Vince McMahon: WWE talent to appear on Fox programs, any Superstar can get time off

Brian Fritz

Vince McMahon: WWE talent to appear on Fox programs, any Superstar can get time off image

It's rare these days for Vince McMahon to sit down for a one-on-one interview, but the WWE CEO did just that recently for a feature with Variety magazine to discuss the company's Wall Street success over the past decade and "SmackDown Live's" move to Fox this fall.

The piece also focused on how the WWE has turned around its perception and has cleaned up its act when it comes to violence and its use of female performers in order to become more atttractive to both viewers and advertisers. 

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As expected, the interview was filled with plenty of interesting nuggets from McMahon including that once "SmackDown" begins airing on Fox beginning on Friday, Oct. 4 that WWE will be all over the network.

“WWE talent will be appearing on [Fox] programming," said McMahon. "It’s going to be a totally integrated approach. We’ve never had a platform like this in terms of promotion. Fox is going to go all-in, and they’re great promoters.”

There will also be plenty of cross-promotion with the show being plugged on Fox live sporting events including NFL and MLB broadcasts. 

McMahon was also asked about the WWE's notoriously grueling schedule considering that it never takes time off with wrestlers performing over 200 events a year between television and house shows. The non-stop schedule and the issues with it were recently spotlighted in an episode of the HBO show "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver." It's a grind for the talent, but McMahon claimed that anyone can take time off whenever they want.

“Anybody who wants time off can get time off," said McMahon. "That’s easy. In addition to that, it’s easy to weave a talent in and out of a storyline. If they get injured, you’re not expecting that. Or if they have a family matter. Our characters are real people with real problems. It’s a revolving situation where this talent will work these dates, that talent will work those dates.”

But when McMahon was asked about the longevity of his company, he chalked that up to his "refusal to become complacent" and compared it to being in the military.

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"I liken it to the military," McMahon said. "At the end of the day, I've got these ribbons and all these medals, and I wake up the next morning, and every one of them is gone. You have to earn everybody's respect every day, all over again, and I don't take it for granted."

When asked if he would consider selling WWE or at least a share of it, the WWE CEO said "we’re open for business," but declined to elaborate beyond that.

Brian Fritz

Brian Fritz Photo

Brian Fritz is a contributor with The Sporting News covering the NBA and NFL who previously worked at BasketballNews. He is a 20-year veteran of sports talk radio in Orlando, Florida, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. He now resides in Durham, North Carolina.