WWE Fastlane 2018 results: AJ Styles punches WrestleMania ticket, John Cena misses out

Brian Fritz

WWE Fastlane 2018 results: AJ Styles punches WrestleMania ticket, John Cena misses out image

The WrestleMania dream match is still on.

AJ Styles successfully defended the WWE Championship at WWE Fastlane in a Six-Pack challenge, officially setting up the big showdown between he and Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania 34.

Meanwhile, former 16-time champion John Cena came up short in winning the title and continues to look for an avenue to be part of the April 8 event.

MORE: WWE Fastlane match ratings, fallout, takeaways

There was one title change, as Randy Orton beat Bobby Roode to win the United States Championship for the first time in his surefire Hall of Fame career.

Plus, several other matches were seemingly set up for WrestleMania 34 throughout the night including Asuka challenging Charlotte Flair for the "SmackDown" Women's Championship.

Sporting News had all the WWE Fastlane 2018 coverage you needed with a live blog, which you can review below. 

(All times Eastern.)

WWE Fastlane 2018 results

AJ Styles defeats John Cena, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Baron Corbin, and Dolph Ziggler to retain the WWE Championship

10:52 p.m. FINISH: Awesome finish as Cena takes a superkick from Ziggler but bounces off the ropes, catches him and hits the AA. Then Owens pushes Cena off the ropes and hits him with the pop-up powerbomb. Before he can do anything else, Styles comes from out of nowhere to flies into the ring and connects with a Phenomenal Forearm to KO for the win.

Awesome match and a fantastic closing segment to end the it with Styles getting the win. The dream match is on between Styles and Nakamura at WrestleMania 34 but will John Cena be part of the show? We'll have to watch "RAW" on Monday night to find out.

10:50 p.m.: KO has Sami pinned but Shane pulls the referee out of the ring. Then Sami hits KO with the Helluva kick and makes the cover but Shane pulls him out of the ring before the three. I smell another WrestleMania match. 

10:47 p.m.: Sami Zayn promised Kevin Owens he would lay down for him and he's doing just that. KO is hesitant and then tries to hit Zayn who rolls him up and almost get the 3-count. And the lifelong feud continues!

KO tries to powerbomb him on the apron but Zayn counters with a back drop on the apron. Zayn is then screaming at Shane McMahon for doing this to them. Owens tries to superkick Sami who moves and it's Shane-O-Mac that gets hit.

10:45 p.m.: Big spot of the night as Cena was standing on the announcer's table and had Owens on his shoulders. KO fights out and Styles charges at Cena who catches him and send him through another announcer table with a huge AA. Wow.

10:42 p.m.: Ziggler and Corbin are fighting into the crowd and go crashing into the plexiglass used for the Columbus Blue Jackets NHL team.

10:39 p.m.: Cena gets Ziggler up for an AA but a great counter as Ziggler hits a Famouser but can't get the win. Styles is back in the ring and hits Cena with a Styles Clash but Zayn breaks up the pin at the last second. Sure looked like the referee had to hesitate early there.

10:34 p.m.: Everyone is back up and Cena is in some trouble as he's alone in the middle of everyone. They go on the attack and then toss Cena outside the ring.

10:30 p.m.: Cena comes out of the gate hot, immediately hitting Zayn, Owens, Corbin, and Ziggler each with an AA. Styles acts like he's going to charge at Cena but stops. He's too good to fall for that. 

10:27 p.m.: BTW, "SmackDown" Commissioner Shane McMahon is at ringside to get an up-close look at this one and, I assume, promote fairness. Or maybe he just wanted to to show off his moves again.

10:20 p.m.: Big, emotional video package leading up to the championship match featuring all six competitors. This one should be good.

Charlotte Flair defeats Ruby Riott to retain the "SmackDown" Women's Championship

10:12 p.m. FINISH: Now all alone in the ring, Charlotte takes controls and locks on the Figure 8 with Ruby quickly tapping out.

Immediately afterward, the music hits and Asuka is coming to the ring!

The Royal Rumble winner stands face-to-face with Charlotte and points to the WrestleMania sign and we all know that universal language. Charlotte versus Asuka for the "SmackDown" Women's Championship at WrestleMania 34 is officially on. 

10:07 p.m.: Charlotte comes back and hits a moonsault off the barricade on the floor. Then back in the ring, Riott connects with a hurricanrada. Then the Riott Squat want to get involved by Becky and Naomi jump in the ring and the referee sends them to the back. Liv and Sarah are going off on Charlotte behind the refs back and then he throws both of them out. 

10:04 p.m.: Ruby is getting a lot of offense in this match which is a big surprise. Finally, Charlotte hits a big neck breaker and then climbs to the top rope where she gets pushes and goes face-first into the barricade.

