Why Sebastian Velasquez spearheaded healing efforts in his new city after El Paso mass shooting

Jon Arnold

Why Sebastian Velasquez spearheaded healing efforts in his new city after El Paso mass shooting image

Sebastian Velasquez was rattled. He wasn't alone. The whole city of El Paso was thrown into terror on August 3 when a gunman entered a Wal-Mart and began shooting. By the time he stopped, he had killed 22 people and injured 24.

"It caught me by surprise. It was really scary in the sense that throughout the last couple of years you hear about these shootings, but they’re very far away from you," Velasquez told Goal. "You never think you’re going to be around something of that magnitude. So, when it happened, and it’s only four miles away from home, it really shook me up. My baby daughter was already born and I have a son. It scared me."

It's meaningless now to say things like 'This just doesn't happen here', because gun violence happens almost everywhere in America. But El Paso is a place where politicians and citizens regularly note that it is one of the safest cities in the country. Its diversity made it a target for the shooter, who has expressed anti-Latino and anti-immigrant views in a manifesto and in interviews with law enforcement.

That safety and cultural richness of El Paso had attracted Velasquez, who wanted to be in a place where his family could be safe and secure, where he could raise his newborn daughter and his young son without worrying about how they'd fit in. Plus, the Colombian-born 28-year-old appreciated the border town's close ties to Mexico.

"I think it’s funny, and I think it’s pretty cool that here you can go into, like, an Italian restaurant, and you can still order some tacos," he said with a laugh. "Anywhere you go you can get tacos."

Velasquez had only been in El Paso a few months when the shooting took place, joining USL Championship club El Paso Locomotive in the summer after starting the year in the Korean second division with Suwon FC. Still, he felt he had to act. El Paso wasn't yet his community, but it was his home.

He and his Locomotive teammates jumped into action. Velasquez and El Paso native Guillermo Diaz went to unload donations at the holding center where customers and employees who had been in the store were taken to recover. Nearly the entire roster waited behind other members of the El Paso community in lines as long as those of a theme-park ride to donate blood. Donations poured in, with men's and women's national team players from the United States, Canada, and other nations adding to gifts made by fellow USL teams, MLS sides and the Locomotive itself.

The soccer community was particularly touched by the story of the El Paso Fusion, a Under-12 girls team fundraising outside the store, selling aguas frescas, chicharrones and bottled water. The murderer targeted parents, two of whom also were coaches, with five parents injured and one of the player's grandfathers killed.

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As Velasquez scanned his social media feed, he noticed a fundraiser for the club organized by a woman named Tiffany Campo and a number of other Arsenal fans. He started amplifying the Gooner Gals' GoFundMe. For Velasquez, the story struck home. As a young player in South Carolina, the community had supported him by buying T-shirts to send him to try out at Barcelona's famed La Masia academy.

"They were trying to buy tracksuits for their team for travels and for games. Then, unfortunately, this maniac came with an AK-47 and started shooting at them," Velasquez said. "Growing up, especially in this country, there’s a lot of times where you do fundraisers, and when it has to do with a sport and it has to do with kids, a lot of people help out. And a lot of people helped me out back in the day for my career to travel."

"It’s basically people you’d never expect to come help out and then they come do something unexpected."

The initial goal was to raise $5,000 to help deliver the Fusion the tracksuits they were hoping to get, but the group ended up raising and delivering a check for $34,325 at the start of September.

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Velasquez wasn't content, however, to simply retweet or endorse a cause. He and his Locomotive teammates were tireless in finding places to connect and plug in, also taking part in a charity soccer game shortly after the shooting.

"The soccer game was an idea from a couple of the soccer leagues here. They got in touch with me and I spoke to a couple of the guys. We ended up coming together and made this soccer game happen. At that event, we raised $16,000," Velasquez said. "I got to meet Mr. Beto O'Rourke, he’s one of the presidential candidates. He walked up to me and said, ‘Listen, I’ve heard about everything you’ve done. Thank you so much. I know you’re not even from here.’"

The words from O'Rourke, an El Paso native seeking the Democratic nomination for president, pointing out Velasquez was getting involved despite having few ties to El Paso made the player pause for perhaps the first time since the shooting.

