WWE Royal Rumble: Match grades, what worked, what didn't, what's next

Steven Muehlhausen

WWE Royal Rumble: Match grades, what worked, what didn't, what's next image

WWE kicked off the road to WrestleMania 35 with a good Royal Rumble event. 

Although the show went way too long, its many matches was highlighted by a great women's Royal Rumble. The men's match that left a lot to be desired.

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Here are match grades and a recap courtesy of SN's Steven Muehlhausen.

WWE Royal Rumble Kickoff Show grades

Chad Gable and Bobby Roode vs. Rezar and Scott Dawson

Muehlhausen:  So, a non-title match on the second biggest WWE show of the year? OK, then. 

What happened in the ring was nothing, but a run-of-the-mill bout. The end was clunky as Rezar and Dawson's ring positioning was off and the former looked confused and lost when he went through the ropes before Gable and Roode won to begin the night's festivities.

Grades:  D

What's next:  That is the million dollar question. One would say you go to The Revival with Gable and Roode with the former NXT Tag Team champs finally going over. 

Rusev vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Muehlhausen:  It's a shame this match was on the pre-show, with two great talents who are over with the fans who deserved to be on the main card.

The psychology and transitions by Nakamura and Rusev was well done like the rollover by Nakamura into an armbar followed by triangle choke by the Japanese star into a jackhammer suplex by Rusev. 

Nakamura went to the apron and undid the turnbuckle. Lana went to the apron and argued with Nakamura. Rusev came up from behind to attack Nakamura, who moved, accidentally knocking Lana off the ring apron. Nakamura hit the Kinshsa and pinned Rusev to regain the title.

Nice match, but wish they were given more time, as they work well together.

Grade: B-

What's next:  Hopefully, we see the program continue and see where the story goes with Lana since it looks tension is being teased between the husband and wife duo. 

Buddy Murphy vs. Hideo Itami, Kalisto vs. Akira Tozawa

Muehlhausen:  Like the previous match, another one that with more time and on the main card would have been excellent.

This was nothing more than a glorified spot fest, but a fun one nonetheless. All four guys hit their key spots and did some amazing spots that you never see on WWE programming to the roar of the crowd. 

The last two guys in the ring were Itami and Murphy. Itami missed the GTS and Murphy hit a knee. Murphy hits Murphy's law for the three count. Without a doubt, Murphy is one of the best guys in the business right now. Match after match in the last six months, Murphy continues to deliver.

Grades: B+

What's next:  A Murphy-Itami program would be all kinds of fun. Itami has been vastly underutilized since he signed with the company and working alongside Murphy would elevate his game and get him into a strong position. 

WWE Royal Rumble main card grades

Asuka vs. Becky Lynch

Muehlhausen:  Very good way to start off the show, but have to severely question the finish. 

Lynch and Asuka started out slow, which caused the crowd to sit on their hands for the first five to six minutes. Things escalated though the last 10 minutes as they told a good story, which had the crowd on the edge of their seats.

We saw some fantastic moves like the armbar by Asuka to the Asuka-lock. Lynch tried an exploder suplex, but Asuka reversed to an inverted neckbreaker from the apron onto the floor. Lynch mised a legdrop and Asuka transitioned to a disarmour into an Asuka-lock. Lynch reversed an Asuka-lock of her own. Moments later, Lynch put Asuka into a disarmour. 

The finish occured when Asuka flipped Lynch into a third Asuka-lock. She flipped Lynch and bridged up to lock in Lynch's neck. The former Smackdown's women's champion had no choice, but to tap out to retain the Smackdown women's championship.

Grade:  B

What's next:  Hard to see what is next for the titleholder. Could be the winner of the women's Royal Rumble. Will we see Lynch in Rumble match? That appears to make the most sense.

The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) vs. Shane McMahon and The Miz

Muehlhausen:  The match made no sense and belonged on the pre-show. Just an ordinary tag team bout that didn't feel special even though a McMahon was in the match and competing for a title. 

