Am I the only one? Roman Reigns at crossroads; TNA on WWE TV; Carmella cashes in

Kevin Eck

Am I the only one? Roman Reigns at crossroads; TNA on WWE TV; Carmella cashes in image

Every week, Kevin Eck will run down his burning thoughts from "RAW," "SmackDown Live" and the rest of the pro wrestling world.

‘RAW’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… is intrigued about where Roman Reigns goes from here?

Everyone, myself included, thought it was a foregone conclusion that Reigns was winning the WWE Universal Title from Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania. So what happens now? Will Reigns beat Lesnar for the title at “Greatest Royal Rumble” on April 27 before what figures to be more of a pro-Reigns crowd in Saudi Arabia? Or will Reigns come up short again and get moved down the card?

I don’t see Reigns losing his main-eventer status, but keeping him babyface at this point would be insanity. I’m hoping for the same result at “Greatest Royal Rumble” that I wanted to see at WrestleMania, and that’s Paul Heyman double-crossing Lesnar and helping Reigns win the title, thus turning “The Big Dog” heel.

… LOL’d when Kurt Angle told Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn that he heard TNA was hiring?

It shocked a lot of people that TNA was mentioned on “RAW,” but it actually wasn’t the first time it happened.

… is really excited about Bobby Lashley returning to WWE?

For those who don’t watch Impact Wrestling (which I’m guessing is a lot of you) and are longtime WWE fans, this is a much-improved version of the Bobby Lashley who represented Donald Trump in the “Battle of the Billionaires” at WrestleMania 23 in 2007. Lashley not only got better in the ring during his four-year stint with Impact, but he got significantly better on the microphone, which had been the weakest part of his game.

It’s unclear how long Brock Lesnar will be staying with WWE, but a match between Lesnar and Lashley would be must-see.

… is rapidly losing interest in the Bayley-Sasha Banks frenemies storyline?

Can WWE just go ahead and turn Banks heel already? Bayley is becoming less likable as this drags on. It’s going to get to the point where no one is going to be sympathetic to Bayley when Banks turns on her. It continues to amaze me how poorly Bayley has been booked on the main roster after she got over so well in NXT.

… immediately thought of Adam Rose when No Way Jose made his entrance?

Does an Adam Rose knockoff gimmick have any chance of getting over on the main roster? No way, Jose. Too easy.

… thought it was funny when Michael Cole put Jonathan Coachman on the spot during No Way Jose’s match and basically exposed that Coachman doesn’t watch NXT?

Judging by the way Cole and Corey Graves constantly bury Coachman, I’m starting to get the feeling that Vince McMahon only brought Coachman back to torture him on a weekly basis. Hey, with Jim Ross no longer a full-time announcer, McMahon needs someone to bully.

… finds the verbal sparring between Corey Graves and Jonathan Coachman to be tiresome?

Graves versus Coachman is not a match that’s going to happen, nor is it something anyone would want to see. So if the war of words is not building to anything, why do it? It’s certainly not entertaining and just distracts viewers from the action in the ring.

… never hears anyone ever use the word “abeyance” except for WWE announcers when a championship has been vacated?

Where is the state of abeyance located anyway? Is it anywhere near Parts Unknown?

… is disappointed that Paul Ellering won’t be joining The Authors of Pain on the main roster?

It’s not surprising, as it’s well-known that Vince McMahon is not a fan of managers. The great Paul Heyman, of course, is the exception.

SN exclusive: Alberto El Patron on why he departed from Impact, saying 'goodbye' to wrestling​

‘SmackDown Live’ thoughts

Am I the only one who …

… didn't like that Carmella successfully cashed in her Money in the Bank contract on Charlotte Flair to become Smackdown Women’s Champion?

I liked the angle in theory. Having Peyton Royce and Billie Kay deliver a brutal beatdown to Charlotte, which caused her to lose the title, was a great way to debut the NXT duo on the main roster. It was a perfect scenario for the MITB contract holder to cash in; I just wish someone other than Carmella was the one carrying the briefcase.

I don’t think Carmella is championship material, at least not at this point in her career. With apologies to the legendary Lou Brown, Carmella may moonwalk like Michael Hayes, but she wrestles like … you know the rest.

… wondered why Charlotte’s bestie, Becky Lynch, didn’t come out to save her friend from Peyton Royce and Billie Kay?

One word: quinoa.

… rolled my eyes when Shane McMahon came down to the ring not selling at all?

The nearly 50-year-old non-wrestler absorbed a tremendous amount of punishment from Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn at WrestleMania just a couple weeks removed from being hospitalized for an umbilical hernia and diverticulitis. So two days later he comes out doing that silly Shane O’Mac shuffle without even so much as a slight grimace.

Let’s just get him a red cape and put an “S” on his chest already.

… thinks Shinsuke Nakamura is going to be more over as a heel in WWE than he ever was as a babyface?

How great was his “no speak English” line?

… was initially surprised that WWE gave away a match between AJ Styles and Daniel Bryan?

Just as new “SmackDown Live” general manager Paige was about to reveal Styles’ opponent in the main event, my 12-year-old daughter asked me who I thought it would be. I said, “Well, the biggest thing WWE could do would be Bryan versus Styles, but that’s a pay-per-view match. There’s no way that’s happening tonight.”

Once the match was announced, however, I realized it made perfect sense. It was obvious that Shinsuke Nakamura was going to get involved, thus eliminating the problem of having a finish in a bout neither guy should lose while also putting heat on him for ruining the dream match.

… has mixed emotions about Paige being named “SmackDown Live” GM?

I think she’ll do very well in the role and it’s great that she’ll still be on TV, but it’s very sad that she has to retire from in-ring competition at 25 due to a neck injury.

… isn’t exactly thrilled about another program between Randy Orton and Jinder Mahal?

As the late, great Gorilla Monsoon would say, this match “was brought back due to a diminishing number of requests.” Meanwhile, WWE continues to miss the boat on Rusev.

Kevin Eck