Pat Dean's quest to learn language in Korean league highlights difficulty for all

Andrew Lawrence

Pat Dean's quest to learn language in Korean league highlights difficulty for all image

It’s not easy being the outsider.

As individuals, most of us strive to fit in; to do as those around us do, and speak how those around us speak. But what happens when your job, the thing you love to do, forces you to be different? Such is the case for Pat Dean, a left-handed pitcher for the Kia Tigers of the Korean Baseball Organization.

It's not often you hear about language barriers being the issue for American players, but for the former Twins pitcher, his KBO journey is forcing him to learn the native tongue of Korea — and it's helped him gain a greater appreciation for what foreign-born MLB players face.

MORE: Foreign-born MLB players work to overcome language barrier

After a six-year stint in the Twins organization that saw him break into the major leagues in 2016, Dean became a free agent for the first time in his career this past offseason.

“I didn’t know what to expect,” said Dean, a former third round pick out of Boston College. “My agent asked me my thoughts on possibly playing in Korea because there was a team with interest calling.” 

Not wanting to prematurely close any doors, Dean listened to Kia Tigers' offer and, after talking to former teammates who had played overseas and consulting with his wife Katie, the Naugatuck, Conn., native decided the opportunity was too good to pass up.

So far it looks as though it was a good decision, as Dean has found some success on the mound for the first-place Tigers, posting a 4-5 record and 4.43 ERA in 14 starts in a hitter-friendly league. 

While at times the game may look like it comes easy to the lefty, living on the other side of the world in a completely foreign land is anything but. Aside from being thousands of miles away from his wife and family, the language barrier, Dean said, is the toughest part of playing in Korea, and having an interpreter is essential. 

“We have three international players on the team: two pitchers and a position player, and we all share the same interpreter,” Dean said.

Because of that dynamic, he said, there are times throughout the day at the ballpark when the interpreter is unavailable because he is assisting another international player, leaving Dean to fend for himself. One of the toughest times to go without the assistance of the interpreter, Dean said, is the daily scouting meeting the Tigers have before every game. 

“The pitchers’ and position players’ meetings are often at the same time, so we have to decide who gets the interpreter for their meeting,” he said. “When we [the pitchers] don’t have him, we are completely lost in the meeting and will miss out on some pretty important details about the opposing lineup.” 

Needless to say, as someone who earns a living by getting batters out, missing the scouting report for an opposing lineup in its entirety is not something that will make your life easier.

MORE: Is Seong-Beom Na the next big Korean baseball import?

The notion that foreign born players can, and should, easily pick up the language of the country they’re playing in has become somewhat prevalent with fans and those around MLB. Proponents of the idea claim that it’s not that difficult to learn a second language while simultaneously spending six to eight hours a day at the ballpark, and that if a big-league club has the resources to provide a player with an interpreter, they should have the resources to provide the player with an English teacher. Whether it’s a majority opinion or not, that pressure to learn English is being felt by international players across MLB.

Asked whether he has felt any pressure from the fans in South Korea to learn the language, Dean said that he had not, though, he said that he has made a point to try to learn as much of the language as possible. 

“I learned the alphabet, so I’m able to read Hangul, which is helpful, and I’ve picked up a few terms here and there. It’s definitely not easy, though,” he said. 

He also recalled how, whether he is with his Korean-born teammates or interacting with fans, anytime he has used “one of the few Korean phrases [he] knows” correctly, everyone around him lights up, appreciative of the effort he made to learn their language.

While he acknowledges the difficulties he encounters daily, Dean knows it could be worse and considers himself lucky to be playing a game for a living, albeit far from home. He also notes that his pitching coach with the Tigers spent a little time in America and knows a few English phrases, making mound visits, with the help of the interpreter, easier than expected. 

MORE: Ex-MLB pitcher remaking himself in Korean league

He also considers it fortunate that his interpreter is available at any time, day or night, and can be called upon to assist in any situation where the language barrier may be an issue. 

Dean would love to come back to America and return to the big leagues. He hopes a good showing in the KBO will earn him that opportunity and bring him closer to home. And while he knows getting that opportunity is not guaranteed, should he find himself playing for an MLB club in the future, he’ll have deeper appreciation for the struggles his international teammates face on a daily basis. 

“After having this experience, it definitely makes me appreciate and understand the guys that I played with from other countries that came to America,” Dean said. “Not just with the language, but with their lifestyle as well.”

Andrew Lawrence