WWE Fastlane 2019 results: Ronda Rousey helps Becky Lynch get her WrestleMania spot, The Shield rides again

Brian Fritz

WWE Fastlane 2019 results: Ronda Rousey helps Becky Lynch get her WrestleMania spot, The Shield rides again image

With Roman Reigns back in the fold, The Shield successfully reunited for one last ride while Ronda Rousey did her part to make sure that she would see her nemesis Becky Lynch in the main event of WrestleMania. 

It was a jam-packed WWE Fastlane that advanced a number of storylines as we near the end of the road to WrestleMania. 

The 33-year-old Reigns returned to action a little more than four months after being diagnosed with leukemia. With the disease was in remission, Reigns was cleared to return to the ring and joined forces one more time with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins as The Shield to ended the show on a high note, defeating the team of Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre, and Baron Corbin.

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It was quite the curious night for WWE with several matches being changed at the last minute. Kofi Kingston was added to the WWE Championship match, only to have that immediately taken away again after he was demolished in a handicapped match by Sheamus and Cesaro. That didn't stop the crowd from chanting for him throughout the title match later in the night that saw Daniel Bryan escape with the championship against both Kevin Owens and Mustafa Ali, the latter was added to the match at the last minute and put on an incredible performance.

The other match added saw Samoa Joe put the United States Championship on the line in a Fatal 4-Way match against R-Truth, Andrade, and Rey Mysterio. It turned out to be a great decision as they had arguably the best match of the night with Joe scoring the win to keep the title.

There were also big WrestleMania implications on the line with Becky Lynch needing a win against Charlotte Flair to be put back in the "RAW" women's championship match at the big event next month. The injured Lynch fought the best she could but got a helping hand from an unlikely place as "RAW" women's champion Ronda Rousey interfered to make sure Lynch would be included in the highly anticipated bout at WrestleMania.

Check out Sporting News's complete WWE Fastlane 2019 coverage below.

(All times Eastern)


WWE Fastlane 2019 live updated

The Shield (Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose) beat Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley, and Baron Corbin

10:40 p.m.: Corbin is alone in the ring, surrounded by all three members of The Shield. Rollins with a superkick followed by a Superman Punch from Reigns and Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds. They set him up and deliver a triple powerbomb to score the win. Expected finish but also the right thing to do and a satisfying win for The Shield.

10:38 p.m.: You really shouldn't mock The Shield.

10:37 p.m.: You shouldn't mock The Shield.

10:35 p.m.: Reigns is in the ring ready to deliver a spear but first gives a Superman Punch to Lashley and then to McIntyre before Corbin hits the End of Days. He makes the cover and Rollins and Ambrose just make the save. 

10:33 p.m.: Reigns and Corbin are up on the top rope and Reigns pops off and hits a sit-down powerbomb but Corbin kicks out. Elsewhere, Ambrose jumps off a table but gets caught. Good thing Rollins is there to help out.

10:30 p.m.: Lots of bodies on the floor and Reigns was ready to fly but Corbin cuts him off with the Deep Six. Outside the ring, Ambrose goes flying off the announcer's table and wipes out Lashley and McIntyre. Back in the ring, Corbin hits a chokeslam and almost gets the pin. Meanwhile, the other four men are fighting near the crowd by the kickoff show set. This has broken down quickly!

10:27 p.m.: Ambrose needs to make the tag and fights off McIntyre with his exploder clothesline off the ropes and he gets to his corner. HERE COMES THE BIG DOG! 

10:25 p.m.: The match is breaking down as Lashley and Corbin smash Reigns into the barricade. Ambrose is the legal man and almost gets counted out before just beating the ten count. Lashley is working him over as the crowd is chanting for Roman. 

10:23 p.m.: Rollins finally makes the tag and Ambrose comes into the ring. He clotheslines McIntyre over the top rope to the floor and then goes Macho Man. 

10:20 p.m.: It's all Shield until Rollins pulls himself in the air in the corner, only for McIntyre to catch him with a kick in the midsection. The Scottish Psychopath is a freak athlete. 

10:17 p.m.: Reigns gets the tag and he goes to work with a clothesline on McIntyre. 

10:15 p.m.: All six men square off in the ring and The Shield get the better of them and send them to the floor. The match officially gets underway and Rollins gets in the first big move.

10:11 p.m.: Michael Cole is laying it on thick that this will be the last time The Shield will be together with Ambrose not signing a new contract and will be leaving WWE. My spider sense is tingling.

10:07 p.m.: One more time.

10:01 p.m.: Elias is back in the ring singing followed by Lacey Evans walking out. Elias says it's time to leave but  ... 

And there's more!

