Stat to the Future: The benefits and pitfalls of using BABIP

John Edwards

Stat to the Future: The benefits and pitfalls of using BABIP image

Editor's note: This is the fifth installment in a Sporting News series that looks to bridge the gap of understanding between adherents of traditional baseball statistics and new-school analytics.

Here at Stat to the Future, we’re no strangers to metrics that determine over/underperformance. We’ve discussed the differences between FIP and ERA before, and how ERA trends towards FIP in the long run (in most cases but not all). Now, we’re going to discuss an extremely useful stat for predicting performance, one that we discussed previously in an article about Batting Average — BABIP.

I know, it looks like a sound bubble from a 1960s Batman cartoon. Robin punches the Riddler, Batman kicks the joker, and a colorful bubble pops up saying “BABIP!” BABIP is so much more than a cartoon sound effect (and a rehashed joke).

BABIP stands for Batting Average on Balls in Play. It works exactly as advertised: a player’s BABIP is calculated as the number of hits that they get divided by the number of balls that they put into play.

For instance, in ten at-bats, if a player records the following results: single, double, line out, pop-out, walk, strikeout, single, home run, groundout, pop-out, then the player’s BABIP over that span is three divided by seven, or .429. All hits (except for home runs) go into the numerator, and all balls in play (except, again, for home runs) — so strikeouts, walks and home runs aren’t counted.

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Why do we care?

We briefly talked about why BABIP matters in our discussion of BA, but I’ll rehash what I said and go a little more in-depth.

BABIP is one of the driving forces behind batting average and overall production. Aside from home runs, every hit must be a ball put in play. If a player’s batted balls become hits more frequently, they’ll produce more. Alternatively, if their batted balls tend to find fielders’ gloves, then their production will drop off.

How Does BABIP Work?

BABIP is a stat that is largely dependent upon “luck.' I don’t mean magical powers granted by leprechauns, or the Colts’ QB, I’m referring to simple coin flip luck.

The nature of a coin flip is that all the factors involved make it nearly impossible to predict or control. In this sense, a batted ball in play is a coin flip: there are far too many factors involved in a batted ball to possibly predict what will be a hit or what will not be, or to intentionally land a baseball in a given place.

Some hitters will pull the ball more frequently, some will elevate more frequently and so forth, but the precise location is impossible for fielders to predict, or hitters to control. In that sense, batted balls falling in for hits rely on luck.

In that same sense, batted balls are also subject to random hot/cold streaks. Returning to the coin flip analogy: if you were to flip a coin ten times, and it comes up heads six times, does that mean that mean that the coin will always come up heads six out of every ten times? If you flip a coin 100 times, and it comes up heads 56 times, are the odds of landing heads 56 percent?

If this is a fair coin — i.e. the exact odds of the coin coming up heads are 50 percent — the 6 out of 10 times outcome is still very much within the realm of possibility, as is the 56 out of 100 times outcome. But make no mistake, even if the coin has come up heads more often than tails over a sample size, if it’s a fair coin, the odds of getting heads are still 50 percent.

Batted balls are subject to these hot and cold streaks. If a player can expect to run a BABIP of .300, and over a given span, they run a BABIP of .350, then it could be said that the given player is getting lucky, in that they’re overperforming thanks to luck.

Alternatively, if they run a BABIP .250, they’re getting unlucky and underperforming. But in both instances, the odds of a batted ball falling in are still unchanged — it’s just random variation. While BABIP will trend towards its true value in the long run in the same way that 100,000 fair coin flips will see around 50,000 heads, across smaller sample sizes, there will exist variation.

What else affects BABIP?

BABIP is not just luck. As stated above, players will trend towards certain types of batted balls: Joey Gallo tends to hit fly balls, whereas Dee Gordon tends to hit ground balls. Gallo doesn’t hit a lot of fly balls by luck, and Gordon doesn’t hit a lot of grounders by chance; players have approaches that result in certain types of batted balls.

Certain batted balls will have different BABIP figures, as line drives will run higher BABIPs than fly balls, for instance. If a player tends to hit certain types of batted balls, then their BABIP will differ from others.

In that same vein, speed can also affect BABIP. Sometimes, a hit is a result of beating out a throw, and in that sense, a faster player will run a higher BABIP than a slower player.

There are also park factors at play. In general, the larger the field, the more area fielders must cover to get to a given ball in play, so BABIP increases.

Arguably the largest factor that influences BABIP that players can control is quality of contact. If you hit the ball hard, it’s harder to field. Slower batters can compensate for their lack of speed by hitting it hard. There’s a rough correlation between average exit velocity and BABIP, which is why guys like Aaron Judge and Miguel Sano can put up high BABIP figures despite not being fleet of foot.

This also leads to another consideration of park factors – at higher altitudes, where the air is thinner, it’s easier to hit balls harder.

How should I use BABIP?

BABIP is a strange stat in that the way it’s used can vary from player to player. In general, players run BABIPs around .300, but there’s a lot of room for variation.

Joey Gallo might never put up a BABIP above .280 in a full season, but in a similar vein, it’s hard to see Mike Trout’s BABIP falling below .320 in a season. So simply saying that since a player has a BABIP above .300, they are due for regression, is not accurate, it has to do with a player’s approach at the plate.

In that same vein, career BABIP might also not be wholly representative. If a player adjusts their approach at the plate, and changes their batted ball tendencies — as many players have done this season, such as Yonder Alonso and Mike Moustakas — then their BABIP might change substantially. In evaluating players, it’s important to consider changes in approach.

That having been said, in certain cases, finding players who are overperforming or underperforming their BABIP is not incredibly difficult. Players who run a BABIP fifty points higher or lower than their career average without any obvious changes in batted ball profiles are candidates for regression.

For example, Manny Machado ran a .239 BABIP in the first half of this season, but his career BABIP is .301, so one could have expected his performance to improve in the second half because he’s been encountering poor luck (Machado's BABIP for the second half has returned to around .300).

MORE: Manny Machado's tale of two halves

Players who also make very poor contact but run a very high BABIP, or vice versa, can be considered candidates as well. Jose Reyes has a .326 second half BABIP this season, but his batted ball profile changed only marginally from the first half, when he made poor contact and was one of the worst bats in the majors. Thus, Reyes shouldn’t be expected to maintain his production from this half into next season.

BABIP can also be used for pitchers. For every batter that is a beneficiary of batted ball luck, a pitcher is victimized. Pitchers will usually see their BABIP numbers hover much closer to .300 because of the variety of hitters that they face, though groundball and flyball pitchers will run consistently lower BABIPs because of inducing weak contact.

BABIP for pitchers largely depends on the team’s defense behind the pitcher and the quality of contact induced, in addition to luck. BABIP can lead to large differences between FIP and ERA, but in using BABIP to evaluate pitchers, you should use much of the same rules of thumb as described above.

BABIP is one of the weirder instruments in the sabermetric toolbox, but increased familiarity of it helps with the use of it. The more you look at it and grow familiar with it, the more powerful of a tool it becomes. Powerful enough, even, to take down the Penguin’s nefarious schemes. BABIP!

John Edwards