Shocked McMahon didn't hit the elbow through the announcers table. Cesaro did 25 giant swings to McMahon in the middle of the ring for a nice spot. A good ending with McMahon doing the shooting star press for the pinfall to win the titles. 

The finish was predictable as you knew McMahon wasn't being put in a spot like this for him and Miz to lose.

Grade:  C

What's next:  Miz and McMahon losing the titles to build to a match at WrestleMania 35. They were put together for this reason and this reason only.

Ronda Rousey vs. Sasha Banks

Muehlhausen:  A good match, but was expecting a bit more from Rousey and Banks.

Loud boos for Rousey coming out while Banks stood in the ring and when she got introduced. That has to be due with people knowing she's leaving after WrestleMania.

After saying, "you people don't think I can wrestle," Rousey made it a point to do a lot of wrestling instead of her customary submission spots. Rousey tried a triple suplex spot. She hit two of them before getting reversed. Great sequence where Rousey was hitting Banks on the outside against the post when she reared back, missed and hit her right elbow to the post.

Banks hit The Banks Statement, but Rousey made it to the rope, but switched it into an Fujiwara armbar in the middle of the ring. Rousey countered into a powerbomb and then flipped over, grabbed Banks' leg and finished "The Boss" with another Piper's Pit for her first pinfall victory since being in WWE.

Grade: B

What's next:  From the looks of the end of the match when Banks held up the four fingers, a feud will begin with for the Four Horsewomen of MMA (Banks, Lynch, Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch) vs. Four Horsewomen of MMA (Rousey, Shayna Baszler, Jessmyn Duke and Marina Shafir). Fans have been wanting this ever since Rousey came to WWE in January.

Women's Royal Rumble Match

Muehlhausen:  A very good Rumble match that told a fantastic story. While the ending was predictable, the way it got there had you pulling for Lynch to emerge victorious and earn one of the main event spots at WrestleMania.

The mood of match changed when Charlotte Flair entered at No. 13. Great moment later when Kairi Sane entered at No. 14. Her and Flair stood in the middle and exchanged a series of hard chops to the chest.

Naomi entered at No. 17 and provided the most entertaining moment when she got thrown over the top rope and had hands on the grounds. Remarkably, she walked the entire barricade. She successfully jumped on the steps and then Mandy Rose, who had been out of the match, knocked Naomi off to eliminate her to loud boos.

Lana comes out at No. 28, but is limping out with an ankle injury she suffered from Rusev and Nakamura match on the pre-show. Nia Jax came at No. 29 and beat Lana down to the point she couldn't get up. Jax eliminated Natalya, who stayed in the longest at 55:58.

Final four came down to Flair, Lynch, Jax and Bayley. Jax tossed Bayley. Flair and Jax were going back-and-forth when the former dumped the latter onto the apron. Lynch, who was on the outside, knocked Jax off and onto the floor. 

Flair tried for a boot over the top. Lynch ducked and was on the apron. Lynch punched her to eliminate her and win the second women's Royal Rumble to an unbelievable reaction from the crowd. 

Have to give credit to WWE for giving the people what they want. Far too often they go the safe route. They could have just went with Flair. Instead, the right move was made.

Grade: A

What's next:  Lynch goes to WrestleMania, where it would be the ultimate shocker if she didn't pick Rousey. 

Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles

Muehlhausen:  There was nothing wrong with this whatsoever. It was placed in the wrong spot of the show.

Styles suffered a bloody nose and an injured left shoulder after getting back dropped off the post.

Styles tried for a 450 splash. However, Bryan put his knees up and immediately locked in the labell crossface submission hold. Somehow, Styles reversed it into a calf crusher.

Styles hit a kick when Erick Rowan made his way to the ring. Styles had Bryan's leg when Bryan tried to kick Styles in the head. Styles ducked and instead hit the official. Rowan came into the ring, grabbed Styles's face and chokeslammed Styles. Bryan slowly rolled over to Styles with the referee not too far behind to count the pin and Bryan remained the WWE champion.

