Why Busch beer cut ties with 'College GameDay' fan whose sign raised $1 million for charity

Jordan Heck

Why Busch beer cut ties with 'College GameDay' fan whose sign raised $1 million for charity image

Carson King is a 24-year-old who thought it'd be funny to ask for beer money on ESPN's Saturday morning college football show, "College GameDay." What he didn't expect was all of the attention that followed.

King has become a national storyline, with highs and an unexpected low, which happened Tuesday evening.

After King's story helped raise over $1 million in charity, beer company Anheuser-Busch announced it cut ties after a newspaper uncovered old, racially insensitive tweets from King's account.

How did Carson King's story start?

King appeared on "College GameDay" with a simple request: "Busch Light Supply Needs Replenished." He added his username on Venmo (an app where you can give people money) and it didn't take long before he started receiving enough cash to replenish his Busch Light supply.

King decided he had received enough money and said he'd donate the rest of his earnings to the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital. After his story started gaining more attention, both Anheuser-Busch and Venmo agreed to match donations.

With Busch and Venmo onboard, money started coming in

A day after Venmo and Busch joined King's mission, he had received $67,000 in donations. So with the two companies matching, this means the total money raised went over $200,000. The story kept getting picked up by media outlets, and other companies joined in. Prairie Meadows pledged $10,000, Northwest Mutual pledged $50,000 and DeWitte Construction was donating $300 for every roof it sold. 

Busch also upped the ante by providing King with cans of Busch Light with his face on them.

$1 million raised

It surprisingly didn't take long before King and the matching donations from other companies hit the $1 million mark.

The Des Moines Register finds old tweets 

On Tuesday, The Des Moines Register ran a profile on King, and the story revealed racially insensitive tweets from King back when he was 16 years old. The story did not include screenshots or direct copy from the tweets, but only provided a description of what the tweets said.

From The Des Moines Register:

A routine background check of King's social media revealed two racist jokes, one comparing black mothers to gorillas and another making light of black people killed in the holocaust. The joke tweets date back to 2012, when King was a 16-year-old high school student.

When asked about the tweets, King was remorseful and thanked the Register for pointing them out, saying they made him "sick." He has since deleted them.

"That’s not something that I’m proud of at all," he told the Register during the day Tuesday.

King provided more context on the tweets in both a statement and a press conference held Tuesday night. King says the tweets from 2011 were a reference to the Comedy Central show "Tosh.0." He adds in his statement, "I am embarassed (sic) and stunned to reflect on what I thought was funny when I was 16-years-old."

In another tweet, King said, "The Des Moines Register has been nothing but kind in all of their coverage, and I appreciate the reporter pointing out the post to me. I want everyone to understand that this was my decision to publicly address the posts and apologize. I believe that is the right thing to do."

The backlash to The Des Moines Register

Although King had nothing negative to say about The Des Moines Register, the publication received a lot of criticism for including what King said as a high schooler into its story.

The newspaper released a statement explaining its decision to publish the content.

"We thought we should be transparent about what we had found, but not highlight it at the top of the story or as a separate story. It was planned as a few paragraphs toward the bottom of the profile," the statement reads.

In addition to the criticism directed toward the paper, Twitter sleuths also dug into the history of the writer of the article, Aaron Calvin. A pair of tweets containing the n-word were discovered in Calvin's past. One is a Kanye West lyric and another is a retweet from a separate account.

Calvin has since made his Twitter account private.

In a statement, The Des Moines Register said, "The Register is aware of reports of inappropriate social media posts by one of our staffers, and an investigation has begun."

Anheuser-Busch drops relationship with King

In response to The Des Moines Register finding racially insensitive tweets by King, Anheuser-Busch said it was disassociating itself from King.

“Carson King had multiple social media posts that do not align with our values as a brand or as a company and we will have no further association with him. We are honoring our commitment by donating more than $350,000 to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics," a statement from the company reads.

All previous tweets from Busch referencing King have been deleted. The company will match the money raised so far and through the end of September.

Venmo released a statement saying it has decided to honor its commitment to match the charity donations.

"Venmo's decision to match the money raised for the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital was inspired by the kindness of the entire Venmo community and their desire to support a worthy cause. Our intent has never changed, and we continue to honor our pledge to support the patients, families and staff members of the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics."

What's next for Carson King?

King is still planning to attend the Iowa football game Saturday against Middle Tennessee. He's going to participate in the wave at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital, where his money is being donated. The hospital is located directly next to the stadium, and waving at the hospital has become tradition.

Des Moines Register reporter no longer working

After a few days of taking criticism, The Des Moines Register published a letter from the editor on Thursday titled, "We hear you. You’re angry. Here’s what we are doing about it." In this letter, the publication reveals the original author of the King profile story no longer works with the Register.

The letter doesn't explain if the author was fired or if he resigned. The author's Twitter page remains private.

The letter also explains part of their process moving forward will be, "Our screening policy and social media vetting for employees." The letter also adds, "we’re revising our policies and practices, including those that did not uncover our own reporter’s past inappropriate social media postings. That reporter is no longer with the Register."

There's also this:

Employees of the Register are vetted through typical employment screening methods, which can include a review of past social media activity, but the screening processes did not surface those tweets. Register employees additionally must review and agree to a company-wide social media policy that includes a statement that employees "do not post comments that include discriminatory remarks, harassment, threats of violence or similar content." We also have policies that speak to our company values.

We took appropriate action because there is nothing more important in journalism than having readers’ trust.

Update on the charity

The coverage over King's tweets, Busch's decision to distance itself from him and The Des Moines Register's role in everything brought extra attention to the cause at hand. And as a result, King's charity efforts have now raised nearly $2 million. 

King thanked everyone who has participated in this.

Jordan Heck

Jordan Heck Photo

Jordan Heck is a Social Media Producer at Sporting News. Before working here, he was a Digital Content Producer at The Indianapolis Star. He graduated with a degree from Indiana University.