In Detroit, new salvage project links baseball's past with community's future

Jared Wyllys

In Detroit, new salvage project links baseball's past with community's future image

DETROIT — Everything happens, good and bad, in ordinary places.

At the end of the 19th century, the spot in Detroit at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull avenues was just grass in a slowly expanding city. A ballpark was built there in 1895, and then was the site of professional baseball for more than 100 years. The Detroit Tigers made it their home in 1912, and it stayed that way until Sept. 27, 1999, when the last game was played at Tiger Stadium.

After that, Tiger Stadium sat empty and tired for 10 years. And then it was gone.

Barely five miles away in the near north suburb of Hamtramck, the former home of the Negro League Detroit Stars has sat neglected and forgotten for at least two decades. Some residents have forgotten that it’s there at all.

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Tiger Stadium has been lost almost completely. Hamtramck waits to be restored. The two ballparks are connected by more than proximity. The group of volunteers that gave six years to preserve the playing surface at Michigan and Trumbull, with only a partial victory, have now moved on to Hamtramck hoping for a more complete win for historic preservation.

Anthony O’Donnell, owner of a building across the street from where Tiger Stadium stood, remembers the night in September 2009 when the wrecking crews went to work. He was on his roof near the corner of Michigan and Trumbull, watching history get demolished. Residents of the city and the Corktown neighborhood — Tiger Stadium’s home — had spent years trying to save the ballpark, and they had been successful in getting an injunction against the stadium’s demolition. But as O’Donnell stood on his roof nine years ago, it looked as though that injunction was about to be violated.

“When I saw them start to tear it down, I called my friend, and he told me run over there as soon as you can and try to talk to a foreman and explain to him that there’s an injunction to stop the demolition,” O’Donnell told Sporting News. “I tried to get in the property, and I couldn’t. It was completely fenced off. They had security.”

O’Donnell was eventually able to get to a foreman, and the demolition was temporarily stopped, but it wasn’t long before the work started that night was finished. Tiger Stadium gone, an empty lot in its place.

The next spring, Tom Derry, a postal worker for the past 33 years, heard that people were having a catch at the site in remembrance of Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell, who had died just days before. When he got there, Derry was disheartened by the condition of the site. Overgrown, trashed, spoiled. There was something there worth keeping, and he wanted to get it back.

Derry saw the problem and decided to bring his riding mower and get to work.

“I went home and called my friends, and we came back a few days later and had our first cleanup at the field,” Derry said. “And we just kept coming back every week.”

Derry and his friends became known as the Navin Field Grounds Crew, and they spent about six years as the field’s voluntary caretakers. They went from being run off by police in the early days to inspiring a 2014 documentary, thanks to a tireless dedication to just keep coming back to the field.

But for all that, the site belonged to the city of Detroit all along, and though Derry and his friends had made it into a public space where people would gather to play baseball, walk their dogs, and picnic, the time came in 2016 when their run was over.

“Maybe it’s a story that’s uniquely Detroit,” Derry said, noting that no other site of a former MLB ballpark has ever inspired a volunteer group of groundskeepers. “Maybe that couldn’t happen anywhere else.”

The Detroit Police Athletic League (PAL) later took ownership of the site, and plans to build a league stadium at Michigan and Trumbull were announced in early 2016. Now known as The Corner Ballpark, Detroit PAL’s site has only one piece of the original Tiger Stadium: a dark green flag pole in left center.

All other relics from what once stood there have been relegated to glass cases in a display that sits beneath the seats on the third base side. The plan is for the new ballpark, clinical and pristine, to host high school and college games and eventually football, soccer and even basketball after hoops are installed beyond left field.

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Derry and his group accepted being ousted for PAL, with one exception.

“We think that they made a mistake by tearing out the grass. It’s not just that we think historic ball fields like Tiger Stadium should have grass, we do believe it, but we also think that having the field accessible is important. And for six years, that field was a green space. It was a 9.5-acre park where all the people in Corktown could have picnics, walk with their dogs, and just have any kind of event,” Derry said. “And now that access is gone because it’s now artificial turf.”

The PAL site, which officially opened in March of this year, is modern, but gated. Passersby can only glimpse the field through a gate near home plate. It takes an appointment or special event to get into the seats to see the field unobstructed.

“There’s no grass and no dirt. There’s acres of plastic grass with a bunch of ground up tire rubber,” Derry said. “And that’s what the kids are playing on.”

Detroit PAL’s decision to go with turf hinged on avoiding long-term cost from maintaining a grass field and the desire to use the playing surface outside the normal months when a natural field would be playable. It costs more to install an artificial surface on the front end, but the maintenance costs are much smaller over time. And, according to PAL, the organization can use the field for a much longer part of the year than grass would allow.

