Urban Meyer can’t afford more mixed messages in trying to repair reputation

Bill Bender

Urban Meyer can’t afford more mixed messages in trying to repair reputation image

COLUMBUS, Ohio — It would be a lot easier to take Ohio State coach Urban Meyer at his word, had his words since July 23 come out with the mostly straight-forward transparency he showed Monday.  

In his first news conference since a three-game suspension was announced on Aug. 22, Meyer answered questions as part of a 57-minute Q-and-A at the Woody Hayes Athletic Complex. He tried one more time to confront questions about the aftermath of Zach Smith's firing on July 23 to tell his side of his of the reasons for that suspension, handed down by Ohio State President Michael V. Drake and the Ohio State Board of Trustees.

MORE: Meyer's mess a product of college sports' code of silence

Meyer's reputation remains in the crosshair, however, and dealing with a narrative he can no longer control will be the biggest adjustment for the hyper-successful football coach who returns to a program capable of winning the national championship.  

No matter which way Meyer tries to move this story moving forward — the latest attempt with the news conference, a sit-down interview with ESPN's Tom Rinaldi and Meyer's fourth statement via Twitter — even more up-front transparency must follow.  

That rings true after two botched news conferences and three tweets that ran the gamut of perception from defiant and tone deaf to apologetic and reflective while a two-sided tabloid-like narrative entrenched Meyer supporters and detractors for most of August. Until Monday, Meyer fell into a pattern of clarifying his remarks in an effort to spin his narrative of those events. That strategy was a disaster from the start. 

He tried to regain that hold one more time on Monday, but that must come with the acceptance that both of those sides have their mind made up. Meyer will never be able to control the narrative about his reputation again — but at least he has been given an opportunity to restore some of that credibility during his time at Ohio State. He must take advantage of that.  

"I think there was (damage)," Meyer said. "I've already had conversations with our recruits and the families of our players. We sent out several letters to the families. But to say there wasn't damage? There was I'm hoping that the clarity of the damage is in why I was suspended when the report came back. I was not lying to the media, I was not lying to people. I did not turn my back on domestic violence." 

One perceptual question that lingers is whether Meyer tried hard enough with Smith. That question involves discussions with athletic director Gene Smith, who also was suspended. Meyer repeatedly apologized for his handling of the situation and said, "he wishes would've known more and could've done more" about an assistant coach whose disturbing behavior nearly resulted in the firing of Meyer.  

"I want the truth to be out there," Meyer said. "The truth is I made an error. I erred in supporting and trying to help a troubled employee. 

"There is a perception out there I was suspended because of domestic violence," he said later. "I was not suspended for that. That was very clear in the report."

MORE: Meyer and Zach Smith — a timeline

Meyer then confronted the questions about how he handled domestic violence allegations involving Smith and his ex-wife Courtney Smith. He addressed his behavior at Big Ten Media Days on July and again at the news conference that announced his three-game suspension on Aug. 22. He also talked a lot about texts — especially about the findings of the deleted texts in the investigation conducted by the University Board of Trustees and less about the texts Shelley Smith received from Courtney Smith.  

In that respect, Meyer's mixed messages continued. He delved into a lengthy explanation about his poor explanation for Smith's firing at Big Ten Media Days and deferred to the investigation when asked about this knowledge of the events surrounding the 2015 incident involving Zach and Courtney Smith.  

"If we're talking about lying to the media, I did not lie to the media," Meyer said. "I did not do a very good job." 

Meyer then addressed why he kept the former assistant coach on the staff — and repeatedly mentioned seeing the Smith's children at the facility on "family nights." Meyer shed more light on that with in the Rinaldi interview, and he used that as a defense of sorts for his actions.  

"I really believed at the time I was doing the right thing to help stabilize that family," he said.  

Rinaldi then asked if Meyer ever talked to Courtney Smith during the 2015 investigation.  

"I didn't talk to her directly," he said. "I wasn't allowed to."  

When Rinaldi asked if Meyer would talk to Courtney Smith now, he said he would have to think about that.  

This is the tight spot Meyer put himself into by not confronting this conversation — which is a front-line issue in the national consciousness — from the beginning. On Monday, Meyer tried to find the right spot when his defending his handling of those allegations, defending the core values of his program that have been called into question and showing genuine compassion for Courtney Smith, and while the attempt seemed genuine it still leaves Meyer in that same uncomfortable spot he’s been in since July.

MORE: Meyer, Gene Smith fail most important part of OSU investigation

Had Meyer shown empathy for Courtney Smith and her children from the start, then this would be a much different conversation. Meyer apologized again, but it still comes across as a mixed message when it comes to Courtney Smith.  

"Did I turn my back to domestic violence?" Meyer asked.  "Not one bit. I would never do that, and that's been made perfectly clear after that every thorough investigation."  

When asked if he believed Courtney Smith was a victim of domestic abuse and if he did enough to find out, however, Meyer deflected to the process of law enforcement and the uneasy ground of knowing no charges were filed but struggling with the decision that comes with what to do with an assistant coach when that happens.  

"I can only rely on what information I received from the experts," he said.  

Lastly, Meyer addressed the text messages — the hottest topic since the 23-page report about the investigation was released. Meyer said he does not recall having a conversation with football staff member Brian Voltolini about changing the settings on his phone on Aug. 1, which was in the report.  

"I have never deleted a text message or changed the setting on my phone," Meyer said.  

To that end, he at least left no middle ground. If those texts exist and are pertinent, then at some point they'll be found. Meyer's strong denial is noteworthy there, but when it comes to texts Shelley Meyer received from Courtney Smith, Meyer retreated again.   

"I don't know everything she knew," Meyer said. "She shared with me her reasoning. I don't want to speak on her behalf."

MORE: OSU still hasn't offered whole truth

Meyer reiterated that he learned from the experience — but the fact it reached this point is the result of an ill-advised response to the firing of Smith, who exhibited a pattern of "red flags" as an assistant coach. Meyer admitted to those mistakes and answered enough questions that for the first time since July 24 that news conference won't require a clarification on Twitter. At one point, Meyer was asked about the perception that his reputation was shattered.  

"That's tough to take," Meyer said. "I've spent 30-plus years in coaching, never been perfect. I've tried extremely hard."   

He'll need to try even harder now in the aftermath of a scandal that would have cost of a lot of other coaches their jobs. The openness with the media was a start, but Meyer cannot evade questions or spin the narrative in his favor anymore. Instead, he must rely on the truth to repair the damage in the future.  

There is no more wiggle room left for anything else. 

Bill Bender

Bill Bender Photo

Bill Bender graduated from Ohio University in 2002 and started at The Sporting News as a fantasy football writer in 2007. He has covered the College Football Playoff, NBA Finals and World Series for SN. Bender enjoys story-telling, awesomely-bad 80s movies and coaching youth sports.