Becky Lynch beats Charlotte Flair by DQ to be added to the "RAW" women's championship match at WrestleMania 35

9:53 p.m. FINISH: Becky fights back and gets a small package but Charlotte kicks out. She throws Becky outside the ring and slams her into the barricade. Back in the ring, Charlotte goes to the top rope but Becky throws her off to the floor. The ref is counting and she just gets back in the ring before the ref counts to ten. Becky puts her in the Disarmer but Charlotte gets out of it and puts on the Figure Four. And here comes Ronda Rousey running to the ring and she hits Becky Lynch.

Referee Charles Robinson has no choice and calls for the disqualification. The ring announcer says that the winner by DQ is Becky Lynch and Rousey has a smirk on her face. She gets what she wants and that's to face Becky Lynch at WrestleMania. So now, we have a Triple Threat match between Rousey, Lynch, and Flair at WrestleMania 35. 

9:51 p.m.: Becky threw Charlotte out of the ring but Charlotte grabs her knee and slams it down across the ring apron and then spears her knee in the ring. She's laser-focused on the injury — like father, like daughter. 

9:48 p.m.: Charlotte hits some big chops and then drops Becky with a shot to her bad left knee. Charlotte is now focused on her injury and puts her in a single leg Boston Crab but she finally fights out of it.

9:45 p.m.: Becky Lynch limps to the ring on a crutch and Charlotte Flair is licking her lips. The bell rings and Becky finally throws her crutch out of the ring. She's hopping around on one leg but is ready to fight. Of course, Charlotte is mocking her but Becky fights back with some forearms to the face. 

Daniel Bryan defeats Kevin Owens and Mustafa Ali in a Triple Threat match to retain the WWE Championship

9:34 p.m. FINISH: Owens has a chance for the win but Rowan pulls him out of the ring and hits a spinning kick. Ali and Bryan end up back in the ring and Ali goes to the top rope and flies off, only to get caught with a knee to the face and he's done for as Bryan retains the title. Afterward, Rowan throws Owens over the barricade by the timekeeper and then grabs Ali in the ring and slams him down. Another very good match.

9:31 p.m.: Rowan finally gets involved but Owens and Ali team up to knock him down outside the ring. Bryan then comes off the apron with a knee to the head to the of Owens. Bryan and Ali are on the top rope and Bryan pushes him off but Ali does a flip and lands on his feet. Bryan missed with the big knee and Ali jumps onto the corner post and flies off with a crossbody onto the champ. 

9:29 p.m.: Bryan runs at Owens who connects with a pop-up powerbomb but he can't get the win again. They're fighting on the apron and Ali comes off the top with a somersault splash on Bryan. 

9:27 p.m.: Bryan and Ali are on the top rope and a standing Spanish Fly! Bryan rolls out of the ring and Owens hits Ali with a Stunner and makes the cover and Bryan barely makes the save.

9:25 p.m.: Owens is down on his knees and Bryan is kicking him and goes for the pin but Ali makes the save. Now, Bryan is kicking Ali over and over but Ali ducks the head shot and comes back, driving Bryan face-first into the mat. He's back on offense before Bryan turns him inside-out with a clothesline. A minute later, Ali has a sleeper on Owens who drops him backward onto Bryan. Ouch. 

9:22 p.m.: Bryan is twisting Owens into a pretzel in the crowd but the crowd is more interested in chanting for Kofi. WWE had better deliver Bryan vs. Kofi come WrestleMania. 

9:19 p.m.; Ali climbs up to the top but Bryan catches him with a dropkick that sends Ali flying into the ringside barricade. 

9:16 p.m.: The crowd is chanting for Kofi again as Ali backdrops Bryan over the top rope to the floor and then hits a dive onto Bryan. Ali tries to get back in the ring by Owens catches him and drops him face-first onto the apron. Owens then hits a pair of cannonballs onto both opponents.

9:14 p.m.: Well, Vince McMahon came through on his promise to match this match a triple threat. Only thing is that it does not include Kofi Kingston and Mustafa Ali takes his place after he was battered and bruised by The Bar earlier in the night. Just before the match begins, the crowd is chanting “We want Kofi!” and the crowd then boos as the bell rings. Bryan tells Ali that he does not deserve to be in this match before KO hits him with some shots and sends him out of the ring.

Bayley and Sasha Banks defeat Nia Jax and Tamina to keep the “SmackDown” women’s championship

9:03 p.m. FINISH: Bayley catches Tamina trying to come back in the ring and snaps her across the middle rope. Jax then grabs Bayley and goes for a powerbomb but Bayley rolls her up for the pin. Afterward, Tamina and Jax attack both opponents, which includes tossing Banks over the announcer’s table where Beth Phoenix is at as part of the broadcast team. Tamina and Phoenix go face-to-face and Phoenix elbows her in the face but Jax attacks her from behind.