“It would have limited opportunities if we had gone with the natural surface,” said Fred Hunter, PAL’s director of program administration. “The primary thing for our consideration was young people’s opportunity to play on the field. The field is a community asset, and there were so many people who wanted to come out and use the field, and because of the amount of usage that we expected to have, we understood that to accommodate as many people as possible, it made sense to look at a surface that would continually allow people to play on the field.”

CornerBallpark-TigerStadium-SN-FTR-091718.jpgThe site of the former Tiger Stadium in Detroit has been remade into a community field. (Photo by Jared Wyllys)

Hunter, who has worked with PAL since 2000, said that the field is being used by high schools, colleges, adult leagues and company softball outings. On weekends, the field can often be in use from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. That kind of volume, Hunter said, required turf.

“I think PAL made the decision the way pretty much everyone else does. How much does it cost? How much is it going to cost to maintain? I think the answer as to whether that was the best decision can only be told in time,” said Gary Gillette, member of the Old Tiger Stadium Conservancy and founder of the Friends of Historic Hamtramck Stadium.

Ultimately, the work of Derry and his grounds crew of volunteers wasn’t all for naught. Baseball still exists at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull, and that’s probably thanks to them. The corner, just south of I-75, is prime real estate, and it would have made a lot of practical sense for the city to turn it over to commercial development. Corktown now bears a vibe similar to Brooklyn, with a hipster coffee shop just down the street from the old Tiger Stadium site and a bustling microbrewery not far down Trumbull. Though the artificial grass and gated entry are not what the people of Corktown hoped for, if not for Derry and his friends, that large corner lot might still sit in decay.


The city of Hamtramck can feel like a time capsule.

The houses that rim the Hamtramck Stadium complex where the Stars and the Little League teams played don’t look like they have changed much since the late 1950s or early 1960s. The only difference on many of the downtown buildings is the language on the signs. On Campau Avenue, there’s a Hamtramck Historical Museum mostly dedicated to the Polish history of the city, but there’s a mural waiting to be hung that honors all the backgrounds represented now. In one section, Ike Blessitt is depicted in his Tigers uniform.

Blessitt got four games in the major leagues in September 1972. Five at-bats, and no hits. He put on the uniform and stood on the field at Tiger Stadium, about six miles from where he had grown up in Hamtramck.

Now, the 68-year-old Blessitt still lives in Hamtramck because he played his Little League and high school games there. He is the link between Tiger Stadium and Hamtramck Stadium; the only person still around who played in both places.

Built in 1930 for the Negro League Detroit Stars, Hamtramck Stadium was home to the team until the late 1930s, when it sat empty for a brief time after the Stars left. In 1940, the city of Hamtramck bought the site and added Little League diamonds and a softball field around the perimeter of the original Hamtramck Stadium. The expanse of grass in the middle of the city quickly became a hub for baseball, with Little League games happening on the diamonds on the periphery and high school games on the field where the Stars had once played. It worked this way for years, including the famed 1959 Hamtramck team that won the Little League World Series, until eventually the city didn’t have the money to keep it going. In the early 1990s, the stadium was left to sit.

“The field is just sitting there, just sitting there,” Blessitt said. “And every time I go by there or go there to show it to a friend of mine, it hurts me that they aren’t trying to do nothing with it.”

HamtramckStadium-SN-FTR-091718 .jpg

Built in 1930 for the Negro League Detroit Stars, Hamtramck Stadium has sat in decay since the 1990s. (Photo by Jared Wyllys)

Blessitt’s dream is to restore the field to what it was when he played there in his youth, and he has started his own 501c3 organization to raise money to restore Hamtramck Stadium, but the project is bigger than perhaps he realizes. A report commissioned by a group called Friends of Historic Hamtramck Stadium said that a full restoration of the site would cost $18 million.

Just restoring the playing surface, once home to the likes of Satchel Paige, Josh Gibson, and Turkey Stearnes, would cost about $180,000. Today, the grandstands are fenced off from the public because they’re considered unsafe, and the area that would be just behind home plate is so overgrown that heavy equipment would be needed to make it playable. There’s no sign of the basepaths, and the pitcher’s mound is barely discernible. Decades of neglect have left it far from a playable ballpark.

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Regardless, Blessitt is the face of Hamtramck, at least as he tells it, and he will tirelessly evangelize any audience of Hamtramck Stadium’s former glory and future potential.

As one of the only remaining ballparks built for a Negro Leagues team, Hamtramck is a historical gem tucked just away from the main drag in Hamtramck, Joseph Campau Avenue. Because of how it’s situated — behind the squat commercial buildings on Campau — many residents don’t know that it’s there.

