'Did this actually happen?': Behind the scenes of June 29, 2016 — the craziest media day in NHL history

Evan Sporer

'Did this actually happen?': Behind the scenes of June 29, 2016 — the craziest media day in NHL history image

There are generally two days reserved on the NHL's calendar that forecast a busier-than-normal news cycle and storms with combustible elements ripe to send media folks into a frenzy. The first comes on trade deadline day, which usually falls in late February or early March. The second comes July 1, the first day free agents can begin signing with new teams. Those two stamps on the timeline call for cleared calendars, charged cell phones and the general expectation of being busy.

There's a mental and physical preparation that comes with it, but also just the ability to brace oneself for a flurry of news.

But toward the end of June 2016, something unexpected happened on multiple layers. On June 29, nestled between when the NHL Draft ended (June 25) and the start of free agency, time didn't stop for 23 minutes, but accelerated at a pace unlike the hockey world had seen before, jumping straight into hyper-speed and altering the landscape of the NHL.

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In less than the actual real time it takes to play a single period of hockey, three transactions went down. The enormity of the moves combined like a wall of warm, moist air colliding with another wall of cool, dry air. It formed a tornado that caught the NHL community completely off guard, and sent its reporters — and Hockey Twitter — into an absolute scramble.

At 3:34 p.m. ET, the Devils acquired forward Taylor Hall from the Oilers for defenseman Adam Larsson. At 3:51 p.m., the Predators acquired defenseman P.K. Subban from the Canadiens for defenseman Shea Weber. And finally, at 3:57 p.m., the Lightning re-signed forward Steven Stamkos — set to become the biggest free agent in the NHL's salary cap era just two days later — to an eight-year, $68 million extension.

While those moves have greatly affected the fortunes of the five franchises involved and dramatically impacted the league as a whole, the pace and gravity of these moves created a media situation the likes of which will never be seen again.

On the two-year anniversary, Sporting News spoke to 10 media members who lived that day to reminisce. Their behind-the-scenes anecdotes re-create the chaos of the 23 minutes that forever changed the hockey world.

The Setup

Gene Principe, Sportsnet: In Canada, Christmas happens on Dec. 25 and July 1, because I think on July 1, there’s more money spent than on Dec. 25, especially when it comes to hockey. That Taylor Hall trade was sort of sandwiched between the draft and July 1, and I would say I was totally caught off guard.

Arpon Basu, The Athletic (at the time, NHL.com): That day I was actually in the office for one of the few times I was ever in the office, kind of preparing for free agency, and kind of doing some grunt work for how we were going to tackle July 1. 

Adam Vingan, The TennesseanI remember that day because I was in the office, and the only piece of news I had expected to write was the Predators had bought out what remained of Eric Nystrom’s contract. So I wrote that story, and I went home.

Andrew Gross, Newsday (at the time, Bergen County Record)I can’t find it because Gannett took down all the archives, but I seem to remember the Rangers had a minor move that day, some kind of release. Or I was working on a free agency preview or something. I just know I started that day thinking much more about the Rangers than the Devils, trying to get Rangers work done.

Bob McKenzie, TSN: I always use the analogy that our job is like fishing, and we fish every day, but there’s a lot more fish to be caught on trade deadline day and leading up to free agency. So sometimes you get a fish, sometimes you don’t.

Joe Smith, The Athletic (at the time, Tampa Bay Times): There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to that week of the season. I actually was in Brandon at (the Lightning's) practice facility for development camp for their prospects.

Chris Johnston, Sportsnet: One of the great things about the entry draft is that it’s a collision where you have most of the reporters who cover the league, you have all the general managers in hockey, the coaches, the front offices, you have all the agents there, and it’s at a time when decisions are being made. We do see a lot of trades around the draft time and are also on the cusp of free agency at that point, so there’s a lot of gossip.

The Rumors

Principe: So going into I guess the offseason it was another year with no playoffs, and the Oilers were top-heavy with top offensive talent, but couldn’t seem to turn good players into a good team. We kind of knew that something was up, and (general manager) Peter Chiarelli, and for that matter (head coach) Todd McLellan were not involved in the drafting of Taylor Hall, and for that matter, any of these kids — Jordan Eberle and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins. And the theory was that one of these three $6 million players was going to be traded. But I guess it was earlier than expected; it was maybe unexpected that it was Taylor.