Solid match, but it just never seemed to get out of second gear. Whether it was due to the flat crowd or the methodical pace Bryan and Styles went at, it couldn't pick up. Not a fan of where WWE put the match. Why the tag title match wasn't placed here is puzzling. The WWE title is bigger than the tag belts and shouldn't be going after a hot a women's Royal Rumble. A shame WWE couldn't protect its second most important championship ahead of Vince McMahon's son.

Grade:  B

What's next:  Have to think we see one more match between the two since Rowan interfered and cost Styles the belt. There's no set challenger for Bryan right now. Why not go back to this? You know you are getting a great match when Bryan and Styles step inside the squared circle.

Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Balor

Muehlhausen:  Coming in, it was hard to know what would happen. Would we see Lesnar-Strowman from Crown Jewel or Lesnar-Bryan from Survivor Series?

To the surprise of many, people got what they saw two months ago. Lesnar sold like a million bucks. He sold his injury to his side in a way that every talent should in all matches. Whether it was a Balor dropkick or flips over the rope, Lesnar made every move believable.

Even though Balor was doing these moves, it was still hard to think he could slay "The Beast" especially since he picked up the first Universal champion. But Balor reversed it into a DDT. You finally felt there was hope. Balor got a deep two count. Balor does two dives and the crowd became unglued feeling like a new champion would be crowned. Balor hit the Coup de Grace, but Lesnar kicked out and locked in a kimura for the submission.

As much as people criticize Lesnar for not being around enough, this match and the one with Bryan show that when motivated, Lesnar is great. His selling is top notch and always makes the opponent better once it ends.

Grade:  B+

What's next: Had been prepared to type Lesnar to take on the winner of the men's Royal Rumble. But when Lesnar beat Balor to a pulp following the match, it appears a rematch is in order. 

Men's Royal Rumble Match

Muehlhausen:  Elias came in first. He started to give a singing performance when Jeff Jarrett came out to sing with Elias. When Jarrett said his name again, Elias attacked him and ended up throwing him out of the ring.

North American champion Johnny Gargano was the first person from NXT to come in at No. 6. NXT UK champ Pete Dunne came in at No. 18. 

The match had been lackluster until Seth Rollins entered at No. 10 and immediately tossed out Elias. 

Kofi Kingston provided the most memorable moment on the men's side when he came in at No. 12. Dean Ambrose kicked Kingston to the floor and he appeared to be eliminated. But the referee said his second foot didn't touch the floor. Kingston rolled himself along the apron to the steel steps. 

The match hit another lull for about 20-plus minutes until Strowman entered at No. 27 and tossed out Baron Corbin and Shelton Benjamin instantly. 

R-Truth was the final entrant when Nia Jax attacked him from behind and became just the third woman to enter the men's bout to a stunned crowd. It didn't take long for the crowd to become upset, as she eliminated Mustafa Ali. Everyone was afraid to touch Jax until Dolph Ziggler hit a superkick to Jax and then Randy Orton hit an RKO to a big pop from the audience. Moments later, Rey Mysterio eliminated Jax.

The final four came down to Rollins, Strowman, Ziggler and Andrade. Strowman eliminated Andrade and Ziggler. Rollins and Strowman went at it for a few minutes until Rollins eliminated the monster to win his Royal Rumble.

Not as good as the women's match. The guys did nothing wrong. The action wasn't horrible. The crowd was waiting for bigger surprises like Roman Reigns, The Rock or Dave Bautista. Even the reaction to Rollins isn't what it should have been for one of the best acts on the roster. It shows the women are the more over acts at this point.

Grade:  B-

What's next:  Rollins will go on to WrestleMania to likely take on Lesnar. 

Steven Muehlhausen

Steven Muehlhausen Photo

Steven Muehlhausen is a contributing writer for DAZN News. He writes features and news stories, and provides analysis relating to the world of boxing. Over the past five years, he has interviewed some of the biggest names in combat sports, including Conor McGregor, Daniel Cormier, Terence Crawford, Vasiliy Lomachenko and Bill Goldberg.