"That’s when I kind of thought to myself, like, why did I do this?" Velasquez said.

“I think it’s just the fact that when people are going through dark times, I’ve always needed someone else to do something for me that I didn’t expect."

The former Real Salt Lake player has been open about his struggles with alcoholism, celebrating his four-year anniversary being sober this week, and also has spoken in the past about being a victim of abuse.

"That’s kind of how I’ve been able to lift myself through problems I had in my past or through situations where I couldn’t get out," he said. "When other people came and helped me, that was the only way I was able to do that. It’s kind of a burden I’ve always had, like, I’m going to help. 

"It doesn’t matter if I’m from here or not, I’m going to try and help in a little way, and thankfully we were able to help in such a massive way. I didn’t expect it to blow up the way it did, I didn’t expect that much money to be raised. But I didn’t expect 22 people to lose their lives and so close to home. You’re like, 'Do I sit on my ass and not do anything or do I figure out a way to help?’ Every single person helped."

It wasn't a surprise for Locomotive coach Mark Lowry to see Velasquez spearhead the team’s efforts. The manager of the first-year team said he let his team organize how it saw fit, with a hands-off approach that would let each player react to the tragedy in his own way.

"One thing I quickly learned about Sebastian is that he’s a great human being," Lowry said. "He’s been through a lot personally in his life, but those things, those challenges he’s had has made him very grateful for what he has and kind of shaped him into the person he is today. 

“Whenever something happens or somebody needs help - or an event like this where a city needed help, frankly - because of Sebastian’s background and way of thinking, he’s the first to step forward and offer a hand."

Velasquez is working to help Locomotive on the field as well. With the club lacking creativity in the offense and Velasquez wanting to come back to the States from Asia for family reasons, it was a perfect match. It's taken some time for the player to get back to full fitness, but his recent performances have helped keep the club in the playoff hunt.

Locomotive are an expansion team, but even before the tragedy, the club has made inroads toward becoming relevant with an average attendance of 6,783 putting it 8th in a 36-team league. After the shooting, and the players' response, the link between city and club has become even stronger with the team feeling like it needs to do whatever it can to bring joy to a city where it's been in too short of supply the past month and a half.

"It’s gone beyond soccer. Soccer is an incredible game that comes with a lot of passion, a lot of different things, a lot of things come into it, money, business, sales, all that good stuff. But when this happens, you forget about that stuff. You put all that stuff aside," he said. "This is beyond soccer. Soccer is a game. This is people’s lives. 

"Now, we’re like, ‘OK, What’s the next step?’ This happened. People lost their lives. Families are broken. People went through trauma. People will never forget this. If you lost someone, your life will never be the same. So as a team we kind of have this weight that we put on our shoulders and - we actually spoke about this - this happened and now we have to come out on top for the city, to give the city something to talk about, to give the city a little bit of a band-aid to try and forget about that day or forget about that weekend, about what happened for a couple of hours. 

"If we win games, if we’re doing well, people are going to come out and if you enjoy a game for two hours, the food, the company, people bringing their families out, their kids are laughing and it’s just a time where you’re coming together as one, as El Paso, as a soccer community and you’re enjoying a victory, enjoying the games, enjoying the sport. That’s the weight we put on our shoulders. That’s where we’re at right now. We’re trying to play as best we can and bring out some light to the city."

There's little question Velasquez has done just that - rallying his teammates to bring light to a city, their city, in a dark moment.

Jon Arnold

Jon Arnold Photo

Jon Arnold covered the Mexico national team and Concacaf region in English for Goal until March 2020. His byline also has appeared in the Dallas Morning News, the New York Times Goal blog, FloFC and Pacific Standard. In addition to his written work, he serves as the Concacaf expert on the BBC's World Football Phone-In and has appeared on SiriusXMFC in English and Fox Deportes and Milenio in Spanish. Formerly based in Tijuana and currently living in Texas, Jon covered the 2018 World Cup, the 2015 Copa America, the 2016 Copa America Centenario and the last five Gold Cups.