ROH Final Battle 2018: Briscoes win wild ladder war, Jay Lethal retains ROH title

Brian Fritz

ROH Final Battle 2018: Briscoes win wild ladder war, Jay Lethal retains ROH title image

That was one heck of a way to end the year.

Ring of Honor presented its final event of 2018 — Final Battle — from Manhattan Center in New York City. In the end, two championships changed hands as part of the action-packed night.

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The main event was an insane affair that saw the Briscoes become 10-time ROH tag team champions, as they defeated The Young Bucks and SCU (Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian) in a ladder war. War would be the right word for this mayhem, as the men took an incredible amount of punishment using chairs, tables, and ladders to destroy each other.

Elsewhere, Jay Lethal held off Cody to retain the ROH world championship, while Jeff Cobb beat Adam Page in arguably the best match of the night to keep the ROH television championship. There had been plenty of speculation heading into the show that this would be the final night for Cody, The Young Bucks, and Adam Page in ROH with all of their contracts ending over talk that they will be joining a startup promotion — expected to be called All Elite Wrestling — that will be funded by Tony Khan, the son of Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shahid Khan.

The other title that changed hands saw Kelly Klein win the Women of Honor champiionship, ending Sumie Sakai's eight-month title reign.

Sporting News had all the ROH Final Battle coverage with a live blog that you can check out below.

(All times Eastern.)

ROH Final Battle 2018 live updates

The Briscoes def. SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) and The Young Bucks in a ROH tag team championship ladder war

11:48 p.m FINISH.: Jay Briscoe doesn't just want a ladder; he wants the biggest ladder at ringside. It's set up in the middle of the ring and another ladder is set up between him and the ropes. Kazarian starts slamming away at Jay Briscoe's back with a chair and then hits him with a Styles Clash on a chair. 

Kazarian starts climbing the ladder, but gets cut off by Mark Briscoe, but Kaz pushes him off and he crashed hard into a ladder. Now ,Matt Jackson is fighting with Kaz, but goes flying off through a table on the floor. Finally. Kazarian gets pushed off by Mark Briscoe and goes crashing through a table. Briscoe climbs the ladder and grabs the titles to become 10-time champions. Pure insanity as these guys put themselves through hell. 

Matt Jackson may have a bad injury to his right elbow as he's holding it at ringside and it looks like a car wreck to end the show.

11:44 p.m.: The Bucks go for the Meltzer Driver, but it gets cut off and instead Matt gets dropped hard with a Jay Driver. This is a bloody mess.

11:42 p.m.: Mark Briscoe is on his knees and Matt Jackson has a sledgehammer, which Briscoe invites him to use. Matt starts climbing up the ladder, but Mark Briscoe stops him with a chair to the back. Then all mayhem breaks loose with bodies flying everywhere.

11:40 p.m.: Both of the Briscoes are bleeding badly with Kazarian hitting Mark with a stunner over the ropes through a table on the floor!

11:38 p.m.: Matt Jackson with a flip and holds Jay Briscoe by his legs on the apron, while his brother throws a chair into Briscoe's face. Nick Jackson with his signature run to the top rope and flip off to the floor. Matt Jackson goes for a big move, but instead gets backdropped over the top rope to the floor.

11:36 p.m.: Matt Jackson runs under a ladder and hits Kazarian with a big spear. Finally, the Briscoes get back in the ring and start nailing everyone with chair shots, while yelling "We hurt people." Kazarian gets tossed into a ladder and falls awkwardly with his right ankle hitting hard.

11:33 p.m.: Jay Briscoe is spinning around the ring with a ladder drilling everyone who gets near him. The ladder is now set up in the corner and Matt Jackson powerbombs Mark Briscoe on it. Now the Bucks are in control with a “Too Sweet” before grabbing another ladder.

11:28 p.m.: The Briscoes double team Matt Jackson with a chair to the head and Jay Briscoe then with a double stomp, putting Scorpio Sky through a table. And Kazarian is already bleeding profusely.

11:27 p.m.: Colt Cabana rejoins the broadcast booth and the match begins. The Briscoes climb out of the ring and begin chucking chairs into the ring. Then, the Young Bucks and SCU go at it folowed by Matt Jackson nailing one of the Briscoes with a chair to the face. 

11:24 p.m.: The last time we see these guys in Ring of Honor for a while? Maybe forever?