The Samoan women are beating up Phoenix in the ring when Natalya makes the save, only to get beat up herself. The match seemed secondary with the angle afterward.

9:01 p.m.: This has spilled to the outside and Bayley goes flying.

8:58 p.m.: Bayley is fighting back and she finally makes the tag to Banks who hits a crossbody on Tamina and then a running knee but she can’t get the pin. Banks finds herself in the wrong corner and then both Jax and Tamina are in the ring. Tamina tries to backdrop Banks onto Jax’s shoulders but Jax barely catches her and goes down to a knee before she hits the Samoan drop.

8:55 p.m.: Jax and Tamina using their power advantage early on.

Samoa Joe beats Rey Mysterio, Andrade, and R-Truth in a Fatal 4-Way to retain the United States Championship

8:47 p.m. FINISH: Truth stacks up Andrade and Joe and goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Andrade moves so he only hits Joe. A minute later, Joe sends Truth shoulder-first into the corner but Mysterio then knocks Joe into the rope and hits the 619. He goes for the splash but Joe moves out of the way and then locks in the Coquina Clutch and Mysterio is out. A spectacular match between these four men. 

8:45 p.m.: Samoa Joe knocks Truth off the apron with Andrade connecting with a corkscrew plancha and then Mysterio comes off the top rope to land on Andrade's shoulders and takes him over. Then, Zelina Vega and Carmella get into it and Joe slams Mysterio back in the ring and almost gets the win. The pace is pretty crazy.

8:43 p.m.: Samoa Joe catches Mysterio in mid-air and Andrade knocks them both down with a flying dropkick. Andrade then gives Mysterio several suplexes but Rey gets a cradle for a near pin. Tons of action in this one. 

8:41 p.m.: Joe puts the Coquina Clutch on Truth but Mysterio makes the save. He tries for the 619 for Joe gets out of the way and goes for a big slam but Mysterio reverses into a DDT. Now, Andrade has Mysterio up on the top rope when Truth comes up from behind and puts Andrade on his shoulders with Mysterio taking him down.

8:38 p.m.: Andrade hits a huge back elbow on Mysterio but cannot get the pin. Then, Truth with a spinning forearm and Andrade before Mysterio takes to the air. 

8:36 p.m.: Right off the bat, Mysterio goes for his sliding splash outside the ring but Andrade catches him before Truth hits him with a clothesline. And then Samoa Joe does this ... 

8:33 p.m.: No time to catch your breath as its time for another multi-person match. 

The Revival beat both Bobby Roode and Chad Gable along with Ricochet and Aleister Black in a Triple Threat match to retain the “RAW” tag team championship

8:28 p.m. FINISH: Gable is now the legal man but gets caught by Dash and Dawson with the Shatter Machine as The Revival get the win to retain the titles. Afterward, there's more fighting as Aleister Black dishing out a Black Mass and Ricochet hits a 630 splash. Really good, exciting match and the only complaint is that they didn't get enough time.

8:26 p.m.: All six men spill outside the ring and are laying there before we finally get a few back on their feet including Ricochet and Gable in the ring with Ricochet diving over the corner post to the floor where he lands on Roode. 

8:24 p.m.: Awesome exchange as Gable hits Black with a German suplex and Dash comes off the top rope followed by Ricochet with a huge 360 off the top.

8:22 p.m.: Wilder and Dawson have kept Ricochet in there but finally we get a tag. Aleister Black in taking out everyone including Roode and Gable. He sets up Roode for Black Mass but Scott Dawson stops him and Roode hits Black with a spinebuster. 

8:19 p.m.: The Revival is all about double team moves.

8:15 p.m.: Expect lots of action in this one and Ricochet is breaking out some flying early on.

8:07 p.m.: We get Elias singing (again) and Shane McMahon refuses to explain his action from earlier in the show when he attacked The Miz. And back to the action.

The Bar beats Kofi Kingston in a handicapped match

8:02 p.m. FINISH: The Bar hits the Doomsday Device off the top rope and then Cesaro holds Kofi up as Sheamus delivers a Brogue Kick but they refuse to pin him. Big E and Woods start jogging to the ring even though they're banned from ringside but get attacked from behind by Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura. In the ring, The Bar hit the double White Noise and it's lights out for Kofi. WWE really likes stacking the odds against babyfaces that the crowd loves these days (see Lynch, Becky). So, does Kofi still get to challenge for the WWE Championship later tonight?

