Coronavirus: Pandemic has taught me important lessons - Ihezuo

Samuel Ahmadu

Coronavirus: Pandemic has taught me important lessons - Ihezuo image

Henan Huishang striker Chiwendu Ihezuo says she has learned a lot of important life lessons from the coronavirus pandemic.

The Super Falcon starred in Nigeria's 2018 African Women's Cup of Nations triumph in Ghana, and Women's World Cup second-round finish in France last year.

Ihezuo, who helped Henan to escape relegation from the Chinese Women's Super League last season, has been self-isolating in Nigeria since February due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

As of Friday, Nigeria has recorded 1 932 cases of the virus with 58 deaths and 319 recoveries so far.

Despite her frustration amid the lockdown, the striker, who turned 23 on April 30, expressed her thoughts on the impact the coronavirus pandemic, saying she is eager to hit the field again.

“I have really missed my teammates, missed playing with the team," Ihezuo told TheNation.

"I missed the food and I missed everything related to football as far as my career is concerned as a result of Covid-19. I’m trying my best to keep fit at home because everywhere is locked-down and there is no way I can go to any pitch to train.

“I do online training to keep in fit because Chinese league is very aggressive and I need to work extremely hard to keep fit pending the time the CWSL will resume after Covid-19.

"I communicate with my club and I heard that the CWSL will start soon but no one is sure because of this problem because we are in a time of massive upheaval all over the world. This pandemic has really taught me a lot.

“Now we have understood that money can’t buy us happiness and we must realize that there is another thing it cannot buy us time. We all have 24 hours of the day available to us but how many use all of those hours to do what is truly important to us or humanity?.

“But staying at home as a result of Covid-19 has forced many people to learn, re-learn or re-ignite their love for cooking and their family which to me is important lessons."

Samuel Ahmadu