Getting a grip: Montreal Screwjob anniversary; Jericho shocker; Zayn-Owens sent home

Brian Fritz

Getting a grip: Montreal Screwjob anniversary; Jericho shocker; Zayn-Owens sent home image

Each week, Sporting News runs down the biggest stories in the world of professional wrestling.

Survivor Series shake-up

For the second month in a row, WWE has made a huge change to a pay-per-view: AJ Styles is now set to square off against Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series after he defeated Jinder Mahal on "SmackDown" to become WWE champion.

Unlike at last month’s TLC event — where Kurt Angle made his long-awaited WWE in-ring return — this was a creative decision rather than several talents being sidelined with a viral infection.

Styles vs. Lesnar is a much more intriguing pairing as the two have the potential for on a show-stealing performance in this dream match. There is no clear-cut winner between the two unlike if it had been Mahal who most expected to lose against “The Beast."

Where this leaves Mahal for Survivor Series is unknown with WWE making the surprise announcement that John Cena is the fifth and final member of  Team "SmackDown” against “Team RAW."

Mahal could be left off the show and then playing the role of a scorn former champion who vows to regain his title on television leading up to a rematch against Styles.

MORE: 'Nature Boy' director on hard truths in film

Styles’ victory was a huge hit for the live audience in Manchester, England and his immense fan base as “The Phenomenal One” has become one of the most popular stars in the WWE. Still, his title run may be a short one with the WWE embarking on a tour of India in early December.

Cena’s return was expected to see him as the special referee for the Lesnar - Mahal match but once those plans changed, the decision was made to add him to the 5-on-5 elimination match.

While not officially announced yet, The Shield will likely face off with The New Day in yet another match that fans have wanted to see.

Over the past few days, WWE has dramatically changed Survivor Series from a solid lineup to a must-see event.

Chris Jericho surprise

It tough to keep secrets in the social media age, especially when it comes to the spoiler-heavy culture of professional wrestling.

So, it was quite the shocker when Chris Jericho announced during the Power Struggle event over the weekend that he will face Kenny Omega for the IWGP United States championship at Wrestle Kingdom 12 on Jan. 4.

Jericho has received other offers over the years from other promotions but has always turned them down, stating that he will never wrestle with any promotion other than WWE. But that was then and this is now.

Jericho fully understands the wrestling landscape and what a match with fellow Winnipeg native Omega, arguably the hottest wrestler in the world, does for his profile.

It’s a win-win for all parties involved as the promotion gets a huge star on its marquee event which will air live on the New Japan World streaming service. The addition of Jericho along with the rest of what is a strong card should see an increase in subscribers to the platform.

It comes at a time when New Japan is riding a wave of popularity and looking to expand further. This past week, the company announced it will return to the United States for a show in Long Beach, Ca. on March 25th.

This show will be at a larger building, upgrading from the 2,000-seat venue this past summer in their U.S. debut to the Walter Pyramid that can hold 5,000 people. The question is will Jericho also be on that show or is his Wrestle Kingdom showdown with Omega his only date with New Japan? Time will tell.

And for anyone thinking that Vince McMahon is enraged with Jericho over his decision, there’s this:

In fact, Omega told Tokyo Sports that “Jericho is not full-time, he is still with WWE. Of course, Vince McMahon has give permission."

The new year typically brings about another round of speculation that Omega will jump to WWE but “The Cleaner” has already put that talk to rest.

Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens sent home

Details are still coming out over what actually transpired that led to WWE sending home both Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens from the current European tour.

At least part of it stems from Tuesday’s edition of “SmackDown Live” where Zayn lost to Kofi Kingston. Immediately following the match, Owens jumped in the ring and attacked Kingston before Big E and Xavier Woods came to the rescue.

But the situation never got physical with Zayn and Owens leaving the ring before The New Day could get their hands on them. That’s where the two may have deviated from the script as there was a long period of confusion and the segment ending awkwardly.

Some reports suggest there have been other frustrations involving Zayn and Owens who are both very passionate about their craft to the point where it upsets others and their being sent home was a culmination of sorts.

Regardless, the two are now home following their conduct and we’ll see if there is further punishment when it comes to their current storyline and push.

‘Nature Boy’ big hit for ESPN

There was a huge amount of interest leading up to the ESPN “30 for 30” documentary on the life and legacy of Ric Flair. So, it’s no surprise that “Nature Boy” drew 1.831 million viewers for its Tuesday night debut according to Richard Deitsch, making it the highest-rated cable show in the coveted 18-49 demo on Tuesday night.

ESPN will have multiple replays in the coming weeks and the film is a must-watch for both hardcore and casual wrestling fans.

