WWE Survivor Series 2017: What worked, what didn't and what comes next

Joe Rivera

WWE Survivor Series 2017: What worked, what didn't and what comes next image

It's amazing how much a bad main event can ruin such a good pay-per-view. Such is the case with the results of Survivor Series.

The card was so well-executed from top to (almost) bottom. Tag-team matches stole the show. The women's elimination match was excellent. Most of the negative reaction comes from the main event.

MORE: Survivor Series 2017 as it happened

Here's what worked, what didn't and what comes next after Survivor Series: 

Survivor Series 2017: What worked

Everyone should walk with Elias

There's certainly something there with Elias, whether or not people want to admit it.

He had a pretty vanilla match with Matt Hardy on the pre-show/kickoff show, but the crowd reaction for Elias — when people aren't even in their seats — was special. It's clear his singing gimmick is working, and he has the demeanor to pull it off. His in-ring work improves with seemingly every appearance.

I'm not sure what Elias' future is, but he should slot nicely into the midcard scene for now — and that's not a slight against him at all.

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Welcome to the Uso Penitentiary

Few tag teams have had the momentum and staying power that the Usos have had over the past eight years.

That's right, the Usos have been stalwarts in the WWE tag team division since 2010 — hard to believe, right? But their latest gimmick change and heel turn have done a ton to freshen up their characters, and they consistently put on the best matches on the roster. Sunday night was no different. 

The Usos' match with The Bar was a highlight on a night of great wrestling, top to (almost) bottom, so to see them get the run and respect they deserve from WWE fans is great to watch, especially in a company that hasn't put a premium on tag-team wrestling for a long, long time.

AJ loses in style

It's unfortunate that AJ Styles became the latest victim of Brock Lesnar, but at least he doesn't look any weaker for it.

While it looked like a squash match at the start, a well-orchestrated and competitive match ensued after an early drubbing of Styles at the hands of the "Beast." Styles got in some great offense that showed smaller, quicker superstars can hang with Lesnar, an incredibly important point moving forward.

While there's no doubt where the 'E is going, with a Reigns vs. Lesnar showdown at the upcoming WrestleMania, there are other options just in case they don't feel confident in Reigns.

Ah, who am I kidding?

Survivor Series 2017: What didn't work

'Dango and Breeze are a cold case

The Fashion Files have been hilarious for a long time, but we're reaching a point where Breezango just doesn't have steam anymore.

If they're not serious contenders for the tag titles at this point, they may never be, and it may be too late to throw the tag-team belts on them at this point.

It's unfortunate: Comedy gimmicks are always so fragile. If the gimmick is fun and you stick with it, crowds are entertained, but the team could lose legitimacy. But if you nix the gimmick early, fans are left wanting more. 

Unfortunately for the Fashion Police, they could be reaching their end of watch.

Alicia Fox or Alicia Botch?

Reading Twitter — a bad thing, trust me — you would think Alicia Fox would have improved after being with the company for so long. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.

While Fox is probably a tremendously hard-working individual behind the scenes, her confusing exit during the women's traditional Survivor Series match was shoddy at best, and incredibly sloppy at worst.

Her latest push is a bit confusing. As crowds are still taking a long time to warm up to Fox, and her athleticism is apparent, she still doesn't have the quality of character or in-ring ability compared to her counterparts in women's wrestling in the company.

Here's hoping she finds her groove and really steps into the role before it's too late.

The Shinsuke Nakamura confusion continues

There's something odd about Nakamura being eliminated first in the traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series match, especially when you consider Bobby Roode was eliminated second and Shane McMahon was the last Team "SmackDown" member in the match.

Nakamura has been oddly booked since his call-up. Here's hoping that changes in the coming months, since the crowd was completely hot for the Nakamura-and-Balor spot midway through the match.

The fact the Survivor Series match came down to Kurt Angle, Triple H and Shane McMahon — you read that correctly — while Nakamura was the first elimination in the match really makes no sense.

Nakamura is one of the best wrestlers on the planet and his talents seem to be wasted on the main roster — not necessarily a new thing for WWE.

That leads to the next point . . .

The Survivor Series match was a mess

This is where the brunt of the criticism for Sunday's event will come from.

You're given some absolutely impressive talent in the match. Let's list them:

  • Finn Balor
  • Samoa Joe
  • Shinsuke Nakamura
  • Bobby Roode

​None of those four finished the match.

Instead, we were given an incredibly convoluted, nonsensical end to an otherwise awesome event, including Triple H turning on Kurt Angle for reasons unknown, and Braun Strowman turning on Triple H because he's a big, angry ogre and there's really nothing else to it now.

It might take a week or two to make it all make sense, but they squandered an otherwise brilliant show with some really, really bad booking.

Not to mention: Jason Jordan didn't show up at all in the main event, and given the nuclear heat on him at the moment, it might be best to turn him heel, and the main event was the perfect opportunity.

Instead, we got Kurt Angle, Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena and Shane McMahon as the remaining members of the match. 

It's 2017.

I can't stress this enough: It's 2017. As legendary as that quintet might be, it's time to make way for new, fresh stories. Instead, we'll be facing some Triple H/Kurt Angle/Stephanie and Shane McMahon story line again, with some Braun Strowman sprinkled in. We've seen it before, many, many times.

And why? For what? It just doesn't make sense.

Strowman was already tremendously over as a face, so there's no need to make him a "monster" face, as some speculated. 

In any case, just to sledgehammer this point home: It made no sense. It was messy. Sloppy. A poor end to an otherwise excellent night.

WWE just can't help itself.

What comes next

Does AJ keep the strap?

There's no doubt that part of the decision to put the WWE Championship back on his waist was A.) To reward him for coming through in the clutch and flying halfway across the world to wrestle Finn Balor at TLC; B.) There's no way Jinder Mahal would have gotten as good a match out of Lesnar as Styles did.

With the rematch between Mahal and Styles set to take place Tuesday on "SmackDown," it'll be interesting to see if the strap is put back on Mahal's waist as we head into the latter stages of the year.

The Shield, stronger than ever?

It's no secret the Shield is back together to try to elevate Roman Reigns to positive fan reaction, given the crowd's general distaste of Reigns.

But if the group continues to put out quality matches, it's worth watching if they stick together longer than anticipated, thus occupying Reigns a bit longer. It'll be great (for the fans). And it might be a good thing for Reigns, too. 

If he's occupied with the Shield, then there'll be an opportunity for the fans to welcome him while he's away from the main-event spotlight. It's a win for everyone.

The McMahons vs. Strowman vs. Angle vs. Extreme Apathy

It's going to be so hard to care about yet another Authority-esque angle, especially when you consider who's involved:

Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Triple H and Kurt Angle are all on the back nine of their careers. I've always enjoyed all of their work: But the main-event scene in the WWE, and airtime in general, can't be bogged down by so many aging stars.

It's especially evident when Angle is noticeably slower, older and less polished than he was in years past. 

It's really hard to say where this is going to go but one thing is certain: Why should anyone care at this point?

Joe Rivera