A 50-foot Mario? Toronto resident projects classic video games onto adjacent building

Rudi Schuller

A 50-foot Mario? Toronto resident projects classic video games onto adjacent building image

It seems everyone's turning to video games during the coronavirus pandemic, but some people are definitely doing it better than others.

While most gamers are turning their living rooms into self-isolation lairs these days, one Toronto resident has brought his entire neighbourhood in on the fun. A Reddit user named "CutieGremlin" has posted videos to the site showing classic Nintendo games being projected onto the sidewall of an adjacent apartment building.

The gamer, identified by Narcity as Dax Martin, caught the attention of neighbours earlier this week when an eight-storey projection of a Super Mario game appeared on the side of a High Park-area building. A video of it appeared on Reddit, prompting users to debate everything from the power of the projector to the legality of the endeavour.

The neighbors playing video games with a projector using the condo next to us as a back drop haha from r/toronto

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It quickly became a nightly occurrence, and after another neighbour posted a video, Martin began documenting the gaming experience from a first-hand perspective.

Playing Mario Kart during quarantine be like from r/toronto

Martin said the idea had been percolating for a while, but the self-isolation brought on by the COVID-19 crisis presented the perfect opportunity to actually do it.

"I've always wanted to project something on the building across from us. Its the perfect distance and there are no windows, so we're not disturbing anyone. Right now, we're playing 1 - 2 different retro games every night around 9," Martin told Narcity.

Martin explained that a "crappy old [D]ell" projector was used to pull off the giant-sized video games and that the sessions may continue — at least until it gets warmer outside.

"So far, everyone is enjoying it as it's not hurting anyone, besides what the heck else are we going to do with our nights when everything is closed?" the gamer said. "I'm not sure how much longer we will do this. We thought about playing a movie that people in the building can watch from [their] balconies, but it's still a bit too cold for that. For now, we're just having fun with it."

Rudi Schuller