With trade rumours swirling, Justin Smoak focused on performing for Blue Jays

Jenn Smith

With trade rumours swirling, Justin Smoak focused on performing for Blue Jays image

TORONTO – Justin Smoak is no stranger to trade rumours. The 32-year-old native of South Carolina, now in his fifth season with the Blue Jays and ninth in the majors, is already on the third team of his big league career. If the recent report from Ken Rosenthal is to be believed – and conventional wisdom regarding the direction of this team suggest the rumours are well-founded – Smoak will be playing for his fourth team before the July 31 trade deadline.

The idea of calling yet another city home six months of the year does not seem to phase Smoak.

“I’ve been traded twice so, for me, I've been around rumours before,” Smoak told Sporting News rather matter-of-factly. “I can't control them so I've just got to go out there and do my job and that's literally all I can do and, if I start thinking about (the rumours) and where I might be tomorrow or where I might be next week, all it's going to do is hurt my performance on the field probably. So, it's something I just keep my head down and keep trying to do my work and keep going.”

That ax to the grindstone mentality is an apt description of the Jays’ veteran first baseman. Smoak goes about his business quietly, both in the clubhouse and on the field, without calling attention to himself despite his 6-foot-4 frame. It is with this stoicism that Smoak grinds out at-bats and has become – small sample size from Eric Sogard aside – Toronto’s best hitter.

Prior to his 2017 breakout season, Smoak was a career .233/.308/.392 hitter with a 23.9 percent strikeout rate and 10.6 percent walk rate – quite simply put, he got on base too little and struck out too much.

Smoak’s offensive breakthrough season came two years ago, propelling him as the Blue Jays’ lone representative at the All-Star Game. Though he is unlikely to replicate that season, Smoak says he feels he is doing the same things at the plate this year as he has done in the previous two seasons.

“I feel like you're always trying to make adjustments," Smoak said. "I feel like I'm kind of honestly where I was last year and the year before that at times, but probably just swinging at better pitches, honestly. That’s the name of the game and getting into counts where you can get better pitches to hit and hopefully can continue to hit the ball hard, and hopefully I start finding some holes out there.”

A quick glance at Smoak’s statistics through the first six weeks of the season suggests a trajectory quite similar to that of last season, during which he was a productive player. Coming into Wednesday night’s game against the Twins, he was slashing .246/.370/.421 with five home runs through the first 32 games – nearly identical to the .254/.362/.424 and four home runs through the first 32 games of the 2018 season.

Smoak is walking more (15.2 percent) and striking out less (21 percent) than both his career norms. He is also hitting the ball hard with greater frequency than he ever has in the past. According to Fangraphs, Smoak’s hard hit percentage currently sits at 52.3 - well above his career norm of 35.6 percent and nearly thirteen points higher than his hard hit rate of 2017.

When asked if he had made any adjustments coming into this season, Smoak said it's business as usual for him at the plate.

“I think honestly my approach is kind of the same," he said. "I feel like at times last year I probably got too big at times trying to do too much. So, just trying to simplify it and feel like I've been able to take my walks early on but I'm not trying to go out there and walk. I mean, that's not really my job. But, it's going to happen from time to time and hopefully I can continue to do that.”

Smoak is just one of three Blue Jays hitters with a wRC+ above 100 at this point in the season. As a team, the Jays have scored the fifth-fewest runs in all of baseball with a team wRC+ of 75, and they have the fourth-lowest offence team WAR at 0.5. Smoak told Sporting News that he believes the offense is scuffling in part due to facing some tough pitching and that it will only take one or two clutch hits to get the ball rolling.

“I think, honestly, yeah we've been in a little bit of a lull but at the same time we've faced some tough pitching,” he explained. “And so I feel like, people forget all the time - this game's not easy, and when you face guys that have honestly pitched really well against us, sometimes it's not pitches you're swinging at, it's just guys are out there dealing and you got to tip your cap sometimes. So hopefully we can turn it around and get some guys on base and - I feel like just getting guys on base and getting those key hits in key situations and that will kind of take the load off.”

That perspective is indicative of the veteran experience that Smoak brings to the clubhouse. At 32 years of age, Smoak and Sogard are the eldest position players on the team. With the trade of his good friend Kevin Pillar, Smoak also now holds the distinction of being the only position player remaining from the 2015 and 2016 playoff teams. Smoak says all of the changes that occurred last season helped with the transition towards this year’s youth-focused lineup.

“It's different, but I feel like last year a little bit with guys getting traded away and young guys coming up towards the end, that probably kind of helped the transition a little bit," Smoak said. "I'd say it was probably more different last year than now just because you know going into the season it's going to be a young team.”

A young team inherently means certain growing pains as players struggle to find their footing, and right now that fact is nowhere more evident than with the Jays’ offence. On Wednesday night against the Twins the Jays were held hitless the first time through the order for the 15th time already this season and were held hitless through four innings until Billy McKinney's solo home run in the fifth. Smoak believes it’s just a matter of confidence as his young teammates learn to adjust.

“We really do have some good young players and I feel like it's just a matter of time before they know how good they are that that's going to start to show," he said. "It's just confidence. You know, we're a month in but we have five months left of the season. So, I mean...there's a few guys who could really be superstars in this game that are on this team and it’s something to be excited about.”

Smoak remembers what it was like to be one of the younger players on a team full of veterans who had figured out things at the plate. He says he watched how those players went about their work every day and learned what it meant to compete at the big-league level.

“I came up with Texas with a very veteran club. Some guys that were just really good players. Michael Young, Ian Kinsler, Josh Hamilton. I didn't talk to Vladdy (Vladimir Guerrero Sr.) that much but just watching him work, getting to see him. Nelson Cruz, I mean, it's so many guys," Smoak said. "In Seattle I got to play with Raul Ibanez. Here, I mean, name them: Eddie (Edwin Encarnacion), Josh (Donaldson), Tulo (Troy Tulowitzki), Joey Bats (José Bautista). I mean, those guys at times, when they struggled, yeah they were grinding but at the same time they were competing. And so that's something that I probably more than anything took away from watching those guys. Because, I wasn't an everyday player. I got to watch a lot from the bench and I feel like I got to learn that from them.”

Now that he is one of the veterans leading a clubhouse full of guys who have much to learn, Smoak says there is one piece of wisdom in particular that he would like to impart.

“More than anything, I think it's just: every day's a new day," Smoak said. "And, I know when I was a young player and I grinded for a while trying to work on this and work on that, trying to figure it out and I would take yesterday's game into the next day and it's something you can't do in this game. It's something you just got to wipe it clean and go out there. I think guys forget about competing. You're in the big leagues, you're playing against the best players in the game and you have to be able to compete. And, once you start thinking about your swing or your hands or your feet or this and that, next thing you know, you're fighting yourself. You're not really competing against the guy on the mound. And I feel that's the biggest thing and sometimes as a young guy you forget.”

The usually stoic Smoak has shown emotion twice this season – once demonstrating anger with a home plate umpire’s strike zone and the other demonstrating sadness when his close friend Pillar was traded to the San Francisco Giants. One would imagine there will be some level of emotion if he is indeed traded – a likelihood given that Smoak is set to enter free agency this offseason and would have value to a contending team. For the time being, however, the not-so-old veteran is looking forward to forming new relationships with the guys that are here.

“Now, we've got a bunch of young guys and, I mean, I don't feel like I'm old. I’m 32. Hopefully we can get those relationships with some of these guys.”

Jenn Smith