Two years after retirement, Kobe Bryant's legacy has never been more powerful

Joe Morgan

Two years after retirement, Kobe Bryant's legacy has never been more powerful image

As Kobe Bryant’s retirement gets further in the rearview mirror, his mystique continues to grow.

The Lakers' signing of LeBron James brought the Kobe fans out of the woodwork. Who would have thought that adding the best player in the game would be met with such anger? The defacing of the James mural in Los Angeles had everything to do with LA’s love for Bryant.

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But in order to understand the reaction from a notable portion of fans, we have to take a look at what makes Bryant such a popular figure. We need to understand why he is still held in such high regard more than two years after his final appearance in an NBA game — and why he may be the last of his kind.

Respect, reverence from his peers

Within the NBA family, Bryant is untouchable. Mention his name, and current players will almost assuredly have a story about their respect for Bryant.

"I do feel — and I've said this before the last couple of years with LeBron, when he became the best player in our game — that Kobe Bryant is the greatest player of our era," Dwayne Wade told ESPN in 2015. "The Kobe Bryants aren't around no more. There are good young players, but there will never be another Kobe. So every opportunity you get to [face him], you want to seize that moment."

In his later years, Bryant remained "the most competitive guy in the gym," according to Wade. This is coming from one of the best shooting guards of all time and a three-time NBA champion in his own right. It was as though Bryant had reached a different status above even the stars of his time.

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"No matter how many great young talents come in, you still want to be respected," Wade said. "It's not easy to go through it, to be as great as he is and be picked apart [by criticism]. You go through so many evolutions in your game, but you're still here, no matter what."

The younger generation grew up worshipping Bryant, and now current players are reaching out to him hoping to pick his brain and learn how to capture the "Mamba Mentality." A meeting with Bryant is a rare seal of approval worn with pride.

Otherworldly work ethic, drive to win

With the exception of Michael Jordan, Bryant is the best physical embodiment of peak competitiveness the league has ever seen.

Kobe smells blood. Kobe is going in for the kill. Kobe loves to hear the crowd go quiet as he buries the hopes and dreams of the thousands in attendance.

His will to win was greater than anyone he played with or against. Bryant’s desire to win was only outweighed by his hatred of losing. That nature pushed Bryant to five titles and more than 33,000 career points — and ruffled plenty of feathers along the way when it came to tumultuous relationships with teammates and coaches.

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The stories of Bryant’s work ethic have become legendary. The immense amount of film he watched, the 4 a.m. workouts and his strict diet are all part of NBA lore.

"I came in one time, and we were still playing at the Fabulous Forum, and I heard the ball bouncing," former Laker Byron Scott told Business Insider in 2017. "No lights were on. Practice was at about 11, it was probably about 9, 9:30. And I go out to the court and I look, and there's Kobe Bryant. He's out there shooting in the dark.

"And I stood there for probably about 10 seconds, and I said, 'This kid is gonna be great...' I knew this kid was gonna be special."

Four-time NBA champion Shaquille O’Neal had plenty of well-publicized battles with Bryant as a member of the dominant Lakers teams in the early 2000s, but he had to admit he was similarly shocked by Bryant’s willingness to put in extra work.

"Sometimes he'd be working on his moves without the ball," O'Neal wrote in his book, "Shaq Uncut." "You'd walk in there and he'd be cutting and grunting and motioning like he was dribbling and shooting — except there was no ball. I thought it was weird, but I'm pretty sure it helped him."

A different kind of NBA

The NBA has drastically changed since Bryant entered the league in 1996 — and it's not just about the pace-and-space revolution. Players have more control of their own futures than ever before, creating greater movement in free agency.

James is now playing for his third team after two stints in Cleveland and a brief run in Miami. Kevin Durant left the Thunder after being a game away from the NBA Finals, setting himself up for multiple title runs with the Warriors. Kawhi Leonard demanded a trade from the team that developed him into a Finals MVP and one of the most stable organizations in sports history.

Bryant is associated with the old-school NBA. He played all of his 20 pro seasons in the Purple and Gold. Were there some rocky moments? Sure. He nearly joined the Bulls in 2004 before O’Neal was sent to the Heat. There were times when his teammates did not seem to enjoy playing with him — Smush Parker comes to mind — but he stayed.

His loyalty to the Lakers organization is what makes him so endearing to the Los Angeles fan base. It is why he is held in such high regard in LA to this day.

We very well may never see another Kobe. His "gunner" mentality is looked down upon in today’s NBA, one that focuses on analytics down to a player's shooting percentage on a shot from 15 feet away after exactly three dribbles. With the added emphasis on efficiency, Bryant would be picked apart.

Russell Westbrook gets roasted for his ball dominance and inability to trust his teammates. The same thing happened when James Harden struggled in the playoffs. DeMar DeRozan has become one of the most polarizing players in the NBA in part because of his reliance on midrange jumpers.

Bryant was criticized throughout his career hogging the ball and favoring seemingly impossible shots over a simple pass. Would that crowd grow louder with the availability of advanced numbers and a more knowledgeable set of fans and media?

We will never know the answer to the question (perhaps for the best). We can simply sit back and marvel at the man that gave everything he had to the game of basketball. Kobe is perhaps the last of his kind. If so, our appreciation for him will continue to grow, and his shadow in LA will only loom larger.

Joe Morgan