11:21 p.m.: This is just the seventh-ever ladder war match. The winner must climb a ladder and grab both tag team titles hanging over the ring. Everything goes in this match and with plenty of ladders being used in creative ways and smashed.

11:18 p.m.: This match is going to be absolutely insane, but I'll do my best to keep up with all the crazy action.

Jay Lethal defeats Cody for the ROH world championship

11:12 p.m. FINISH: Lethal has had enough of Cody, hitting him in the knee with the title. They're down on their knees and he gives Cody the double bird including the two magic words to accompany that. Lethal Injection, another one, and then a figure four and he makes the "American Nightmare" tap out. Good match, even though the crowd wasn't very lively for most of it. This sure felt like a sendoff for Cody from Ring of Honor.

Afterwards, Lethal shakes Cody's hand. Cody then walks away with his wife. Marty Scurll comes to the ring to confront the champion, while NWA world champion Nick Aldis has some words with Cody on the entrace ramp before he starts to make his way to the ring. He claps toward the ROH champion before walking away. Back in the ring, Scurll snatches the title from Lethal and then tosses it back. He is definitely in line for a title shot and it looks like Aldis also wants a crack at it.

11:09 p.m.: Lethal seems possessed and connects with six dives from the ring to the floor. Cody hits a big move, but still doesn't have the win. 

11:06 p.m.: Brandi once again gets involved in the match, but gets hit with a stunner. Cody isn’t concerned about his wife and instead connects with a second Cross Rhodes, but Lethal barely survives.

Cody slaps on the figure four and someone is ringing the bell. That someone is Adam Page, who grabs the title and hands it to Cody, but the ref takes it away and says the match must continue. Lethal then hits Cody’s finisher, but can’t get the three count.

11:03 p.m.: Lethal continues to work over Cody’s bad knee. The champ rolls him for the pin, but Brandi has the referee distracted and he can’t make the count. The ref almost gets run into and has his back turned, when Brandi Rhodes nails Lethal with a huge spear. Cody follows up with the Cross Rhodes, but Lethal kicks out at the last second.

10:58 p.m.: Cody is still in control and is getting cocky as he takes a minute to do some pushups. He then gets Lethal up for a delayed suplex, flexes, and drops the champion face first. Cody goes for a DIsaster Kick, but misses and Lethal responds with a chop block to his left knee. The challenger is wrestling this match with a legit knee injury, so that will be Lethal's focal point and he smashes the knee into the ring post.

10:54p.m.: Match is underway with Lethal hitting some big chops followed by a big forearm to the face in the corner. Lethal runs toward him in the corner, but Cody jumps out of the way and connects with a powerslam for a two count.

10:50 p.m.: The match starts and Cody goes for a slide and is holding his knee. It's a ruse, as a moment later, he gets the better of Lethal and then gloats outside the ring. He even takes a beer from a fan at ringside and splashes the guy with it.

10:48 p.m.: Lethal gets on the mic and says, "This is my company jackass." Lethal is ROH through and through.

10:46 p.m.: Before the bell, Cody grabs the mic and says to the crowd, "It sounds like you love me. I think I love you too. Actually, if loved you, I'd be doing the Madison Square Show. You can all kiss my ass!"

10:43 p.m.: Despite the belief that this is Cody's final night in ROH, for the time being (his contract ended a few months ago and he's working on a per night deal) could ROH pull a swerve and have him win back the title? By the way, ROH does have a television taping tomorrow night.

10:35 p.m.: A vignette airs with an EMG, which is likely teasing Canadian star PCO, who recently signed with the company. It looks like Cabana’s done announcing for the night after being involved in that melee and Caprice Coleman takes his spot in the broadcast booth.

Flip Gordon beats Bully Ray in an "I Quit" match

10:32 p.m. FINISH: Gordon is back on offense and Sandman hands him his cane. He bashes Bully over and over with the cane until he finally submits. Lots of twists and turns in this one as Gordon finally gets his comeuppance.

10:30 p.m.: Back in the ring, Gordon has the American flag he came to the ring with that has a cane attached. He's using it to try to make Bully submit, but Silas Young hits the ring to make the save. Young is then putting lighter fliud on a table when Cheeseburger comes to the ring and tries to fight him off. That doesn't last long and Colt Cabana leaves the broadcast table to try and help before he gets taken out by Bully and Silas. 