Nick Kypreos, Sportsnet: That one the public really knew that there needed to be some changes, and the focus was always on the blue line.

Gross: I guess it’s easy to say in retrospect it wasn’t surprising, but just knowing (Devils general manager) Ray (Shero), he doesn’t make rash moves, but he's certainly not a shy person in terms of making moves that he thinks will help the team. It was quite obvious that scoring was a real issue for this team. They had talked about it at breakup day. They hadn’t really had anyone of that caliber since Zach Parise, and Ilya Kovalchuk had walked out the door. In that respect it was not surprising.

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Andrew Berkshire, Sportsnet and RDS: The rumors of return were so pedestrian. Like, I remember the only one that I thought was somewhat realistic was the idea of Taylor Hall for P.K. Subban, which was a rumor that went around.

Kypreos: (Canadiens general manager) Marc Bergevin really kind of squashed the idea. I don’t remember what the exact quotes were, but he basically said that we’ll listen to anything on anybody if it makes our team better, and that’s always been the standard kind of comment of anybody of star quality that is a surprising name.

Vingan: For as aggressive as (Predators general manager) David Poile can be in terms of doing what needs to be done to improve his team, Shea Weber never seemed like the guy that had to leave in order for that to happen.

Johnston: I remember Marc Bergevin then did his scrum, and he was kind of denying any idea that he would think about trading P.K., but choosing his words carefully. Throughout that draft there was a lot of talk about that possibility, and it was actually on the Saturday when David Poile, when they were leaving the draft floor, went up to Marc Bergevin and just said, 'I hear all this P.K. stuff; is that real? We’d like to do Shea for him.'

Berkshire: It was kind of a rollercoaster for everybody following the situation with some skin in the game. Leading up to the draft there were rumors that Marc Bergevin wanted Pierre-Luc Dubois, so he wanted to move up to get that pick. A lot of people thought that Subban could be on the move, and then Subban doesn’t get traded Day 1 of the draft.

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McKenzie: The P.K. thing had gone into a little bit of hibernation, but at the draft it was very much front and center, and in spite of the denials from Montreal that they were shopping him or they were just listening, we knew there was a reality he could be traded. We just didn’t know when, where or for what.

Johnston: In my experience the most valuable information at times like that come from the teams that aren’t directly involved. Everyone is sort of denying it’s happening, but you kind of get your Spidey Senses up and know when there’s a little bit more. Almost what isn’t being said is kind of pointing you in the direction.

Basu: I knew that P.K. was not universally adored by people in the organization for various reasons. The notion of trading him didn’t seem totally out of left field to me, and obviously his no-trade was kicking in (July 1). There was some expectation that something might happen.

Sean McIndoe, Sportsnet: There was a lot of chatter coming out of Edmonton, and we knew the situation there as far as them needing help on the blue line. There had been for years, and I even had some fun with Oilers fans over the fact that it seemed like year after year the Oilers kept having these disastrous seasons, and then they would say, ‘We’re going to make big changes,’ and then they wouldn’t make the big changes, and then they would wonder why they got the same results the next year.

Kypreos: There were a lot of trails along the way that suggested that there was always more to the story than what the Montreal Canadiens and Marc Bergevin were leading onto. For me, I probably heard the rumblings just before Christmas. It came from a couple of good sources that they were never really comfortable with his contract to begin with — his extension — and if in fact they thought about moving him, they were up against the July 1 deadline of his no-move kicking in. Just from the people I had talked to it never really went away despite the public denials.

Johnston: And remember, too, (Vancouver Canucks general manager) Jim Benning came out and said something at that time — I believe it was on Vancouver radio — that got him fined about Subban. This was a huge talking point I would say for everyone in the sport.

On June 23, Jim Benning appeared on TSN 1040 and openly discussed the possibility of acquiring P.K. Subban via trade. "There’s lots of teams that have reached out to them to find out what it would take to try to complete a deal of that magnitude. It’s a high price.” The comments ran contrary to the general belief Subban would not be traded. Five days later, Benning was fined $50,000 for violating the league's tampering policy for discussing a player currently under contract.