7:57 p.m.: Sheamus and Cesaro and in total control early on but Kofi is fighting back before getting caught with a nasty uppercut.

7:52 p.m.: And just when we think Kofi is getting his title match, not yet. Instead, it's announced that the WWE championship match will be later tonight and right now, he has to face both members of The Bar in a handicapped match. Oh boy.

7:50 p.m.: Backstage, Kofi Kingston and The New Day finally meet with Vince McMahon. Big E and Xavier Woods are pushing hard for Vince to be fair and make the WWE Championship match a triple threat, including Kofi ... and the boss gives in. And that match starts now!

Asuka beats Mandy Rose to retain the "SmackDown" women's championship

7:48 p.m. FINISH: Asuka goes a hip strike but misses and Rose immediately connects with a knee to the face. She goes for her finisher but Asuka gets out of it and hits a knee strike of her own. Deville again pulls up the ring curtain and grabs a kendo stick from under the ring. However, she left the curtain on the ring and Rose slips on it and falls. When she gets up, she gets caught with a vicious kick to the face and gets pinned. Decent match with some really hard hitting strikes. 

7:45 p.m.: Rose is in control for a moment but Asuka puts her in the Octopus submission hold. Deville then pulls up the ring curtain and is looking for something under the ring before Rose clumsily powers Asuka off her. Corey Graves on commentary said that Deville was looking for "rats and ninjas" under the ring. Um, sure.

7:42 p.m.: Sonya Deville is watching from ringside so we'll see if she gets involved. Asuka goes for a submission hold early but Rose gets to the ropes. Asuka delivers some big blows and then Deville distracts Asuka (I knew it!) but Asuka gets the reversal. Deville is up on the apron and Asuka takes a swing at her and misses but then goes down hard following a knee to the face by Rose. 

7:39 p.m.: Big opportunity for Rose here to see how far she's come.

7:35 p.m: Yep, Elias is here to sing for the crowd. And he drops his one: “I can’t wait to get out of Cleveland and go to L.A. to hang with my buddy LeBron”. Let’s just say the Cleveland crowd didn’t like that too much.

7:30 p.m.: Shane is beating down The Miz and then taunts his dad and even grabs him by the face and pushes him back in his chair. The crowd is livid and dad wants to do something but security won't let him jump the barricade. Then Shane puts The Miz in an inverted triangle until he passes out. Shane finally leaves and then Miz's dad is finally allowed to comfort his son. Quite the angle and we finally get heel Shane.

7:28 p.m.: After the match, The Miz and Shane embrace in the ring and then go ringside where The Miz hugs his dad for a nice moment. But then...

The Usos defeat Shane McMahon and The Miz to keep the “SmackDown” tag team championship

7:26 p.m. FINISH: The Miz is in position to get the win and goes for a huge frog splash off the top rope but gets caught on the way down and rolled up for the pin. The Miz is rather distraught in his hometown. Will his dad still love him? Good match overall without much Shane craziness.

7:23 p.m.: The teams go back and forth and now Shane is ready for the coast-to-coast but he has an Uso in the way.

7:21 p.m.: Back in the ring, The Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale but can't hit it and instead gets caught with a double kick to the face as he comes off the top rope. However, Shane makes the save and now they're all four in the ring. The Miz does hit his finisher but the ref doesn't see it as he's attending to Shane on the mat. The Miz has the pin but by the time the ref sees him, he only counts to two before the Uso kicks out.

7:18 p.m.: The Miz is going nuts with knees and kicks. And then he decides to go big risk with a big dive off the top rope onto both of the Usos. And dad approves.

7:16 p.m.: Jay Uso with a big flying punch and he goes for a clothesline but Shane ducks and connects with a DDT. AND HERE COMES THE MIZ!

7:14 p.m.: The Usos are using their tag team prowess to control the ring against Shane so far including a kick to the head and snapping his neck off the ropes behind the referee's back. 

7:11 p.m.: We finally found a city that likes The Miz with the Cleveland fans chanting "Miz is awesome!"He and Shane were doing well for the first few minutes until The Usos leveled Shane with a clothesline. 

7:05 p.m.: Remember, The Miz is fighting not just for titles but for his daddy's approval! And his pops will be sitting in the front row here in their hometown of Cleveland. 

7:01 p.m.: And here we go with the main card which got supersized to eight matches with six having titles on the line following the addition of the U.S. Title match. 

