Albert Haynesworth accuses ex Brittany Jackson of hurling racial slurs, physical violence

Marcus Dinitto

Albert Haynesworth accuses ex Brittany Jackson of hurling racial slurs, physical violence image

Former NFL defensive lineman Albert Haynesworth took to Twitter on Wednesday to accuse former WNBA player Brittany Jackson, his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his child, of verbally and physically abusing him. The verbal abuse included racial slurs, according to Haynesworth ’s tweets.

In a series of three tweets, titled “The Ugly Truth About Brittany,"  Haynesworth, who is black, says Jackson, who is white, "has called me a N----- on numerous occasions bc what she said she wanted me to feel l hurt bc I didn’t show her affection.” 

TMZ reports the drama between Haynesworth and Jackson “went public Wednesday when she accused him of skipping out on child support for their young son.”

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Haynesworth found Jackson’s use of the n-word particularly objectionable because not only were the two in a relationship, their son is half black.

Haynesworth also said Jackson has been “extremeley (sic) violent to where more than 10 times” in Florida and Tennessee he called the police on her. Both athletes attended the University of Tennessee.

Per the Knoxville News-Sentinel, one of those incidents was on Jan. 10 in Southeast Knox County. When sheriff's deputies arrived, Haynesworth accused Jackson of kicking him in the groin twice. Jackson had left the scene before the cops got there, and Haynesworth did not file charges.

In Wednesday’s tweets, Haynesworth also accused Jackson of pocketing most of the money she was supposed to be raising for Alzheimer’s research. Jackson’s college basketball coach, the legendary Pat Summitt, suffered from Alzheimer’s leading up to her death in 2016.

Both Haynesworth and Jackson have had multiple run-ins with the law, including assault charges. Haynesworth, as a member of the Titans in 2006, was also suspended by the NFL for five games for stomping on the face of Cowboys offensive lineman Andre Gurode, although he later apologized and the two became friends, according to the News-Sentinel. 

Marcus Dinitto