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McKenzie: The Steven Stamkos watch was on in a big way, and we weren’t sure if he was going to sign somewhere else or go back to Tampa, but that was right on the front-burner for everybody. There wasn’t anybody who wasn’t paying attention to what was going on with Stamkos.

Smith: Steve Yzerman isn’t the most candid person when it comes to negotiations in that stretch, but he seemed at that time to either be a good poker player or just that they were hopeful and to get him signed, but they didn’t know. He was asked a question about, ‘Would you be open to a sign-and-trade possibility?’ and he said, ‘Yeah, that might be something we’re considering.’ I think I wrote a couple of days before he signed what are the options for a sign-and-trade, and is that a possibility.

Kypreos: What we really, truly didn’t understand up until that day is how badly he wanted to go back, right? You can hear that he’d like to stay, but it’s always at what cost? There’s no question the Toronto Maple Leafs were prepared to make him one of the highest paid players in the league.

Berkshire: I know the Montreal Canadiens would have probably also had a crazy offer for Steven Stamkos if he got to free agency.

McKenzie: We knew he was meeting with other teams, so that was front-and-center, and everybody was kind of chasing that.

Johnston: I was of the opinion once he got to that period where he was meeting with other teams, I thought he was as good as gone. I kind of figured if you’re going to take it that far that you’re probably gone. 

Smith: I did a story, it was probably around January or February, it was after the initial offer got out. It was eight years and $68 million, and people were wondering if they were low-balling him. No way they can match the Torontos and New Yorks of the world.

Johnston: Especially because Tampa upped its offer from what they had been offering around the midpoint of that season. ... I remember years ago Daniel Alfredsson said that was the breaking point for him. He always thought in his mind he would never leave Ottawa, but as soon as he got to the point where was talking to the GM of Buffalo, Boston, and Detroit, it was almost like cheating on your girlfriend. Once you open your mind to that, you know you’re kind of gone. You’ve thought about a parallel universe that you’ve never really entertained as a player before.

McKenzie: We’re all like sharks. If there’s a little blood in the water, and that day, there was a lot of blood in the water, and so you say to yourself, ‘What else is there? There must be something else I’m missing. There must be more big things happening. Let’s go.’ And you get kind of into a bit of a fervor trying to chase stuff. 

3:34 p.m.: Taylor Hall traded for Adam Larsson

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McIndoe: Like the way that the Taylor Hall trade broke over social media with the little drips of information, and you’re trying to put the puzzle together and frantically figure out what’s going on, that was all sorts of fun.

Principe: We have a pool in the backyard, and I was actually working on the filter in the pool. Suddenly I was getting these texts, and my phone was just buzzing, and I’m thinking, ‘It’s June 29, what could be happening today? Nothing is supposed to happen today.’ And then I started looking at my phone, and it was like, ‘Holy jeez.’

Gross: The Devils had just fallen into such disrepair that you didn’t think of them at that point as kind of a destination where one of the better players in the league might want to wind up. I guess in that respect it was surprising the Devils were paired up with Taylor Hall.

Kypreos: I’m sure Edmonton fans would have liked more star power for star power.

Berkshire: Apparently an offer was made there (between the Oilers and Canadiens), and Chiarelli didn’t like it because he thought Subban was paid too much, and he was worried about McDavid’s upcoming contract, which I guess that makes some sense. But I don’t know, they’ve paid a lot of guys a lot of money for worse contributors trying to find a defenseman.

Principe: First of all, as a hockey fan, you’re like, ‘Look at this,’ and then it was like, I have to help either continue to add to this story, or I have to get to work here.

McIndoe: The way that the Taylor Hall trade broke, where it was sort of like, ‘Hey, the Oilers are doing something,’ and then a few minutes later, ‘OK, something is going to come out of Edmonton, and it’s going to be big,’ and then it was, ‘OK, this is a Taylor Hall trade,’ and then you see Adam Larsson is going back, and then the tweet that I think everybody remembers was Bob McKenzie tweeting out saying, ‘That’s it; the deal is a one-for-one.’

