Am I the only one? Elimination Chamber triple threat; Top 10 list of what?; Miscast Rusev

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? Elimination Chamber triple threat; Top 10 list of what?; Miscast Rusev image

Every week, Kevin Eck will run down his burning thoughts from "RAW," "SmackDown Live" and the rest of the pro wrestling world.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… thought the stipulation in the triple threat match between Braun Strowman, John Cena and Elias was ill-conceived?

The stipulation was that the winner of the match would get the advantage of being the last person to enter the ring in the men’s Elimination Chamber match. So how was that fair to Roman Reigns and The Miz, who didn’t have their qualifying matches until Monday night? I get that WWE wanted the match to have stakes, but this felt forced.

I learned during my time on the WWE creative team that Vince McMahon believes triple threat matches always need to be “for something.” Contrarian that I am, my response to that the first time I heard it was: Can’t it just be for wanting to win the match? You know, just like a one-on-one match that isn’t for a title? Whatever happened to wanting to gain the winner’s share of the purse?

On a side note, contrarians on the WWE creative team are likely to banished and reduced to writing “Am I the only one?” columns for Sporting News.

ECK: The inside story of The Hurricane's short, sweet WWE return

… missed the part where Asuka declared that she was going to challenge for the “RAW” Women’s Title at WrestleMania?

The last thing I recall is that Asuka, the winner of the women’s Royal Rumble match, hadn’t made up her mind which championship she was going to go for at WrestleMania. Yet it was announced on “RAW” that if Nia Jax defeats Asuka at the “Elimination Chamber” pay-per-view, Jax will be added to the “RAW” Women’s Title Match at WrestleMania, making it a triple threat.

Before that announcement, I figured Jax was going to be in the women’s Chamber match, which is for the “RAW” Women’s Title, and was going to win it and defend the championship against Asuka at WrestleMania.

… thinks putting Roderick Strong in the WWE Cruiserweight Title tournament is a smart decision?

I’ve been saying for a long time that the cruiserweight division needs some big names in it to change the perception that it’s just a bunch of guys who aren’t good enough to make it onto the main roster. If WWE really wants to get fans excited about “205 Live,” the Cruiserweight Title needs to seem like it’s a big deal, and the way to do that is to have big names competing for it.

Strong is a good start, but I’d also have Adam Cole and Finn Balor in there as well. You’d have two former ROH World Champions and a former Universal champion going after the belt. That’s how you make a title prestigious.

Whenever WWE touts how big a star Balor was in Japan, keep in mind that he won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title three times there, the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title six times and the Best of the Super Juniors tournament twice. Guess how many times he held the IWGP Heavyweight singles and tag team titles? As Vince McMahon is fond of saying, perception is reality.

… LOL’d when Alexa Bliss accused Kurt Angle of valuing Brock Lesnar more than he values her?

Angle’s response obviously should’ve been, “Oh, it’s true. It’s damn true!”  Brock draws money. The only thing Bliss draws is her eyebrows.

ECK: The greatest women's wrestlers in WWE history

… thinks Braun Strowman should not be cutting selfie promos?

As I’ve said before, I’m not a fan of the selfie videos in general, but an uncontrollable, no-nonsense badass such as Strowman doing it is absurd. Surely, Vince McMahon must know that.

… is not impressed with Jonathan Coachman as a commentator?

I won’t go so far as to say that I miss Booker T on commentary, but I don’t think Coachman has added much to the broadcast. I am glad, however, that “Coach” is playing it pretty straight rather than doing an over-the-top heel announcer gimmick.

Here’s a thought: WWE is all about equality and empowering women these days, so why not give the talented Renee Young a seat at the announce table? When a spot on the “SmackDown Live” commentary team opened up last September after JBL left, Young responded on Twitter to fans who suggested she get the job by saying, “I was never very good at commentary for NXT.”

So when was being good on commentary ever a prerequisite for doing commentary in WWE?

… thinks it’s a stretch to compare The Revival to Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson?

I like The Revival, but it’s not fair to compare them to Tully and Arn just because both teams work a similar style. Tully and Arn are one the greatest tag teams of all time. The Revival just lost to Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson.

… really liked the match between Mickie James and Sonya Deville?

This was a physical match that looked like a real fight. Well done.

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… doesn’t see the point of the Top 10 list?

Seriously, what is it supposed to represent? Having WWE Champion AJ Styles and “SmackDown” Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair in the top two spots makes sense if these are power rankings, but how can New Day be one spot ahead of “SmackDown” Tag Team Champions The Usos? And how can Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn not make the list, but Tye Dillinger does (conveniently at No. 10)?

It was explained that the list is based on voting by the talent, with the stipulation that they can’t vote for themselves. So it’s basically a list of the people on the roster who are most liked by their peers. Who cares?

You know what happens when you make a nonsensical list that no one cares about? Do you?

… wonders why WWE is still booking Rusev as a heel?

With the fans loving Rusev these days and Bobby Roode being a natural heel, I really thought WWE was going to pull the trigger on a double turn in their match this week, or at least plant a seed. Not only did they nothing of the sort happen, but Rusev’s personal singer Aiden English actually heeled on the crowd. Way to ruin Rusev Day, WWE.

The irony of it all is that when Shane McMahon talked about giving opportunities to wrestlers who deserve them at the top of the show, the crowd broke out into a  “Rusev Day” chant,” and McMahon said, “Duly noted.”

The fans clearly want to cheer Rusev, so give the people what they want. It will also eliminate the unenviable position babyfaces are being put it when they face the popular Rusev.

FOLLOW: Sporting News Wrestling on Twitter for the latest Rusev Day developments

… wonders what WWE is doing with Dolph Ziggler?

Wow, how many times have we said that over the years? I was intrigued when Ziggler voluntarily relinquished the United States Title in December and appeared to be walking out on WWE. But then he returned for the Royal Rumble match and did not make an impact. Now, he is facing Baron Corbin on “SmackDown Live” next week, with the winner being added to the WWE Title Match at “Fastlane” between AJ Styles, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn.

With everyone wanting to see Styles versus Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Title at WrestleMania, Ziggler obviously won’t be winning the title at Fastlane — if he’s even in the match.

… heard Corey Graves tell Byron Saxton, “If you got locked in the Uso Penitentiary, we could probably sell you for a couple honey buns?”

And he said it just two segments after the moving video package for Black History Month. I wonder what Graves’ nemesis Booker T thinks about what Graves said to Saxton.

Kevin Eck