Silas is about to light the table on fire, so Bully can powerbomb Gordon through the table and the lights go out. When they come back on, ECW original The Sandman is in the ring with his Singapore cane. He smashed Young with it, sending him falling outside the ring, and now it's Sandman and Bully.

10:27 p.m.: Gordon is down and Bully grabs his girlfriend from ringside. He puts her in position for a powerbomb through a table with Gordon begging him not to do it. Bully wants him to quit or else he'll put her through the table. Cary Silkin makes the save and hits Bully in the back with a cane. Bully is about to hit him, but Flip's girlfriend connects with a low blow.

10:24 p.m.: Bully grabs the chain he wore to the ring and smashes Gordon in the head with it. Bobby Cruise gets in Bully's face and Bully pushes him into the railing. Then referee Todd Sinclair gets in Bully's face and gets pushed down. Bully grabs a cane and is about to hit Silkin, but Christopher Daniels appears out of nowhere and jumps in the way, taking a cane shot to the head. Then a bloody Gordon dives onto Bully from the ring. 

10:20 p.m.: The early flurry by Gordon is over and Bully bashes him with a trash can and then gets a table. He tries to powerbomb Gordon through it, but Flip fights him off. By the way, Flip's girlfriend is sitting in the front row and it seems like she could play a role in this one.

10:17 p.m.: Gordon comes to the ring in tactical gear and immediately takes the fight to Bully. Anything goes in this match and the only way to win is to make your opponent say "I quit".

Marty Scurll beats Christopher Daniels

10:12 p.m. FINISH: Daniels hits Angel's Wings, but Scurll survives. They go back and forth with Scurll firing back with his Graduation suplex, but Daniels kicks out. Scurll locks in the crossface chicken wing as they fall back to the center of the ring. Daniels tries to hold on, but can't and has to tap out. 

Daniels is in tears as the crowd chants "Thank You Daniels." Could this be the final match in his 25-year-career? Daniels goes to the top rope and points to the crowd when Bully Ray sneaks up behind him and hits him below the belt. Let's just say there not-safe-for-work chants toward him.

10:06 p.m.: Daniel with a springboard suplex, but can’t get the pin. Scurll comes back with the Scurll Driver, but Daniels stays alive. He pulls out a Burning Hammer, but can't get the win. Marty plants his hands and covers Daniels arms when going for the pin, but doesn't get it. As the action picks up, the crowd gets quiet as Scurll snaps Daniels violently.

10:04 p.m.: Scurll takes control beginning with a kick to the head while on the apron.  He’s roughing up Daniels back in the ring and just when he’s fighting back, he connects with a Half-and-Half suplex. But then Daniels hits a Blue Thunder Bomb.

10:00 p.m.: Daniels goes on the offense with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and then dives from the apron over the ropes with an elbow drop. Daniels gets tossed out of the ring, but sweeps Scurll off the apron and connects with an Arabian moonsault. This man is 48-years-old!

9:56 p.m.: Good back-and-forth technical wrestling early on with Scurll mocking Daniels by patting him on the head. It's a slow build early on.

9:51 p.m.: Big stakes on the line here as Scurll is putting his future shot at the ROH world championship on the line, while Daniels needs a win if he wants to extend his career in Ring of Honor. A loss and it could mark the end for him.

Matt Taven defeats Dalton Castle

9:48 p.m. FINISH: Castle connects with another Bangarang inside the ring, but Taven barely gets to the ropes before losing. Castle tries the move again, but can't hit it and Taven hits his Climax finisher to score the big win and keep his "real" world championship.

9:46 p.m.: Castle is on fire with a reverse huricanrana outside the ring, ducks a clothesline from O'Ryan and hits him with one of his own. He picks up Taven and connects with Bangarang into the post. Back in the ring, Castle seems to have the win, but O'Ryan picks up one of The Boys and throws him on them to break the pin. The ref has seen enough and sends O'Ryan to the back.

9:43 p.m.: Castle is fighting through the pain and hits a few suplexes, but Taven counters with a DDT. Then it's Castle with a clothesline that drops Taven, before scoring a DDT of his own. But Castle is moving slow due to his bad back as the crowd gets behind him. The ref turns his back and TK O'Ryan gets a shot in on Castle before The Boys knock him off the apron and then hit a tandem dive on him. As they celebrate, Vinny Marseglia crawls out from under the ring and hits them both with an inverted DDT, pulling them under the ring. O'Ryan distracts the ref and Taven clocks Castle with his title, but can't get the win.