McKenzie: There was a little bit of rumbles on the Hall stuff, but I think I might have been one of the first to get it. I still get the Devils fans always tweet back at me the exact tweet. It was “Taylor Hall for Adam Larsson; it’s one-for-one” and they still get a kick out of that, because obviously Hall had a good year.

Principe: OK, then we hear it’s Adam Larsson. Then everyone is trying to figure out, ‘Is it more?’ but I had someone tell me pretty quickly, ‘No; it’s one-for-one. That’s it, that’s all, there’s no draft picks. There’s nothing. There’s no prospects, no player-to-be-named later. This is it.'

McIndoe: I remember saying at the time, ‘If you need new brakes on your car, it’s one thing to shop around to the different mechanics and make sure you’re getting a good price, but at some point, if you’re driving off the road and into a tree every few minutes, you just have to go and pay whatever you have to pay to get this problem fixed.'

Kypreos: The only disappointing thing at that particular moment when we found out about the trade was that you’re not selling your star for a star, you’re selling a star for a very good, serviceable player who might go throughout his whole career and never be on an all-star team. You know?

Principe: It was Adam Larsson. Unless you’re a Devils fan or really a devoted fan of the Eastern Conference, out West, a lot of Edmonton fans might have remembered him because his name was mentioned a bit in 2011 when they drafted Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, but I can bet you a lot of people kind of had to Google search, have a look to see further than the name.

Gross: I must have finished up something, and thought I had a window to kind of get away from my computer for a few minutes. I wrapped up whatever Rangers thing I was doing, and I had to run out to the bank. And by the time I had gotten to the bank the news of the Hall trade had broken. So I remember frantically sitting in the parking lot at T Bank trying to report as much as possible. Get something — even if it was just a headline — up on the blog, and get something up on Twitter, and just find out when the conference calls were going to be, and all that kind of stuff. I found myself kind of arranging life in a parking lot at the bank, and then running in, making a deposit, and screaming home as fast as I could.

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McKenzie: To the Hall one, a guy probably in the last — it was right around the time of the NHL Awards, or just before then — some guy sent me a picture of his quote unquote man cave in his basement. He’s got like the bar setup, and over the bar, he had the exact tweet: “Hall for Larsson; it’s one-for-one” and he actually reproduced it and framed it over his bar or fireplace or something, which was pretty funny.

Principe: You try to scramble, to be honest with you. I was in my shorts, it was a beautiful sunny day, and I was in backyard mode, not, I-have-to-get-a-suit-on mode, so it was hurry up and get ready.

Berkshire: So when Taylor Hall trade went down I thought, ‘So Subban is definitely not getting traded.’

3:51 p.m.: P.K. Subban traded for Shea Weber

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Vingan: We received word that this trade was happening, so I rushed back to the office. It was hard to believe, even when I knew it was happening that this was actually happening, just because of what Shea meant to Nashville.

Basu: Working at NHL.com, when something big is going down you generally get a little bit of a heads up. So just as the Taylor Hall trade went down, we got a call at the office to tell us that this was happening.

Berkshire: And then it was like 20 minutes later that Nick Kypreos tweeted out, ‘Looks like Subban is on the move, too,’ and I was like, ‘What? Is this a joke?’ Like what’s going on here?' And then it was Subban for Weber.

Kypreos: You watch other insiders almost on a daily basis, and the things that I kept hearing I didn’t really see a lot of other members of the media responding the same way as I did. I kept asking myself, ‘Am I just seeing things that others aren’t seeing here?’ Maybe they’re right, and I’ve been misled. I always said from Christmas on that I didn’t believe he was going to be a member of the Montreal Canadiens past July 1. So I kept on it, I reached out to a number of people, and sure enough, when I was comfortable with the information I released it on Twitter. 

Principe: I went from the top story to probably the top story on the second segment.

Kypreos: And then you put it out there, and then you sit back and watch the social media world like you’d watch July 1 fireworks, or in the States, July 4. It’s sitting back, and open up a folding chair, and just watching a fireworks display. ... The response that I got was unlike anything I’ve ever broken.