The New Day's Big E and Xavier Woods beat Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura

6:53 p.m. FINISH: Lana interferes just when The New Day were about to finish off Nakamura. Rusev gets tagged in and delivers a huge Machka kick to Big E but he kicks out/Woods make the save. Rusev and Nakamura end up outside the ring and Woods tries to dive on them but he gets caught and slammed down hard on the floor. Back in the ring, Rusev puts him in the Accolade but Woods won't give up even though Nakamura is pulling back on the bottom rope so Woods can't grab it. Big E takes care of Nakamura, Woods gets back on this feet, and The New Day finish off Rusev with some double-team action. Solid match to get things going but it felt more like another TV match.

6:51 p.m.: Nakamura with a knee strike off the top rope connects to Big E's chest but he can't get the three count. Woods tags into and gets caught with a kick to the head but he kicks out. Rusev is ready to finish him and sets him up on the top rope but Woods fights him off, only to get caught with a big suplex. 

6:48 p.m.: Woods with a big drop kick on Nakamura and he makes the tag. Big E is going nuts with suplex after suplex and then a big splash onto Nakamura. He goes for the Big Ending but Nakamura instead tries to get a guillotine but Big E reverses out of it. 

6:45 p.m.: It's all Rusev and Nakamura early as they have Woods trapped in the ring. This match is so important that they've gone split screen on it twice — once to air a Fastlane commercial and to go backstage to see The Miz talk with his dad. 

6:40 p.m.: Time for the first match of the night.

6:38 p.m.: Kofi is such a good dude. And now the McMahon family wants to see him in the office regarding the WWE Championship match. Hmmm...

6:36 p.m.: When is the last time AJ Styles was on the kickoff show in any fashion? To his credit, he did say that you can't be on the top all of the time.

6:32 p.m.: With WrestleMania right around the corner, I don't expect any big surprises on the show tonight. While I did predict Becky Lynch to beat Charlotte Flair (check out my predictions at the bottom of the page), I can see a scenario where Charlotte wins in controversial fashion with Becky still finding a way into the "RAW" women's title match at Mania. I do expect the Lynch vs. Flair match to end the show tonight. 

6:26 p.m.: New person on the panel!!!!

6:23 p.m.: Scrap the Rey Mysterio versus Andrade match. Instead, it will be those two along with R-Truth and Samoa Joe in a Fatal 4-Way match for the United States Championship. And it looks like it will be a part of the main card and not the kickoff show. 

6:20 p.m.: Yes, Mandy Rose is saying that she has the mental edge against Asuka and is the favorite. But the real story is EC3 shows up backstage ... AND HE CAN TALK! Maybe he shouldn't have because he quickly got shooed away by Sonya Deville.

6:15 p.m.: The IIconics have crashed the broadcast to (kinda) challenge the women's tag team champions and say that they are the future of the division. Both Billie Kay and Peyton Royce did predict Sasha Banks and Bayley to win their match tonight to retain the tag titles. 

6:00 p.m.: Welcome to Sporting News' live coverage of WWE Fastlane 2019, the last event before WrestleMania 35. The kickoff show is underway with Jonathan Coachman, Beth Phoenix, Sam Roberts, and David Otunga.


WWE Fastlane 2019 matches

— Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens for the WWE championship

— Becky Lynch vs. Charlotte Flair; if Becky wins, she will be added to the "RAW" women's championship match at WrestleMania 35

— The Shield (Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and Dean Ambrose) vs. Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley, and Baron Corbin

— The Usos vs. Shane McMahon and The Miz for the “SmackDown” tag team championship

— Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Nia Jax and Tamina for the Women’s tag team championship

— Asuka vs. Mandy Rose for the "SmackDown" women's championship

— The Revival vs. Bobby Roode and Chad Gable vs. Ricochet and Aleister Black in a Triple Threat match for the “RAW” tag team championship

— Samoa Joe vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Andrade vs. R-Truth in a Fatal 4-Way for the United States Championship

— Rusev and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The New Day's Big E and Xavier Woods (kickoff show match)


WWE Fastlane 2019 predictions

— Daniel Bryan holds off Kevin Owens to remain WWE Champion.

— Becky Lynch beats Charlotte Flair to keep her WrestleMania dreams alive.

— The Shield returns with a win.

— The Usos get the victory to retain the "SmackDown" tag team titles

— Sasha Banks and Bayley score the "W" to keep the Women's tag titles

— Asuka retains the "SmackDown" women's championship with a win.

— The Revival survives to keep the "RAW" tag team titles.

— Andrade scores a win over Rey Mysterio.

— The New Day defeat Rusev and Nakamura.

Brian Fritz

Brian Fritz Photo

Brian Fritz is a contributor with The Sporting News covering the NBA and NFL who previously worked at BasketballNews. He is a 20-year veteran of sports talk radio in Orlando, Florida, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. He now resides in Durham, North Carolina.