Stat to the Future: Move over, ERA, it's time for FIP

John Edwards

Stat to the Future: Move over, ERA, it's time for FIP image

If you’ve ever played fantasy baseball, you might have heard experts discussing how a hot pitcher from last season is “due for regression based on their peripherals." There’s usually a lot at play when looking at players who might cool down after a Cy Young campaign, or great pitchers who had mediocre seasons, but one of the easiest-to-use indicators is a metric called Fielding Independent Pitching or FIP.

It sounds like a comic book sound effect: Spider-Man launches a web at the Green Goblin, and a colorful bubble pops up: FIP! (Hell, you could probably say the same of a lot of other sabermetric stats.)

STAT TO THE FUTURE: Part I — Why it's time to stop relying on batting average

FIP is one of the most valuable tools ever developed to evaluate pitchers in that, unlike FIP’s old-school counterpart ERA, FIP can help us predict future performance.

What is FIP?

FIP — or Fielding Independent Pitching — exists to remove the effects of fielding from the equation and only look at the aspects of the game that the pitcher can control.

Removing fielders from the equation makes sense if we want to look only at a pitcher’s skill. Let’s say that a pitcher gives up three fly balls to the outfield. If the outfield behind the pitcher has exceptional range, and all three fly balls are caught, the pitcher leaves the inning with no earned runs.

If the outfield has the range of Adam Dunn on a tricycle, then all three of those balls could fall in for hits, a few runs could score, and they would be charged to the pitcher (errors are only charged if the fielder attempts to make a play on the ball, which doesn’t happen in this instance). Identical fly balls, identical pitcher, but because of the defense, the pitcher could end up with two runs charged to their record as opposed to none.

This a flaw with ERA, but not with FIP. FIP doesn’t care about balls put in play, over which pitchers usually have no control (there’s an exception to this that I’ll discuss a little later). Instead, FIP focuses on outcomes that are solely the pitchers’ responsibility: home runs, walks, hit by pitch and strikeouts. These outcomes are weighted based on their impact and then divided by innings pitched, and then a FIP constant is added. The FIP constant is based on the league-wide FIP and the league-wide ERA, and is the same for all pitchers.

How to use FIP

If you’re familiar with ERA, then FIP is simple to use: both FIP and ERA operate on the same scale, where around 5.00 is bad, 4.00 is about average, 3.00 is good, and below 3.00 is getting into Cy Young territory.

If you were to compare the FIP of many pitchers to their ERA, you’d notice that many of them have ERAs that are close to their FIP. John Smoltz ended his career with an ERA of 3.33 and an FIP of 3.24. Workhorse Bartolo Colon has a career 4.02 ERA and a career 4.06 FIP. Pedro Martinez finished with an ERA of 2.93 and 2.91. Almost everyone finishes their MLB careers with a minimal difference between their FIP and their ERA: about 75 percent of pitchers with 1,000 or more career IP saw their FIP finish within 0.20 of their ERA.

So why use FIP and not ERA if they’re roughly the same over the long run?

The answer is that FIP is far more predictive than ERA. Usually, you can look at ERA and FIP in the context of a season to get an idea of what pitchers are overperforming or underperforming.

An example: In 2015, Hector Santiago ran a first-half ERA of 2.33 but a FIP of 3.96. Based on what we know about FIP, it appeared that Santiago was overperforming because he’s done a poor job on the parts that pitchers are supposed to control: an FIP of 3.96 indicates that he didn't garner a lot of strikeouts, and allowed plenty of walks, home runs, or HBPs. Other factors, such as where batted balls land, how good the Angels' defense was, and so forth, have countered the fact that Santiago wasn't that good of a pitcher in the first half.

Pitchers usually can't sustain such a large difference between ERA and FIP over long stretches of time, so it was little surprise that Santiago pitched to a much higher ERA in the second half of 2015 than he did in the first (5.47 in the second half as opposed to 2.33 in the first half).

FIP is a two-way street. In 2016, Michael Pineda pitched to a first-half ERA of 5.38 with 3.77 FIP, so it wasn't unreasonable to expect Pineda to pitch to a lower ERA in the second half. He did, dropping from 5.38 to 4.15.

Warnings about FIP

We’ve already identified the issues with ERA above, but FIP has a few problems of its own.

For instance, FIP does a poor job in evaluating ground ball or fly-ball pitchers who don’t strike out a lot of batters. A ground-ball or fly-ball pitcher relies heavily upon their defense to back them up. Their strategy is to induce weak contact from batters that can be easily fielded. It’s a sound strategy, but FIP punishes them for relying on their defenders, so a pitcher such as Kyle Hendricks will put up great ERA numbers but poor FIP numbers.

FIP can also punish pitchers by making them responsible for home runs, when there’s a decent amount of luck involved. A ball that’s caught at the warning track in one stadium could be a home run at another park. There’s a stat called HR/FB% which measures what percentage of fly balls allowed by a pitcher end up leaving the park, and pitchers generally have very little control over how what their HR/FB% ends up being.

HR/FB% is around 10 percent for most pitchers, but an unlucky pitcher could run a 16 percent HR/FB% (like Clayton Kershaw is doing this season). It’s not necessarily Kershaw’s fault that he’s giving up more home runs: more fly balls are going out mostly by chance. FIP doesn’t care about Kershaw being unlucky, so it undervalues him that way. A variation of FIP called “xFIP” removes the luck from the equation: it assumes that all pitchers run a ~10% HR/FB%, so it might be better to use in this instance.

FIP is a very handy stat that, if used correctly, can be extremely effective at measuring a pitcher’s skill and predicting how good of a pitcher they’ll be in the future. While there are a few things to keep in mind when using FIP, it’s a reasonable catch-all stat that’s much more effective than ERA.

Have any questions about stats, sabermetrics or advance analytics? Want to debate the merits? Tweet @John_Edwards_ to get your stats skepticism remedied.

John Edwards