9:59 p.m.: Riott was basically choking Charlotte from behind and the only way to get out of it was to send them both crashing to the floor. And there's the Riott Squad to distract Charlotte who gets kicked in the back of the head by Ruby. A few minutes later, Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan are about to pounce on Charlotte but Noami and Becky Lynch sprint to ringside to keep it a fair match.

9:54 p.m.: Just a few months ago, Ruby Riott was in NXT and now she's in the second to last match on a pay-per-view challenging for a title. That's something.

The Usos vs. The New Day for the "SmackDown" Tag Team Titles ends in a non-finish

9:41 p.m. FINISH: Jimmy and Jey Uso take to the air and dive onto all three members of The News Day. Everyone is down and here come The Bludgeon Brothers with mallets in hand. They destroy everyone with some vicious moves.

Woods takes a massive suplex onto the floor, Rowan crashes through Big E and then they slam both Usos on the floor and give them a splash. As they're walking to the back, they decide to inflict more punishment and double powerbomb Woods onto the steel steps. That looked absolutely brutal and Woods is going to be feeling that tomorrow Or next week.

I think we have another WrestleMania match between these three teams. 

9:36 p.m.: Xavier Woods tags in and it's a superkick party! The Kofi with an Uso splash but cannot score a three count. Each team is using the others vintage (copyright Michael Cole) moves.

9:32 p.m.: Nice sequence by Kofi as he cleans house before Jimmy takes his head off with a clothesline. Great action early on as the awesome rivalry continues.

9:29 p.m.: No Big E in the match as its Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods going for The New Day. Interesting choice.

9:27 p.m.: The New Day is looking to become five-time tag team champions and the flapjacks are flying as they come down to the ring. 

9:24 p.m.: WWE is building this up as the biggest tag team rivalry of this era. Well, they do have chemistry and have had some great matches. Here's WWE dropping some knowledge:

Carmella and Natalya beat Naomi and Becky Lynch

9:19 p.m. FINISH: Lots of action and the referee doesn't see Natalya get the Money in the Bank briefcase on the apron. Carmella can't get her hands on it though and Becky Lynch knocks Nattie off the apron but when she turns around, Carmella levels her with a superkick for the win. This was all over the place and at time sloppy, at times stiff.

Carmella is still coming along which makes it even more strange why she won the Money in the Bank case. And when is she ever going to cash that thing in?

9:17 p.m.: Naomi finally makes the tag and Becky Lynch is going to town on Natalya including a missile dropkick. Naomi isn't out long and she comes back in and almost takes Carmella's head off with a kick. Yikes.

9:13 p.m.: A bit sloppy so far. Nattie hits Naomi with a big powerbomb and now Carmella is following that up with a rear chin lock. Does Kevin Owens know about this? Is this gimmick infringement?

9:08 p.m.: Tag team action is coming up next. After looking at this heading, I'm very thankful that WWE lets Becky keep her last name. Can they finally do something with her now? She is one of the most under-utilized talents in the company.

9:03 p.m.: A really long video package just aired regarding Ronda Rousey signing with WWE and her ongoing storyline leading up to her WrestleMania debut match teaming with Kurt Angle against Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. It was very nice of "SmackDown" to do that for "RAW" and WWE is beyond all-in on Rousey.

Randy Orton defeats Bobby Roode to become WWE United States Champion

8:57 p.m. FINISH: Orton with a massive superplex and a minute later Roode connects with a picture perfect spinebuster. Roode is feeling good and comes off the top rope but RKO OUTTA NOWHERE and Orton is the United States Champion for the first time in his career which is quite the stat.

Afterward, Mahal comes down to the ring to attack the new champ but Roode comes to his aid and hits Jinder with a Glorious DDT. Then, he gives one to Orton for good measure. Looks like a Triple Threat between these three come WrestleMania.

8:49 p.m.: Both men go for their finisher but can't connect and then Roode clotheslines Orton to the floor. Orton whips Roode into the barricade and drops him on it back first before the two get back in the ring just before the 10 count. That would have been weak.

8:46 p.m.: Roode gets the upper hand and goes for the Glorious DDT but Orton instead hits back-to-back clotheslines and then a big powerslam. The crowd is slowly getting into this as he picks up with Roode hitting a Blockbuster off the top rope but can't score the pin.

8:42 p.m.: Good technical wrestling match as expected but the crowd is lukewarm. They're waiting for the action to pick up. So am I. And Orton hits a big suplex. 

8:39 p.m.: Some slow back and forth action and Orton goes for an RKO for the first time. Roode is having none of it and slides out of the ring to compose himself. Smart man.

8:34 p.m.: A very happy Bobby Roode is pumped for action ... and Randy Orton is not impressed.

