Monika Caryk files for information in court dispute with Melinda Karlsson

Evan Sporer

Monika Caryk files for information in court dispute with Melinda Karlsson image

The Ottawa Senators traded away Mike Hoffman in mid-June, but the circumstances surrounding his trade have yet to be resolved, but the accused party is now taking a step to try to clear her name.

Monika Caryk, the fiancee of Hoffman, who has accused by Melinda Karlsson, wife of Erik Karlsson, of an extended pattern of abuse and cyber bullying, filed an application in Ontario Superior Court that would require Melinda Karlsson to submit all information she has to the courts, according to ESPN.

In doing so, according to that report, it is Caryk's hope that she can prove herself innocent of having any involvement with what Karlsson has alleged.

In early May, Melinda Karlsson filed an order of protection against Caryk, citing abuse from social media comments to wishing injury against her husband, Erik.

"Monika Caryk has uttered numerous statements wishing my unborn child dead,” Melinda said in part of the statement she gave to the courts. “She also uttered that she wished I was dead and that someone should ‘take out’ my husband’s legs to ‘end his career.'"

But Caryk and Hoffman quickly came out and denied the allegations. The application Caryk filed on Thursday, a Norwich Order, would require her accuser to submit all evidence it has to the courts.

That, Caryk hopes, will, "expose the real perpetrators responsible for harassment and cyberbullying Ms. Karlson, and demonstrate to Ms. Karlsson and the public that I have been wrongly accused," according to the court document, per ESPN.

A Norwich Order "is a form of equitable order that permits discovery of third parties even in the absence of a pending lawsuit. Effectively, this order can turn an otherwise innocent bystander into the key actor who may determine whether a cause of action will be litigated or, indeed, whether a cause of action even exists," according to Legal Business. In this instance, Caryk is applying it to try to clear her name of any wrongdoing.

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That same report says Caryk's legal representation contacted the Karlsson's lawyer June 21 requesting more information about the abuse, but was instructed by his clients not to disclose it. In her court application, Caryk also said she was never served with the Peace Bond that Melinda Karlsson filed.

The Senators traded Hoffman to the San Jose Sharks June 19, and he was subsequently traded to the Florida Panthers. General manager Pierre Dorion later said the trade was necessary " ... because the dressing room was broken."

While the situation was ostensibly resolved on one level, the Senators, in their response to the initial news, released a statement saying, “We are investigating this matter in cooperation with the NHL and will take whatever steps are necessary to protect the safety and privacy of our players and their families." But no resolution or findings to any investigation has been made public, and it's unclear what steps to an investigation have taken place.

Evan Sporer