, that's enough for WWE.

6:47 p.m.: An exciting Rowan promo backstage as he says that later tonight, Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan will get put down for good. 

6:41 p.m.: Ali was doing a backstage interview when Randy Orton interrupted him and now we have another match added to the show. 

6:37 p.m.: They're airing a full recap package of "Friday Night SmackDown" including The Rock appearing and Brock Lesnar beat Kofi Kingston in SEVEN SECONDS to become WWE champion before being confronted and taken down by former UFC heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez. WWE isn't wasting any time on putting together that match either. Even though Velasquez has only wrestled twice and both times in six-man tag team matches in CMLL, it looks like he'll challenge Lesnar for the title at the Crown Jewel event on October 31 in Saudi Arabia. BTW, Friday was a  good night for the company with "SmackDown" with the fast overnight numbers showing that the program drew about four million viewers.

Natalya def. Lacey Evans.

6:31 p.m. FINISH: Lacey went for the Sharpshooter but Natalya slapped her in the face before she could lock it on. Evans then goes for the moonsault off the top rope but Natalya moves out the way and immediately puts her in the Sharpshooter and Evans taps out. Just a regular match between these two. After the match, Natalya drops her for one more time for good measure. 

6:25 p.m.:  It's been all Lacey in this one so far including her trying to submit Nattie but then smashing her face-first into the mat over and over. 

6:20 p.m.: And here we go with our first match of the night.

6:13 p.m.: So much of this show has been patched together at the last minute. Outside of the two cell matches, this feels more like any "RAW" or "SmackDown" rather than a pay-per-view/monthly event. Honestly, the only matches that really matter are probably the cell matches too. Well, maybe Charlotte Flair takes the "SmackDown" women's title from Bayley or Daniel Bryan turns on Roman Reigns but this show is built solely around the two matches inside the cell. 

6:00 p.m.: Welcome to Sporting News' live coverage of WWE Hell in a Cell. WWE was so focused on "Premiere Week" and the debut of "SmackDown" on Fox, HIAC was put on the backburner. Only four matches were announced before today but the company announced four more this afternoon so it looks like we have a complete lineup. 

WWE Hell in a Cell 2019 matches

— Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt in a Hell in a Cell match for the Universal championship

— Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks in a Hell in a Cell match for the “RAW” women’s championship

— Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan vs. Erick Rowan and Luke Harper in a Tornado tag team match

— Bayley vs. Charlotte Flair for the "SmackDown" women's championship

— The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) vs. Viking Raiders and a mystery partner

— Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross vs. Kabuki Warriors (Asuka and Kairi Sane) for the women's tag team titles

— King Corbin vs. Chad Gable

— Ali vs. Randy Orton

— Lacey Evans vs. Natalya (kickoff show)

Brian Fritz

Brian Fritz Photo

Brian Fritz is a contributor with The Sporting News covering the NBA and NFL who previously worked at BasketballNews. He is a 20-year veteran of sports talk radio in Orlando, Florida, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. He now resides in Durham, North Carolina.