Sean Rodriguez is back home with Pirates, this time with perspective

Jared Wyllys

Sean Rodriguez is back home with Pirates, this time with perspective image

It shouldn’t take a frightening car accident to change our perception of Sean Rodriguez.

Until last winter, Rodriguez was probably remembered most for the 2015 wild-card game, when he got himself thrown out in the seventh inning and sparred with a Gatorade cooler in frustration. But since late January, after a stolen police cruiser slammed into his family’s car in Miami and threatened his life, and the lives of his wife and two sons, Rodriguez has journeyed through rehabbing the resulting injury, returning to the diamond against the team that sparked his wild-card game anger, and eventually back to the Pirates.

On the way, he has shed the image of cooler-punching villain and emerged a sympathetic figure, but the latter has probably been the correct one all along.

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Rodriguez has a tattoo on the back of his left shoulder, a cross with a baseball at the center and the letters “WGNF” marking each quadrant of the cross. It's a tattoo he got as an 18-year-old when he was drafted.

“With God, no fear,” Rodriguez told Sporting News, describing the tattoo’s acronym and adding that he and his brother, Robert, got matching tattoos on the same day.

Rodriguez talks a lot about the different lenses through which he has to see his life and career, and this was the lens he wanted as he began his professional baseball career. Little did he know then how much he would need that lens years later.

Now, there are small incision scars marking the area around his deltoid on that same shoulder, reminders of the late January wreck and subsequent surgery that began his whirlwind.

Rodriguez said he remembers little about the accident itself, but in the aftermath his first thoughts, of course, were on his family. In fact, it took a week and a half for him to realize that something was wrong with his left shoulder, and only then did his thoughts go to his own well-being because he knew his family was OK.

“That thought didn’t cross my mind until I think it was 10 days after the accident, after my family had been released from the hospital, the boys and my wife. At that point I started paying more attention to what was going on,” Rodriguez said.

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He eventually called his agent to have him tell the Braves, who had signed him to a two-year deal in November, that something was wrong, and he was going to get it checked out. What Rodriguez was feeling proved to be a tear in his rotator cuff, damage to his labrum, and a dislocated tendon in his bicep — all of which threatened to end his 2017 season before he could report for spring training.

This meant surgery and a long, painful rehab, but Rodriguez viewed it through a lens former manager Clint Hurdle taught him.

“Clint always used to say something about life is always going to hand you different lenses, and how you choose to use them or which one you choose to look through on a consistent basis is going to change your everyday (outlook). It’s basically going to make or break each day for you,” Rodriguez said. “Going into every day, it was (me thinking) I’m going to give everything I can today, try to win today, and then at the end of the day I’m going to feel good about how much improvement I made, even if it was just 1 percent.”

The monthslong, grueling process required Rodriguez to embrace this “win each day” lens, and it worked. He returned to the field July 17, long before that was initially expected. Rodriguez took the field that day against an old nemesis, the Cubs, the team responsible for his dugout fisticuffs nearly two years ago, but this time his attitude about them was much different.

“We were hitting early batting practice, and they had just gotten done, and I got a chance to talk to Joe Maddon and a lot of the players before the game,” Rodriguez said.

Most notably, Rodriguez received congratulations and well-wishes from Jon Jay and Albert Almora, Jr. — both from Miami as well — during the time before his first game back. Jay, Rodriguez said, was one of the first to reach out to him after the accident, and the two talked regularly while Rodriguez was working to return to the field. The bonds of home, family and mutual respect for the struggle of competition superseded whatever lingering feelings Rodriguez might have had about Chicago.

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The Braves took extra measures to celebrate not just his return to the field, but also the health of his family, by having his wife, Gisele, and his two sons, Sean Jr. and Zekiel, at the game.

“They had my wife and my kids, my whole family, out on the field to welcome me to the Braves family. [That] first game back, I definitely tried to look calm, cool and collected on the outside, but there were a lot of emotions, a lot of things running through my mind,” Rodriguez said.

