WWE shouldn't make the same mistake twice with Johnny Gargano

Joe Rivera

WWE shouldn't make the same mistake twice with Johnny Gargano image

A nearly sold-out crowd at Wells Fargo Center went deadly silent.

Disapppointment akin to that of a toddler watching three scoops of his ice cream cone smack the sidewalk swept the arena.

The referee's hand pounded the mat a third time. The crowd was left stunned (and satisfied). Dave Meltzer gave the match five stars, the first in WWE since 2011. Johnny Gargano was handed another heartbreaking loss. Andrade "Cien" Almas' hand was raised. Fans — like myself — drove home disappointed in the result, but satisfied with the journey. That, of course, signifies the end of another master class in wrestling storytelling.

Following Gargano's NXT career is really quite simple. He's charismatic. He boasts excellent in-ring ability and a unique move set. He's something of the everyman wrestler: not overly big, not plucked from a GQ cover and no flashy gimmick to get himself over. In his own words, he's all heart. In my words, he could wrestle a bookcase to a five-star match.

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Consider the way the crowd received him Saturday night in Philadelphia. You'd think Rocky Balboa was in the ring, fighting Apollo Creed, Philly faithful becoming more invested with each round that passed, each near fall, with chants of "Johnny Wrestling" growing louder with every kickout.

But this isn't about Gargano not getting his "NXT moment." That almost will certainly come, as it has for almost all of the big stars to come across the promotion. It's about what lies ahead for him.

Gargano is more than just the latest NXT superstar to put on quality match after quality match. He's more than just a future NXT champ. He's the answer to WWE's decades-old issue: a universally loved babyface.

If it sounds familiar, that's because the 'E had the same situation drop in its lap a few years ago with Daniel Bryan. A white-hot Bryan took the fans by storm, entertaining them not only with a hilarious and quality gimmick, but also with his in-ring ability. Bryan was a match-of-the-year factory, churning out quality performances like Lucille Ball in a chocolate factory.

Bryan was that universally loved face. Even as a short-lived main-event star, he probably reached heights that John Cena could only dream of. The similarities between Bryan and Gargano are endless. It's no coincidence, then, that the crowd erupted in Bryan's signature "Yes!" chants following another Gargano kickout against Almas.

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While Bryan eventually got his moment — submitting Batista and becoming the face of the company at WrestleMania 30 — his run at the top didn't last long. Not long after, he had to hang up his boots and walk away from the ring because of injury issues. The kicker is, Bryan, at the height of his success and popularity, wasn't even in the original plans for the main event at the WrestleMania in which he triumphed. He was supposed to face Sheamus; the WWE Championship wouldn't be in his future.

It would be hyperbole to say WWE can't afford to again make the mistake of not capitalizing on talent sooner. After all, as some guy once said, "I'm just a spoke on the wheel — the wheel's gonna keep turning."

While WWE can afford to make that mistake twice, it doesn't mean it should.

So what if Gargano isn't your typical size for a main-event star? So what if he technically qualifies as a cruiserweight in the company's new division? He's getting the reactions this company would want out of a top-tier face champion, much like Bryan got. He has a natural charisma and underdog aura that's similar to Bryan's. He's got a different in-ring style than Bryan, but he's got the moves that really move 'em. 

Speaking of thinly veiled references to Shawn Michaels, look at what the "Heartbreak Kid" tweeted following Gargano's loss to Almas.

Maybe it's equal parts kayfabe and real-world opinion, but whatever the motivation behind the tweet, Michaels isn't wrong. And the mindset was reaffirmed by one of Gargano's bosses.

The back-and-forth affair Saturday was textbook storytelling, something at which NXT has excelled in recent years. Once a land strictly for development of future talent, it has become something of a stopover for ready and established talent on its way to the main roster. Like all wrestling, all the time, the brand evolved to encompass more than what it was. It became WWE's professional wrestling brand, as opposed to sports entertainment.

Some, like Bobby Roode, don't need all the seasoning en route to the main roster. Others, like Gargano, fit naturally in the quasi-indy promotion seamlessly, putting on excellent matches en route to being on "RAW" or "SmackDown" at some point down the line. But seeing how past NXT talent has been treated on the main roster, that may not be a great thing.

Finn Balor has been tugged in different directions since his call-up, sometimes wrestling in the main event as he did this past "RAW" vs. John Cena, other times wallowing in midcard obscurity with no clear direction. American Alpha was broken up soon after its main roster call-up. The Ascension wallowed and failed. The Revival is facing a similar fate. Tye Dillinger, who was called up at the height of his popularity, has been an afterthought on "SmackDown."

That's where Gargano comes in. He can be that next Daniel Bryan. He is a ready-made, white-meat babyface. He's as pure as it gets, and good wrestling gods is he over. It's not a particularly easy thing to accomplish, either, since pure babyfaces are often rejected by fans. Look no further than "RAW's" current main-event landscape.

Roman Reigns — a decent wrestler in his own right who has been tarnished by a lackluster build — is deemed the company's new golden boy, but he likely won't reach the heights a star like Gargano will reach organically and naturally. Rather than having a smart build in his singles career, Reigns was catapulted to the top of the card; he wasn't given time to flourish, impress and win over the fans.

That internet wrestling community (IWC) of "sports entertainment" is partially to blame, and, believe it or not, that blasted, filthy, rotten IWC isn't going to go away — it's only going to get louder. Fans who grew up Cena fans are only going to get older and will turn to the "dark side," much like those fans who grew up Hogan fans. Or Austin fans. Or Rock fans.

WWE's goal should be to recognize Gargano's talent and find a way to properly build and leverage that. At the end of the day, that will leave fans happy with the product. That will result in dollars spent. That's what's best for business, right?

Johnny Gargano can be what Daniel Bryan was supposed to be. It just takes a change in mindset from the company. Then maybe fans will get that next Daniel Bryan.

Halfway through the main-event spectacle at NXT TakeOver: Philadelphia, announcer Mauro Ranallo exclaimed, "This is what the black-and-gold brand is all about."

Hopefully those overseeing blue and red brands see what it's all about, too.

Joe Rivera