WWE, WCW both wanted to work with O.J. Simpson after his murder trial

Kevin Eck

WWE, WCW both wanted to work with O.J. Simpson after his murder trial image

Now that O.J. Simpson is back in the headlines, the question everyone is asking is: “Was the Juice ever involved in pro wrestling?”

OK, no one is asking that. And, no, Simpson was never involved in pro wrestling.

But it wasn’t for a lack of trying by both WWE and WCW years ago after Simpson was acquitted of the double murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and Ron Goldman.

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Former WWE writer and producer Bruce Prichard recently revealed on his podcast, “Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard,” that a match between Simpson and Roddy Piper was planned for WrestleMania 12 in 1996 in Anaheim, Calif., less than six months after the Simpson jury delivered the not guilty verdict.

Piper ended up facing Goldust that year at WrestleMania in a Hollywood Backlot Brawl, a spectacle that included footage of the infamous freeway chase of Simpson in his white Bronco.

According to Prichard, Piper was on board for the match with Simpson, and there were preliminary talks with Simpson’s people, “who at that point were looking for anything that had a paycheck attached to it,” Prichard said.

The reason the match didn’t happen is because of the negative backlash once word about the match started getting out, Prichard said..

“The backlash was deafening,” he said. “The people were like, ‘If you do this, you’ll never have another sponsor.' … So we punted.”

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Prichard noted that the plan for the match was to have “Piper beat the s— out of Simpson,” with the thought being that Simpson getting his comeuppance in the ring would lessen the backlash. Prichard now admits it was flawed thinking.

"We thought the end game of O.J. getting the s— kicked out of him would satisfy some people,” Prichard said. “As those words come out of my mouth, you realize how ridiculous this is today. But you always have to try something on even if it sounds ridiculous."

Speaking of trying on things that sound ridiculous, let’s move on to Vince Russo. Russo was a member of the WWE creative team in 1996, and while I don’t know if he had anything to do with the proposed Piper-Simpson match, it certainly wouldn’t surprise me.

What I do know for a fact is that when I was the editor of WCW Magazine in 2000 and Russo was the head of creative at WCW, he pushed for the company to pay Simpson millions of dollars to take a lie detector test live on a WCW pay-per-view.

Russo’s suggestion was based on the fact that Simpson said he would take a polygraph test on pay-per-view for $3 million, which would go toward a reward to catch the “real" killer. Simpson later said he would keep the money for himself.

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During a company meeting, Russo acknowledged that the ratings for “Monday Nitro” weren’t good, but he said it certainly wasn’t his fault. He put over how great the creative content was but claimed the ratings weren’t reflecting it because viewers had tuned out and therefore they didn’t know how great the show was.

He stressed that WCW needed a publicity stunt. That’s when he pitched the Simpson idea.

For a guy who put the WCW World title on David Arquette, not to mention himself, and had an odd fixation with something/someone-on-a-pole matches (such as Buff Bagwell’s mother on a pole, Viagra on a pole, and luchadores competing in a pinata-on-a-pole match), this was a horrible idea even by his standards.

The aforementioned gems from the mind of Russo were silly, but paying millions to a guy many believed was a murderer was on a whole other level. "Tasteless" and "desperate" were the two words that immediately came to mind when he suggested it. I was relieved when his pitch fell on deaf ears from the suits.

As the late Johnnie Cochran might say: If it’s Russo’s pitch, then you must ditch.

Kevin Eck