Basu: My first instinct was to call my wife, and to tell her that I would not be home. So I did that, and then my second instinct was that the NHL’s offices in Montreal are right downtown, and I knew that Marc Bergevin was going to do a press conference for sure, but he would be doing that out in Brossard at the team’s training facility, which is off-island, and can be a real pain to get to when rush hour hits. I forget the timing of it, but it was before rush hour, so my next thing was to first write something to go on the site, and then grab my bag and get out there.

Berkshire: I remember someone at Sportsnet sending me an email, and I was like, ‘Yup, on it.’ And then right after that RDS emailed me, too, so now I’ve got to write an article in English, an article in French, they have to be saying different things because I can’t just send the same article in different languages to a Belle company and a Rogers company, which are the two main media corporations in Canada. ... There’s deadlines, and then there are deadlines of a different kind. It was probably the most stressful day in terms of getting articles out that I’ve had.

Basu: There are definitely things that you’re discouraged from writing on a league website, but when it comes to stuff like that, it’s honestly pretty open. I couldn’t write a story like completely ripping Marc Bergevin for making a bad trade, and making it completely one-sided and doing it like that. But a lot of the issues with the trade were in my story. ... I think I probably would have covered it a little differently now than I did then, but not as differently as you would think.

Kypreos: The other thing, too, is I probably had about four or five fake accounts, right? And then the natural one was, ‘This is a fake account’ and ‘This isn’t true. Shea Weber? Nashville would never trade Shea Weber.’

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Vingan: One of the things I remember most about that day was, as you can imagine, the conference call with P.K. was inundated with people. So we’re sitting in this conference room in Bridgestone Arena, and waiting to talk to P.K., and all the people are starting to chime in. Public relations is saying, ‘If you’re waiting on the call, please mute your phone so that we can hear everybody.’ I think it was like a French-language radio station wasn’t muting their feed, so you could just hear this loud rambling — well, rambling for me really because I don’t speak French — in the background. And after public relations repeated on multiple occasions to please mute your phone, they ended up hanging up on the conference call before P.K. called in, and they re-dialed, and they only made P.K. available to the people sitting in the conference room.

It was great for me and the others in the room because we had less people to fight with over question asking. But I remember right as the phone call was hanging up I hear someone say, ‘Are you kidding me?’ and then click when PR said they were hanging up on the call. I believe it was Eric Engels of Sportsnet, who I later found out was the one who said that, and I believe there was some more colorful language in there, too.

Eric Engels, Sportsnet: I could probably be heard saying something like, 'You’ve gotta be f—ing kidding me.'

3:57 p.m.: Steven Stamkos re-signs with the Lightning

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Smith: I remember I was in Brandon working, and I had texted Steve Yzerman just to see if he had time to catch up. I hadn’t heard back from him in a little bit, which isn’t all too unfamiliar sometimes if he’s in the middle of something, but you kind of wondered if there was something up or something going on. You try to reach out to Newport Sports (Stamkos' representation) to see if anything is going on, and by the time I pulled into my place I think the news had broken.

Johnston: Looking back we could understand why Steven stayed with the Lightning. It makes sense in reverse.

Gross: You don’t poo-poo a Steven Stamkos extension. As soon as it went down and it was out there, I knew about it. But I didn’t have any time to focus on it. Your first thought really is, ‘What a freakin’ crazy day.’ You know? I mean because honestly, when the Subban-Weber trade happens, you’re thinking, ‘Well, that’s the back page.’ Nothing is going to beat that today. And obviously, and certainly for my standpoint, the Hall trade blew that out of the water.

Johnston: From what I know of what happened, after the meeting with the Leafs, (Stamkos) called his agent or called Steve Yzerman and kind of indicated, ‘Let’s end this, I want to sign with Tampa.’ For him, it was a little bit too much, maybe a bit more hoopla than he wanted.

Smith: All three moves are seismic shifts, and if you’re like the Bob McKenzies or the Pierre LeBruns or the Chris Johnstons, you have all three of them you’re kind of juggling. It’s a lot of different layers and storylines to handle. ... You can still marvel at it, and I remember reading up on it and trying to wrap my head around how this all happened, and especially all at this one particular time. 