8:29 p.m.: The first of four championship matches of the night. We'll see if this is glorious or not. Someone keep an eye on Jinder Mahal.

Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Rusev

8:24 p.m. FINISH: Rusev tries to lock on the Accolade but Nakamura backs out of it and hits a Kinshasa to the back of Rusev's head. The Bulgarian Brute is stunned and Nakamura finishes him off with another Kinshasa square on the jaw. Good match especially the final five minutes. And guess where Shinsuke is going...

8:21 p.m.: Rusev connects with a high kick to the head but Nakamura kicks out at the last second. Once he gets back on his feet, they exchange some kicks and knees and then pinfalls. Nakamura has the upper hand but Rusev hits a Machka kick out of nowhere but Nakamura kicks out again. Great exchange.

8:19 p.m.: Nakamura is finally turning it on with knees to the midsection and then some big knees to the neck. He locks on a face lock but Rusev powers out with an over the head slam.

8:12 p.m.: Early on it's Rusev working on Nakamura's left arm. Rusev goes for a big punch but Nakamura ducks and swaggers away before doing this "come on " gesture. Rusev wants none of it and steps out of the ring. Mind games on both sides.

8:05 p.m.: Opening match on the show and this could be a lot of fun. And Aiden English's voice has recovered so we can all celebrate Rusev Day!!!!

8:01 p.m.: Here we go - it's WWE Fastlane, the last PPV before WrestleMania 34. 

7:56 p.m.: Almost time for WWE Fastlane. Remember to follow us on Twitter @SN_Wrestling for updates and witty banter.

Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) and Tye Dillinger beat Chad Gable, Shelton Benjamin, and Mojo Rawley

7:53 p.m. FINISH: Dillinger was in trouble but got out of it and then he and his teammates cleaned house before he cracked Mojo with a knee to the face and the pin. Decent match.

7:49 p.m.: WWE just aired a fantastic new trailer on Ronda Rousey and her upcoming WrestleMania debut.

7:47 p.m.: It's all fun and games until this happens.

7:42 p.m.: We're wrestling! Kickoff show action coming you're way.

7:40 p.m.: Time for social media questions for Dolph Ziggler who is hoping to get that one chance to main event WrestleMania. He doesn't regret giving up the United States Championship and stopped paying attention to the WWE Universe years ago. Oh, and Booker T loves his attitude apparently.

7:34 p.m.: The Modern Day Maharaja Jinder Mahal has joined the kickoff show panel. He's a little upset that he's not on the show. And for the record, he doesn't like either Bobby Roode or Randy Orton.

7:26 p.m.: Renee Young is wearing a black, leather jacket with purple streamers on it. And she's pulling it off.

7:18 p.m.: Make sure you're following Sporting News wrestling on Twitter @SN_Wrestling to keep up with everything we're doing on the site. It's a quick click - do it.

7:15 p.m.: Big news! A match has been added to the kickoff show!

7:11 p.m.: Booker T is making bold statements on the kickoff show! Charlotte Flair is the GREATEST WWE Women's Champion of all time! And that's coming from a Hall of Famer so it means more — or so he said. Shucky shucky, quack quack.

7:05 p.m.: While anything can happen on these shows, I don't expect many — if any — titles to change hand. The only one that I think has a real chance is the tag team titles but I think The Usos are keeping them. That doesn't mean this won't be a good show and I think this could be a hidden gem with some great action. Check out my predictions below.

7:01 p.m.: Welcome to our live coverage of WWE Fastlane. One more WWE pay-per-view and then we're officially on the road to WrestleMania.

WWE Fastlane 2018 card

— AJ Styles vs. John Cena vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Championship
— Bobby Roode vs. Randy Orton for the WWE United States Championship
— The Usos (Jey and Jimmy Uso) vs. The New Day for the WWE "SmackDown" Tag Team Championship
— Charlotte Flair vs. Ruby Riott for the WWE "SmackDown" Women's Championship
— Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Rusev
— Becky Lynch and Naomi vs. Natalya and Carmella

WWE Fastlane 2018 predictions

— AJ Styles remains WWE Champion keeping alive the “dream” match against Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania 34
— Roode retains the United States championship after Jinder Mahal interferes 
— The Usos hot streak continues with a win
— Charlotte successfully defends the women’s championship
— Nakamura beats Rusev
— Becky Lynch and Naomi score a victory

Brian Fritz can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @BrianFritz and listen to his Between The Ropes podcast on Blog Talk Radio.

Brian Fritz

Brian Fritz Photo

Brian Fritz is a contributor with The Sporting News covering the NBA and NFL who previously worked at BasketballNews. He is a 20-year veteran of sports talk radio in Orlando, Florida, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. He now resides in Durham, North Carolina.