9:38 p.m.: Castle gets thrown out of the ring and Taven hits a big dive from the ring. He goes for another one and Castle moves out of the way with Taven landing flush on the guard rail. Luckily, he's not seriously hurt and comes back by tossing Castle hard into the steps back first. He's focusing on his weak spot now.

9:35 p.m.: Taven thinks he’s knocked Castle to the floor and turns his back, but The Boys catch their man and prop him back on the apron. Always good to have a few of them to help.

9:32 p.m.: The bell rings and they instantly brawl both in and outside the ring. Back inside, they each duck multiple clotheslines before Castle poses and hits a big punch. He’s quite the peacock.

9:30 p.m.: Taven makes the referee hold up what he claims is the “real” world title that is now on the line in this match.

9:28 p.m.: As you can expect, Castle makes quite the entrance with The Boys and exclaims on his way to the ring that "I'm a forest fire of color!" This marks Castle's first one-on-one match since returning from the back injury that sidelined him for three months. He still has to wear a brace.

9:25 p.m.: The story of the match is that the former ROH world champ Castle is ticked at Taven for claiming to be the "real" champion and carrying out his own title. 

Zack Sabre, Jr. defeats Jonathan Gresham

9:23 p.m. FINISH: Gresham briefly has an ankle lock cinched in, but that doesn't last long. This is fast and furious, with the two men crisscrossing across the ropes and once it's back on the mat, Gresham tries to get a bridge for a pin, but instead it's Sabre rolling him up with a bridge to score the win in his ROH debut. Very good British style technical wrestling that was both incredibly fast and creative.

9:19p.m.: These two are amazing, twisting one other into uncomfortable positions and then countering out of it. They exchange more technical wrestling on the mat, before Sabre hits a pair of huge European uppercuts with Gresham firing back. Now the two have a slapping exchange with Gresham getting the better of it and hits a huge forearm for a near pin. He then slows it down going for a single-leg Boston Crab, but Sabre turns it into a triangle choke and Gresham barely survives.

9:13p.m.: Gresham gets Sabre on the mat and tries to work on his leg, but the NJPW star uses a slick counter to get out of it. Sabre then gets in control and twists Gresham into a pretzel and then a head-scissors, which Gresham gets out of before they exchange slaps. Sabre goes for a bow and arrow, but Gresham counters and nearly gets the win.

9:08 p.m.: This should be a technical back and forth between these two submission specialists.

Kelly Klein defeats Sumie Sakai, Madison Rayne, and Karen Q in a Four Corner Survival Elimination Match to win the Women of Honor championship

9:04 p.m. FINISH: Klein goes out of her comfort zone on the top rope and hits a huge K-Power to dethrone the champ. Solid action, although the crowd died midway through the match. Afterwards, Klein walks over to Sakai and gives her a hug. 

9:02 p.m.: Sakai connects with Smash Mouth on Klein, but she kicks out. That's the first time someone has kicked out of that move. Klein comes back and connects with her K-Power finisher, but Sakai survives.

8:59 p.m. Rayne hits a cutter on the champ who comes back with Smash Mouth. With Rayne down, Klein takes advantage and rolls her up for the pin. We're down to Sakai and Klein.

8:55 p.m.: We have our first elimiation as Klein hits Karen Q with her K-Power slam to score the pin. We're down to three.

8:52 p.m.: Sakai gets tossed out of the ring, leaving Klein and Karen to beat up on Rayne. That backfires with Karen Q hitting Klein by accident. All of them are back in the ring, as Klein throws down Rayne and Karen hard from the corner, but then gets caught by Sakai off the top rope. 

8:48 p.m.: Madison Rayne gets paired up early with Karen Q and connects with a flying cross body off the apron to the floor. Rayne gets back into the ring with Sakai across the ring. The Japanese star tries to get a submission win, but Karen Q folds both over in a submission move of her own before it gets broken up.

8:42 p.m.: Another championship match coming up with four women battling for the gold. The 47-year-old Sakai goes into the match as the champion for the past eight months.

