Jameis Winston accused of groping Uber driver; NFL reportedly investigating

Travis Durkee

Jameis Winston accused of groping Uber driver; NFL reportedly investigating image

Buccaneers quarterback is being investigated by the NFL after an Uber driver accused him of groping her in 2016, BuzzFeed News reported Friday.

The Uber driver, identified as Kate, said she picked up Winston in Scottsdale, Ariz., around 2 a.m. on Sunday March 13, 2016. Shortly into the trip she said Winston “behaved poorly” by shouting homophobic slurs at pedestrians before asking to stop by a drive-thru for food.

While waiting in line, Kate said Winston, who was sitting in the front seat, “reached over and he just grabbed my crotch” for three to five seconds before she removed his hand.

“I wasn't just creeped out,” Kate said. “I was frozen.”

Kate, who no longer drives for Uber, said she doesn’t want money, but wanted to tell the truth “about a powerful man who felt entitled to my body when all I wanted to do was my job.”

“If I’m silent, I fear that further harm will come to other women, if it hasn’t already," she said. “He sexually assaulted me, and I have every right to tell the damn truth about it.”

A spokesperson for Uber told BuzzFeed News in a statement that Winston was permanently removed from the app after Kate filed an incident report.

According to BuzzFeed, the NFL sent a letter to Kate saying the league “has been informed that you may have been the victim of such a violation perpetrated by Tampa Bay Buccaneers player Jameis Winston. The league takes allegations of this nature very seriously and has opened an investigation into this matter.”

Nine months after the alleged incident with Kate, Winston settled a civil lawsuit stemming from rape allegations in 2012.

Winston is currently dealing with a shoulder injury that will likely force him to miss a second straight game Sunday against the Dolphins.

Travis Durkee