The inside story of how 'This Week in Baseball' got its iconic theme music

Jason Foster

The inside story of how 'This Week in Baseball' got its iconic theme music image

It says something about a piece of music's significance in baseball history when the sport’s official historian makes it his ringtone.

It speaks to its imprint on pop culture when a network sitcom makes it a plot point.

And when sports fans and sports journalists can agree on its greatness, well, it must be something truly special.

But such is the closing theme to "This Week in Baseball."

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Four decades after its debut, and long after the series aired its final episode, the stirring theme, officially known as "Gathering Crowds," endures as a rock of nostalgia, generating near-universal praise as a touchstone piece of pop culture that instantly brings the best memories of adolescence flooding back and fills the listener with feelings of greatness and thoughts of baseball in slow motion.

In Twitter comments, media rankings and elsewhere, the soaring score that was the soundtrack of summer for legions of baseball fans in the '70s, '80s and '90s is widely regarded as one of, if not, the best sports-related theme of all time.

In other words, still beautiful after all these years.

"There's a Pavlovian response. We all heard this music week after week and it signaled the end of a very pleasant half hour,” MLB historian John Thorn told Sporting News, a few weeks after he tweeted that he'd made "Gathering Crowds" his ringtone. "We connect this music only with enjoyment. For baseball fans it seems to be a constant from their youth to the present day. … And it's great music."

Not bad for a piece that was composed for a stock music library. Yes, despite its undisputed connection to the national pastime, “Gathering Crowds” wasn’t even written with baseball in mind. It wasn't even written in America.

"I've never actually been to a baseball match," said British composer John Scott, 84, who wrote the piece in England in 1974.

Scott, a veteran composer/performer who once played flute for the Beatles, told Sporting News that the true inspiration for the rousing brass- and string-led piece is right there in the name.

"If you think of the title, that was the inspiration I was thinking about … people thronging together and all the rest of it. The idea of lots and lots of people getting together, milling together, gathering in crowds," said Scott, who has scored more than 150 film and TV productions, including the football drama "North Dallas Forty," the Pearl Harbor time-travel adventure "The Final Countdown" and the 1980 episode of "Dallas" that revealed who shot J.R.

For Scott, "Gathering Crowds" was just another assignment. Compose, record, submit. Once the piece went to the KPM Music library, it was available for anyone to license for any production.

That's where producer Geoff Belinfante found it in 1977 as he prepared for the first season of "This Week in Baseball."

As Belinfante scoured through stock music options for the right piece to close the show, "Gathering Crowds" seemed a good match.

"I picked it out because I liked it. It's as simple as that," Belinfante told Sporting News. "We were looking for something that had some sort of dignity to it, for lack of a better word. Something to class it up."

It certainly worked. For whatever reason, the sound of "Gathering Crowds" paired with slow-motion footage of baseball action resonated with America pretty much from the start — enough that producers never bothered to update it the way they did several times through the years with the opening theme, "Jet Set," also library music, composed by Mike Vickers.

"I didn't feel like we could or even wanted to rescore 'Gathering Crowds'," Belinfante said. 

To get a sense of just how beloved "Gathering Crowds" has become, consider some of the public praise bestowed upon it through the years.

Bill Simmons, formerly of ESPN fame, once compiled a list of the "six nonmovie sports themes from my childhood that still get me fired up and should probably be released on CD at some point." No. 1? "Gathering Crowds." 

“Remember that one?" Simmons wrote. "Classical music playing in the background as Freddie Lynn made that diving catch in slow motion and Pete Rose came chugging around the bases to slide into third base? My goosebumps just got goosebumps.”

Sports Illustrated’s Mark Bechtel held it in similar esteem in 2005, when he rated “Gathering Crowds” as the greatest sports theme song of all time. 

"There was no way you could listen to that music ... and not get fired up for your afternoon Wiffle Ball game or Little League practice," Bechtel wrote.

More recently, the short-lived NBC sitcom "A to Z" featured the piece prominently during a 2014 episode in which the male lead uses the theme, which he dubs his "big glory music," to describe his feelings for a woman:

"I’ve been walking around with music in my head since the moment we met. And it’s not just any music. It’s the old end credits to 'This Week in Baseball,' which only pops into my head when something truly incredible and life-altering happens. That’s how much I like you. "

"The TWIB theme ... is just perfect. It has that '70s/'80s 'sports music' feel that just puts you right in that time period," Ben Queen, the show's creator and executive producer, told Sporting News. "... I'll put the song on whenever I want to feel like I just hit a walkoff homer and am watching it sail out."

Praise comes from the general public, too: Many people have written Belinfante and others to ask for a copy to use in their wedding. (For the record, it’s available on various digital download sites for 99 cents.) 

"I had no idea — none — that it was going to become a phenomenon," said Belinfante, who's never met Scott. "People seem to love the song and I'm glad it worked out that way, but it was purely unintentional."

Belinfante jokes that it would be a better story if he could say he commissioned a big-name composer and gave direction that helped inspire such an iconic piece. Alas, the truth will have to do.

"It tickles me" that it's had such longevity, he said. "I'm glad to see I did something right in my career."

What about Scott? Did he have any inkling his notes on paper would touch so many?

Not even close.

"It took a long time for me to find out that it was being used," he said.

Scott’s name never appeared in the credits for “This Week in Baseball,” though he's credited on KPM compilation albums.  

"It's not made me notoriously famous," he deadpanned.

What about royalties?

"I haven’t seen much at all," he said.

But there's no need to cry for Scott, who's had quite a successful career in the music business. Apart from his work as a film and TV composer, he also played the flute solos on the Beatles' "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" and played the saxophone solos on the soundtrack to the James Bond film "Goldfinger," among other credits. These days, he composes mostly for the concert hall.

"Gathering Crowds" is merely a blip, though a prominent one, in a long career. Scott said he gets occasional emails from fans asking about "Gathering Crowds," but he didn't know the extent of its popularity until informed by Sporting News.

He said he's touched his composition means so much to so many.

"It was a job at the time and I'm so happy that it's found use and people like and it's done something," he said. 

Strangely enough, before "This Week in Baseball" secured "Gathering Crowds," the "ABC Nightly News" briefly used the opening fanfare in 1976 before switching to a different theme.

But baseball is why the tune became popular, and nostalgia is why it endures.

"Theme music is a great spur to memory," said Thorn, MLB's historian. " ... If you just hear a few bars of it, it takes you back immediately."

It makes one wonder, though: Would any piece of music have had the same effect, or is there something truly unique about "Gathering Crowds?"

"That's an impossible question," Thorn said. "The music and its attachment to baseball are inextricable."

Thorn said Scott's unwitting tie to the national pastime is not unlike that of Jack Norworth, who wrote the words for "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" in 1908 having no idea that it would become baseball's signature song.

"Gathering Crowds" holds a similar distinction.

"It has become iconic because of the mix" with baseball, Thorn said. "If it had been attached to an automobile ad instead of baseball, we wouldn't be having this conversation today."

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.