Less than three weeks later, Rodriguez was traded, returning him to the Pirates.

“The immediate feeling was bittersweet. I was in a place [Atlanta] where I wanted to be for a couple of years, basically just trying to get my feet down and settle in,” Rodriguez said from his locker in the visitor’s clubhouse in Milwaukee about a week after the trade. “But then obviously it’s coming back to the Pirates; that’s a pretty good feeling right there. The whirlwind just continues from the accident to coming back, just two weeks into my season and still trying to figure out. But if I’m going anyway, this is definitely the place I want to be.”

Rodriguez slid comfortably back into the Pittsburgh clubhouse, almost as if he had never been gone. Many of his teammates felt the same way.

“A lot of the guys told me it feels like I never left, and that’s a great feeling” Rodriguez said.

This transition wasn’t easy for his family, however, especially given what they had been through in the past seven months.

“They’ve had it rough. She had a tough job of trying to pack and get everything sent back home to Tampa or up to Pittsburgh. She was a bit overwhelmed in the process,” Rodriguez said. “She wouldn’t tell you that it was that bad, but she’s tougher than me.”

In his first game back with Pittsburgh on Aug. 6, Rodriguez, almost poetically, hit a 12th-inning walkoff home run to beat the Padres.

It’s not been all heroics, however. Against the division-rival Brewers a week later, Rodriguez struck out to end the game with a runner on and his team down 3-1. But thanks in part to what he has weathered since January, these things don’t affect him like they used to.

“I’m not allowing the outcome of certain situations to dictate my emotions every time. It’s made me more able to release some instances,” Rodriguez said. “At the end of whatever it is, if it’s at the end of an at-bat and the pitcher gets me, so be it. If it’s on defense and the guy hits the ball and it just gets by me, so be it.”

Baseball tends to require this release in order for players to be successful; there is so much failure. But don’t mistake this for him getting lax about his play; the NL Central is still a toss-up, with the Cubs, Brewers, Cardinals and Pirates all within a half-dozen games of each other. And Rodriguez speaks with fire in his eyes about his team and what he thinks they are capable of.

“I definitely see this team in a place that a lot of people probably don’t, which is probably better because you gotta come in under the radar sometimes. You like surprising people, but when you actually sit back and look at the team, it’s not very surprising,” Rodriguez said.

He lists the team’s strengths, all of the things any team needs to be successful: quality pitching, strong defense and a solid top-to-bottom lineup. Rodriguez acknowledges the cliche here, but it’s a proven recipe. On paper, winning in baseball is objectively simple.

“We’ve got some athletes out there on the field, at every position. I’m not saying that other teams don’t have that,” Rodriguez said. “But I feel like we don’t have — if any — too many holes.”

Thinking about the possibility of a showdown with the Cubs for the division title, he doesn’t shy away from talking about the Gatorade cooler incident.

“Sometimes you’re going to lose it, but that’s the nature of what we’re doing,” Rodriguez said. “Everyone is competing, and I’m giving it everything I’ve got on every play.”

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But that incident shouldn’t be what defines Rodriguez. He apologized soon after, and, more importantly, any close attention to Rodriguez shows what’s most important to him: family, faith and his friends on the baseball field. With that, his yearslong devotion to autism awareness that stems from his son’s 2012 diagnosis helps paint a more complete picture.

So with the final stretch of the baseball season upon him, Rodriguez is ready to use his competitive fire and the perspective brought by his trials to help bring the Pirates to the postseason again, but this time with a different lens.

“Sometimes you go out in a game and compete as best as you can, and you don’t come out being the benefactor," he said. "It sucks when you lose, no doubt."

Rodriguez laughs as he finishes his thought.

“So you can learn from the wild-card game: Let’s win the division so you don’t have to play the wild-card game.”

Jared Wyllys