Am I the only one? What the Hell in a Cell was up with the Reigns-Strowman non-finish?

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? What the Hell in a Cell was up with the Reigns-Strowman non-finish? image

Every week, former WWE creative writer Kevin Eck runs down his thoughts from "RAW," "SmackDown" and the world of pro wrestling. This week, it's a special Hell in a Cell recap!

'Hell in a Cell’ thoughts

Am I the only who …

… thought the main event was horribly booked?  

A non-finish in a Hell in a Cell Match? Are you kidding me?

It’s mind-boggling that the powers that be in WWE would book a finish that completely destroys the credibility of one of its main gimmick matches, but that’s exactly what was accomplished by having the returning Brock Lesnar break into the HIAC structure and lay out both WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman to the point that the referee ruled neither of them could continue.

Not only did the finish damage the HIAC gimmick, but it also made Reigns and Strowman look weak. For the past 20 years, everyone has seen Mick Foley continue to fight after The Undertaker threw him off the top of the cell and through the announce table, and also after being chokeslammed through the roof of the cage by Undertaker with a steel chair hitting him in the face on the way down.

MORE: Complete Hell in a Cell results

Apparently, Reigns and Strowman don’t have the testicular fortitude that Foley had, because they were done after an F-5 and a few whacks with a piece of a broken table. In a match in which there has to be a winner, it was ridiculous for the referee to call for the bell at that point.

It also didn’t do Reigns and Strowman any favors that they both appeared to be taking a long nap in the ring during the latter stages of the match while Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose were battling Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler on the top of the cage. Rollins and Ziggler covered for Reigns and Strowman not taking any HIAC-worthy bumps by each going back-first off the side of the cage through an announce table. 

… thought Ronda Rousey sold a bit too much?

In an attempt to get sympathy on Rousey and also make it appear that Alexa Bliss actually had a chance of winning the “RAW” Women’s Title from her, the story of the match was Bliss targeting Rousey’s injured ribs. Rousey did a good job of selling, but I thought she was in peril for too long. In fact, the match was pretty one-sided.

It’s still too early in Rousey’s WWE run for her to come across as less than special. I would’ve had Rousey fight through the pain and put Bliss away in less than 10 minutes (the match went about 12 minutes).

… wonders why AJ Styles would tap out while he had Samoa Joe pinned?

I understand what WWE was going for by having Styles tap out to the Coquina Clutch out of the view of the referee, who was focused on making the 3-count because Joe’s shoulders were down, but Styles’ actions weren’t logical. Styles tapped right after the referee counted to 2. So with his WWE Title on the line, Styles couldn’t have held on for just one more second?

… was surprised Becky Lynch won the "SmackDown" Women’s Title clean?

I expected Lynch to defeat Charlotte Flair for the championship, but I thought she would do so by dubious means. Does the clean victory indicate that WWE has reconsidered Lynch’s heel turn? On the other hand, it was heelish of Lynch to reject Flair’s offer of a congratulatory handshake after the match, so I’m not sure what to make of any of it.

On a side note, I thought Lynch and Flair lived up to the high expectations for this match.

   … thought the match between “RAW” Tag Team Champions Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler and The Shield’s Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose stole the show?

This was the best match on the night, which isn’t surprising considering how talented all four men are. The finish was perfect, as McIntyre delivered a Claymore Kick to Rollins, and a nearly unconscious Ziggler fell on top of Rollins to score the pinfall. McIntyre and Ziggler needed the win, and Rollins and Ambrose weren’t hurt by the loss because the match was so evenly contested. 

This match also helped restore credibility to the “RAW” Tag Team Championship after The B-Team’s nonsensical title run and their channel-changing program with the bland Revival.

  … was relieved that Jeff Hardy’s big bump in his Hell in a Cell Match with Randy Orton wasn’t more extreme?

I’m not dismissing the spot in which Hardy dropped from the top of the cage through a table inside the ring, but I fully expected the fearless Hardy to attempt something much riskier. I’m glad I was wrong.

Both Hardy and Orton deserve credit for the punishment they endured in this match. 

… could’ve done without seeing Orton put a screwdriver through Hardy’s ear piercing hole and twisting it?

That doesn’t make me angry at Orton for being sadistic; it made me angry at WWE for forcing me to watch something so cringeworthy. 

Looking ahead

Am I the only who …

… thinks Brock Lesnar’s unexpected return will lead to a match between him and Kurt Angle?  

Lesnar F-5’d Angle on “RAW” a couple months ago, and then Angle, as “RAW” general manager, denied Lesnar’s request for an immediate rematch for the Universal Title the night after Lesnar lost the championship to Roman Reigns at “SummerSlam.” On that same episode, Angle was sent on vacation by “RAW” commissioner Stephanie McMahon.

It seems like Angle would be pretty upset at Lesnar for ruining the Hell in a Cell main event, so I could see him returning from his forced vacation to do something about it. That would lead to Stephanie firing Angle as GM, which would then free him up to return to active competition and challenge Lesnar to a match. 

Of course, there’s also plenty of history between Angle and Lesnar going back to 2003, including Lesnar defeating Angle for the WWE Title in the main event of WrestleMania XIX.

… wonders how AJ Styles will justify being declared the winner against Samoa Joe when he knows he tapped out before Joe was pinned?

Styles is the most honorable babyface in WWE, so it would be out of character for him to accept a tainted victory. The right thing to do would be for him to relinquish the WWE Championship to Joe, but that’s not going to happen. I suppose he can just say that everything will be settled between him and Joe and the Super Show-Down event in Australia next month.

Kevin Eck