Jeff Cobb beats Adam "Hangman" Page to retain the ROH Television Championship

8:40 p.m. FINISH: A lot going on here as Page flips over the top rope and connects with a massive clothesline, but Cobb comes back with a piledriver that Page somehow kicks out of. Page again goes from the apron over the top rope, but Cobb catches him with the Tour of the Islands. He gives him another for good measure to get the win and retain the title. Fantastic match with a super hot crowd.

8:35 p.m.: Cobb goes for a dive off the middle rope, but Page shows his strength by catching him and hitting a suplex. Page then with a pair of standing inverted moonsaults, but can't get the win and follows that with a big dive off the top rope onto Cobb on the floor.

8:29 p.m.: Page is on the second turnbuckle and Cobb gets behind him and tries to hit a suplex. Page fights him off at first, but then Cobb comes back and drills Page with a huge delayed suplex followed by a standing moonsault. Great agility for the big guy.

8:26 p.m.: Page comes quick out of the gate with some kicks to the face and he knocks Cobb outside the ring. Page then goes for a shooting star press, but Cobb catches him and delivers an overhead suplex on the floor. Wow.

8:22 p.m.: There was a dark match before the PPV went on the air, as Best Friends defeated TK O’Ryan & Vinny Marseglia and The Bouncers. As for this match, this is expected to be Page's last one for a while with his contract expiring and talk that he will be moving on. That includes being a part of the rumored All Elite Wrestling promotion if it happens. 

Kenny King defeats Eli Isom

8:19 p.m. FINISH: King had the match in hand, but Isom with a reversal and rolls him up, but can't get the win. Another roll-up and again King gets out of it. He was out of chances after that as King hits him with a Fireman Carry Driver to finish him off. After the match, Isom is ready to shake his hand, but King brushes him off and walks away. Nice opener and Isom has some talent, especially for only making his wrestling debut last year.

8:16 p.m.: Isom with some nice offense and is taking the fight to King now. Big side slam and he goes to the top rope, but the veteran King hits the ropes and Isom falls down. King hits a Blockbuster off the top and goes for the pin, but before the ref hits three, King pull Isom up. He's getting cocky.

8:12 p.m.: King with the upper hand early against the younger wrestler, but he got lazy and Eli nailed him with a dive over the ropes to the floor.

8:08 p.m.: Eli Isom is a relative newcomer to ROH, but earned a huge upset win against Grand Slam winner Christopher Daniels. Kenny King is on the mic before the match running Eli down, talking about how he is just there to promote the ROH dojo and he can stand next to him.

8:05 p.m.: Ian Riccibani and Colt Cabana are handling the boradcasting duties and announced that Ladder Wars will be closing the show. It's going to be tough to top that match which has huge expectations.

8:00 p.m.: Here we go!

7:50 p.m.: Welcome to Sporting News' live coverage of Ring of Honor Final Battle 2018. The show is slated to go at least three hours and maybe four hours of non-stop action. Follow along here all night long.

ROH Final Battle 2018 lineup

— Jay Lethal vs. Cody for the ROH world championship

— SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) vs. The Briscoes vs.The Young Bucks in a ROH tag team championship ladder war

— Jeff Cobb vs. Adam "Hangman" Page for the ROH television championship

— Sumie Sakai vs. Madison Rayne vs. Karen Q vs. Kelly Klein in a Four Corner Survival Match for the Women of Honor championship

— Dalton Castle vs. Matt Taven

— Flip Gordon vs. Bully Ray in an "I Quit" match

— Jonathan Gresham vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

— Christopher Daniels vs. Marty Scurll

ROH Final Battle 2018 predictions

— Jay Lethal retains the championship in what will be Cody's final match with Ring of Honor in the near future.

— The Briscoes become new ROH tag team champions in a high-flying spectacle with The Young Bucks leaving the company.

— Jeff Cobb holds off Adam Page to remain ROH television champion.

— Madison Rayne finally gets her big ROH victory and captures the Women of Honor championship.

— Matt Taven wins as he continues to claim that he is the "real" ROH champion.

— Flip Gordon finally puts a stop to Bully Ray tormenting him by making him say "I quit."

— Jonathan Gresham scores a big win over the submission specialist Sabre.

— Marty Scurll beats Christopher Daniels and turns his eye towards the ROH title.

Brian Fritz

Brian Fritz Photo

Brian Fritz is a contributor with The Sporting News covering the NBA and NFL who previously worked at BasketballNews. He is a 20-year veteran of sports talk radio in Orlando, Florida, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. He now resides in Durham, North Carolina.