Blessitt’s hope is that the site will be restored to what it was when he played there in his youth. He wants to host Little League tournaments there again, like they did during his childhood, and he sees the chance to bring tourists to his hometown.

“If you have tournaments, people come from all over to the tournament, so you build the stadium up,” he said.

Blessitt believes that people will come, especially if they understand the stadium’s history.

“I’m looking to bring Hamtramck back up to glory, to get it back to where it used to be,” Blessitt said. “And then play games on it. Inspire kids to play baseball when they know what they’re playing on.”

Along with the cost of restoring the site, there’s another problem with Blessitt’s plan. Hamtramck, once a city of mostly African-American and Polish residents, is now home to a rapidly growing population of people from countries such as Yemen, Bangladesh and Pakistan. A population shift that happened right around the same time that Hamtramck was essentially abandoned. Instead of baseball, they want to play soccer and cricket. In fact, in shallow right center field at Hamtramck Stadium now, there’s concrete slab that serves as a makeshift cricket pitch.

“Those things may become the predominant sports at the site, it’s hard to say. Baseball is not as popular as it once was. It’s right to have a nod to history, and I think that’s critical, but it’ll be interesting to see what the predominant sports will be played at Hamtramck Stadium five years from now,” said Dave Mesrey, founding member of the Navin Field Grounds Crew and an active part of the historic preservation at Hamtramck. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s more cricket and soccer than baseball there.”

Hamtramck’s newest residents use the field happily, even if they don’t know its history. It’s just a large plot of grass in a very tightly bound urban area to them. All the same, those invested in the stadium’s future are happy to see it being used, however that’s happening.

“I want to see that field used every day. And from my point of view, if the kids want to play cricket, let them play cricket,” Gillette said.

Hamtramck Stadium is something of a unique situation. It’s a part of a larger park called Veterans Park, which has playgrounds and open picnic spaces. If it’s going to be restored, the city will need to both honor the past of Hamtramck Stadium and respect the demographic reality of their city in 2018. No matter what they’re looking to do with the site, there is agreement that letting it sit empty and unused would be an immense waste of green space — and a total loss of something that should be kept.


The Friends of Historic Hamtramck Stadium have spent years raising awareness and money. In June, Comerica Bank donated $20,000 to the cause. Gillette took interest in the site in 2008 and was a part of the 2012 effort to have Hamtramck Stadium listed on the national historic register. By 2014, there were signs at the site to commemorate its history.

Despite this, the field sat unused and badly overgrown for years. But in 2016, the group found a new friend.

When Tom Niczay, the superintendent of Hamtramck Public Schools and a member of the stadium preservation group, heard that the Navin Field Grounds Crew was without a home, he didn’t hesitate to reach out to them. He had volunteered with the crew a few times and hung out with Derry, so he didn’t hesitate to call him.

Derry’s response was the same as when he first saw the Tiger Stadium site in 2010: “Well s—, I’ve got a mower.”

Niczay and his group pooled money to buy Derry a trailer to transport his riding mower to Hamtramck, and thanks to Derry’s work the field is mostly usable. The base paths still need to be replotted and the mound dug up, but the grass is short enough for a visitor to at least stand on the spot where Paige pitched or where Gibson took the field.

That’s all that Derry can do for now, but the hope for Hamtramck is that the fate of Tiger Stadium can be avoided. The grandstands and brick buildings that lined the first and third base sides of the original ballpark are still there. One day, fans might be able to sit where others did to see the Detroit Stars almost a century ago and watch a high school or Little League game with cricket and soccer just beyond the outfield.

“Once the field and the grandstand is restored, I can’t wait to see the looks on the faces of Ike Blessitt and Turkey Stearnes’ family,” Mesrey said. “Just to see baseball played there again.”

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Today, this feels a little like a pipedream.

“How do you get $18 million?” Niczay said.

There are irons in the fire, Niczay said, but there’s a long way to go. Even if the money is raised, there are limits on what they can do to Hamtramck Stadium. Restoration does not mean rebuilding.

“You don’t try to rebuild things that are gone. You don’t try to build a wing of a historic house that was torn off. You can’t rebuild it,” Gillette said. “But you can restore and preserve to the greatest extent possible and to the historically sensitive extent possible what remains. You can give people a chance to learn about the history by being there.”

That’s probably the best hope for Hamtramck, if the money ever comes. Either way, Derry and his crew intend to keep doing what they did in Detroit. Things didn’t work out for them at the Tiger Stadium site, but there’s a chance for redemption.

“We are excited to continue what we did at Michigan and Trumbull,” Derry said of their new relationship with the city of Hamtramck. “They want us there. They’re excited to have us, and we’re glad to be a part of it. We feel that we can have a new home there for many years to come.”

Jared Wyllys