McIndoe: I’m lucky in the sense that I’m not — if you’re a beat reporter, then that’s it. Cancel your plans for the rest of the day, and you’ve got to go chase the story. Or if you’re someone who has to be on the air that afternoon, that evening, you sort of have to drop everything.

Berkshire: I thought it was kind of funny because there were multiple teams looking at Steven Stamkos. At the time, the Taylor Hall trade happened, the P.K. Subban trade happened, and Stamkos was like just, ‘Eh, I’m not going to Canada.’ And then he signed a team-friendly deal where he could have gotten more on the open market. It was probably more of a coincidence than anything, even though it would be a great story if Stamkos was just on Twitter watching what happened and then was just like, ‘Hey, Steve, I’ll sign that contract now.’

The Afterthoughts

Kypreos: I’ve been around for almost 20 years, and I’ve been fortunate enough to break a lot of trades in my career, but that one was definitely the most impactful one with the reactions that I ever had. I’m sure that there won’t be another trade like that that kind of shocks the hockey world like that one did.

Johnston: I basically had gone through two months on the road, all road games because the Leafs were in the playoffs. I had gone to Vegas pretty quickly after the season ended and then I had flown to Buffalo for the draft. I’d come home, and basically I was exhausted. So no, I’m not a napper normally. It was obviously a weekday so my wife would have been at work. I was working a little bit myself, but I didn’t mean to. I just remember sitting on the couch, and basically had an unintended nap, and woke up, and my phone was just destroyed with Twitter notifications and text messages, missed calls from my boss. That’s the worst feeling. Honestly, it’s one of the worst moments of my career, which is maybe telling that I’ve had a charmed career.

I literally slept through probably the craziest 45 minutes — or whatever that timing ending up being — certainly of the time I’ve been an NHL reporter in terms of bombshell news, one after another, after another, after another.

Kypreos: It’s just the true realities of where we’ve gone with social media. Social media controlled that day as much as we had a part of it individually. It was nice playing a small part of that historic day for sure. 

Johnston: It was just a big, ‘Holy shit, did this actually happen?’ All of this, at once. I was looking back to see who was on top of the news. I know my teammate Nick Kypreos got one of those stories. I think it might have been the Weber trade, so I was happy for that. You want your teammates to be doing well if you miss out on that action.

McKenzie: It’s a very transient world that we live in, and Twitter contributes to the transience, so it kind of stands as a memorial, too. You’ve got all these tweets that will be there forever. The job now is sort of like gorilla warfare where you move from one thing to another, and you never spend too much time and you never get too hung up on things once they happen. 

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McIndoe: Now we get the information. This constant rush of the speculation and the details and the different insiders fighting to be the one who’s going to break the story. It makes it a lot more fun for hockey fans — I don’t think there’s any doubt about that. If you happen to be online, on Twitter, when all this stuff was going down, it was a great afternoon. You’ll never forget that. 

Principe: It was fun, but it was hectic, frantic, because the other thing is, it’s not like a trade’s made, and everyone is at the rink, and you’re talking to your players. This is like conference calls, and Skype, and FaceTime, and you’re trying all these different ways to get ahold of players who are involved in the deal who most of them are probably at their cottages, or at the lake, or somewhere relaxing, but maybe not expecting to be dealt.

McKenzie: There are plenty of positives and plenty of negatives, but there was this great sense of community and this electronic hot stove that was kind of fascinating to see. From my perspective it was just fun.

Vingan: The number of people that were coming to cover the Predators from a national and international perspective grew exponentially. Not just Canadian media, but international media as well, and non-hockey media, too. People who don’t cover the NHL on a daily basis, more from an entertainment standpoint or lifestyle standpoint came and wanted to talk to P.K.

Kypreos: That was the day we truly understood what social media is about, and how impactful it will be on the rest of our lives moving forward.

Principe: If it was deadline day and you’re sitting and waiting. But I haven’t seen anything else so close to each other, and be so, I guess franchise-altering moves made by five teams in such a short time span.

McKenzie: I doubt that will ever happen again. You never know.

Evan Sporer