Maybe the two biggest complaints about the documentary were that it came in at a tidy 78-minutes and that the first half was spent explaining the genesis and legend of the “Nature Boy” character. While many fans had already heard those stories, it was quite interesting to hear Flair recap that part of his life with a childlike grin, even when it came to the numerous women he slept with while married.

The film focused on how the “Nature Boy” became a bigger-than-life character and one that Richard Fliehr could not separate himself from, that wrestling had become his passion and he was obsessed with being “the” man, no matter the price to himself and his family.

The most interesting parts came when his closest friends shared some tough feelings about Flair from Triple H calling him a “consummate liar” to Shawn Michaels saying that “the Nature Boy is nothing more than a myth”.

Flair does admit how selfish he has been throughout his life, especially during his heyday, and that he continues to have little to no remorse for a life of fame and excess despite the tragedy it has also brought.

Montreal Screwjob hits milestone

Twenty years have now passed since the most infamous and controversial scene in wrestling history took place and is still argued over to this day.

It was at the November 9, 1997 edition of the Survivor Series where Vince McMahon and others conspired against then-WWF champion Bret Hart to make sure he left that night without the title in what has become known simply as the “Montreal Screwjob”.

It took more than a decade before Hart could move on from the incident. He finally returned to the company on the January 4, 2010 edition of Raw where he and Shawn Michaels, his former real-life nemesis, officially made up and hugged to a huge ovation.

The decision over what happened that infamous night continues to be hotly debated.

There are those who believe McMahon was right to do whatever was necessary to get the title off Hart. “The Hitman” has just agreed to a huge deal with rival World Championship Wrestling, one that McMahon couldn’t afford to match. Plus, Hart insisted that he would not lose the title to Michaels in his hometown and would drop it the following night or soon thereafter. But this was during the Monday Night Wars and McMahon was losing. He felt he couldn’t take the risk of his champion appearing the next night on WCW Nitro, which would be a huge blow to his company.

Others counter that Hart was a loyal employee who only agreed to leave upon the insistence of McMahon himself after he could no longer afford his top star. Plus, Hart would be true to his word and lose the WWF championship before joining WCW.

Then there are still some to this day, despite denials on both sides, that believe the entire situation was an elaborate work orchestrated by Hart and McMahon.

Despite the backlash and hard feelings that persisted for years, you can’t argue that McMahon reacted perfectly to the fallout. He accepted the blame and transformed into the evil Mr. McMahon character that was a perfect foil for “Stone Cold” Steve Austin along with many others and was instrumental in turning around the fortunes of the company.

Now is the perfect time to revisit the gripping “Wrestling with Shadows” documentary that filmed while all of this was happening. The movie does an expert job of chronicling the entire situation from Hart’s perspective  and includes rare, behind the scenes footage of his family life and the WWF locker room.

News and notes

— WWE made several more cuts this past week that included Sawyer Fulton, Josh Bredl and Leo Gao. Fulton fell victim to bad timing as he suffered an injury that led to him being replaced in the NXT faction Sanity. Once he returned, there was nothing for him creatively. Bredl was the men’s winner on Season 6 of the reality series Tough Enough while Gao, who was signed following a 2016 tryout in China, had been dealing with a neck injury.

— Ring of Honor announcers Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana are doing their part to help raise money for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico. Fans that go to either show on Saturday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. or Sunday in Lakeland, Fla. can pay $20 to get a picture with the duo while wearing a broadcast headset and also receive an autograph. All of the proceeds will be donated to Unidos Por Puerto Rico to help with relief efforts.

— Cabana has also written his first children’s book ”Wrestling Dreams”. The book ships on Nov. 13 and if you purchase it directly from his website, you will also receive a personalized video from him. Look for my interview with Cabana as he discusses both projects further and how he became a trailblazer in wrestling merchandise.

— Tenille Dashwood, better known as former WWE superstar Emma, announced that she is now taking bookings and will be back in the ring come Feb. 1. She’ll likely be in high demand and it will be interesting to see where the talented Aussie’s career goes from here.

— Congrats to former WWE and Impact Wrestling star Matt Morgan who won a seat on the Longwood City Council in Central Florida. Morgan connected with the community with his grassroots campaign, garnering more than 58% of the vote in Tuesday's election. His first priorities are securing raises for the local police force and finding a new home for the fire department with their current one continually having flooding issues.

Brian Fritz can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @BrianFritz and listen to his Between The Ropes podcast on Blog Talk Radio.

Brian Fritz

Brian Fritz Photo

Brian Fritz is a contributor with The Sporting News covering the NBA and NFL who previously worked at BasketballNews. He is a 20-year veteran of sports talk radio in Orlando, Florida, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. He now resides in Durham, North Carolina.