NHL preparing puck-tracking technology to further develop live data

John Arlia

NHL preparing puck-tracking technology to further develop live data image

Hockey may finally be nearing its golden age of information. While advanced analytics have been part of the game for the past decade or so, the NHL has been the slowest of the four major U.S. sports leagues to adopt player-tracking and other data-producing technologies. 

That is about to change.

The league is working to develop a smart puck, which will track movement on the ice roughly 200 times per second, according to a report by SportTechie. The technology, alongside a camera-based player-tracking system that NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said in December the league was committed to developing (with the help of technology companies), will revolutionize the way the sport is quantified.

In simple terms, hockey may soon have a statistical equivalent to baseball's exit velocity or basketball's player usage rate.

The NHL has been toying with the idea of implementing these new technologies for a few years, and even had a trial run at the 2016 World Cup of Hockey, but Bettman says the process has taken longer due to the high-speed, physical nature of the sport and the unique tracking challenges that sticks and goalies' gloves present.

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While that may be true, the recently concluded IIHF World Championship in Denmark used player- and puck-tracking technology to measure statistics such as completed passes, pass efficiency, fastest skater, skating distance, puck travel and more.

The NHL hopes to have its system operational in time for the 2019-20 season and could begin testing it as early as the 2019 Stanley Cup playoffs, per SportTechie. That timeline could match up with the widespread introduction of sports gambling in the U.S., as individual states will need time to pass betting legislation after the United States Supreme Court struck down a gambling prohibition law earlier this month. 

All of this new live data, which would undoubtedly supplement live game broadcasts and team personnel decisions, would also create a more informed gambler. The NHL, if it plays its cards right, could provide that new information to gaming companies that would find it useful on a live-betting platform.

"There's going to be a need for data, access to our games, our trademarks ... so there are things that if you're going to run a successful sportsbook you're going to need for us," Bettman said after the court's announcement. "And from our standpoint we want to make sure it's done right."

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That is going to take some time, though, as it's not just the tracking technology that isn't ready. The NHL will have to sort out the ethical implications of publicizing player tracking data with the NHLPA and will likely have to overcome vocal opposition

In the end, a decision will likely come down to dollars and cents as the players weigh their privacy concerns against a cut of the league's gambling revenue.

John Arlia