'This is a 24/7 job': MLB team translators serve a vital role in modern game

Jared Wyllys

'This is a 24/7 job': MLB team translators serve a vital role in modern game image

Elvis Martinez wanted to be a walk-on for the baseball team at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York back in 2006. He had just graduated from high school and moved from Puerto Rico to play baseball at the college level. The problem was, he spoke no English at the time and needed a way to let the coach know he wanted to try out.

“I didn’t know the language at all. I had my roommate draft a letter and put it under the coach’s door,” Martinez told Sporting News.

The letter worked. Martinez got a tryout and played for Rochester for two years. He says now that he came to the United States to get drafted, but he knew after his two seasons in college baseball that he wasn’t getting picked. After college, he spent five years working for Marriott, traveling around the country training new employees and helping open hotels. But Martinez still dreamed of working in baseball in some capacity, and it turned out that his experience at Rochester helped make that happen.

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Since the 2016 season, every team at the major league level has been required to have a Spanish-speaking translator on its staff. Martinez began with the Twins in that role in 2018.

The decision to make this a requirement became official during the 2015 MLB winter meetings. Before that, teams generally relied on Spanish-speaking coaches and teammates to cover the need for a translator in the clubhouse or the dugout, and in some cases, away from the ballpark. When a player who spoke little or no English, or at least wasn’t sure enough of his fluency to handle a media scrum, a coach or teammate might sidle alongside him and try to be the go-between with the player and the media.

When Spanish-speaking players questioned why Korean or Japanese-speaking teammates were allowed to have a personal translator who in some cases could even accompany him for mound visits, they were usually rebuffed, Martinez said.

“The answer to the players was because we have plenty of Spanish-speaking coaches,” Martinez said. “So we don’t really need a translator in the dugout for you guys.”

Martinez learned English by taking ESL classes as a freshman at Rochester and by immersing himself in the language by hanging out with teammates as much as he could. Martinez was the only non-native speaker on the team, so there was usually no one to translate for him. At night, he would watch English TV with Spanish subtitles to learn as fast as he could. For that first year, it was a steady diet of “CSI Miami” and “The Simpsons.” Martinez said that he learned quickly that the people around him were generally kind and forgiving as he was learning. But because of his experience, he empathizes with what Spanish-speaking players are going through.

“I understand where they come from, being under all this pressure, having to produce, having to compete, and then deal with the fact that it’s hard for them to communicate and adjust to the culture,” Martinez said.

The full list of translator responsibilities can vary from team to team, but the most important part is usually the translating from player to media or from player to coach. This is most needed when the clubhouse is open to media before and after games. There are also sometimes the on-field TV interviews immediately after a game ends, which can be especially nerve-wracking for a Spanish-speaking player. To be able to do this well, there’s a lot of trust-building.

“We’re not talking about rocket science, but you’re working directly with guys that you’re going to represent and you’re talking for them to the media,” Billy Russo, translator for the White Sox, told Sporting News. “They need you to be their closest friend. In order to do that, you need to gain first their respect and then their confidence.”

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Russo has worked for the White Sox since October 2015, just months before the position became official league-wide. Before that, he was a journalist working for a Venezuelan newspaper. In 2008, Russo was assigned to go to Chicago to cover Ozzie Guillen, the manager of the White Sox at the time, and Carlos Zambrano, then pitching for the Cubs, both of whom are Venezuelans. Russo quickly became a fixture in both clubhouses, particularly on the south side of town, something that he said served as an advantage when he began working as the team’s translator.

He didn’t come to the United States expecting to work for a team, Russo said, but he took the opportunity when it came. This is not an easy transition because the relationship between teams and the media can sometimes be a delicate one, but Russo credited the White Sox organization for being so easy to work with as he changed roles.

Trust is essential in the exchange between player, translator, media and sometimes manager because even a slight error or inaccuracy in communication can have serious negative effects. For the player, they’re facing a reporter or group of reporters with digital recorders, notepads and cameras asking questions in his non-native language. Even if he understands what they’re asking, he might not feel like he can properly convey his response in English. So he has to trust that the translator is relaying the reporters’ questions to him accurately and, more importantly, his answers.

“The biggest thing for me, and I tell them this, is you say what you want to say, and I make sure that I say it politely and professionally,” Martinez said. “That’s part of my job, that they look good and they sound good, but I’m not changing their message.”

Martinez said he tries sometimes to guide a player away from saying something that might not be constructive to him or the team. But in the end, he doesn’t alter what they’re saying. It’s likely that most translators handle their jobs the same way, and in Milwaukee, team translator Carlos Brizuela echoes Martinez and Russo’s feelings.

“A big part of my job is just building that trust with the players. Obviously, it’s not easy. Some of these guys come from very small communities, very poor towns, and it’s hard for them to trust people,” Brizuela told Sporting News. “You make them understand that you’re there to help them. I’m not going to say anything to make you look bad.”

Brizuela’s path to this job was similar to Martinez’s. He lived in Venezuela until age 10 and then moved to New York. After high school, Brizuela got a scholarship to play baseball at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock. Brizuela also dreamed of being drafted, but injuries got in the way, and he was pragmatic about his odds anyway.

“I had the dream like everyone else. I wanted to play professionally, but I was very realistic. I have a brother who works in baseball, I have friends who have played pro ball, so I knew my chances,” Brizuela said. “I turned the page and started focusing on working in baseball.”

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After a two-year fellowship with the Angels that had him doing video in Double-A and in Arizona working with all of the organization’s Latin players in the minor leagues, Brizuela took the full-time position as team translator for the Brewers in March 2016.

While the bulk of the job is being in the clubhouse on a daily basis and translating interviews, Brizuela, Russo, Martinez and other translators also have to be flexible. Russo has had to help players with running errands during spring training, Brizuela said he played a large part in helping his guys manage their exhibition trip to Montreal this March, and Martinez has traveled with Willians Astudillo to meet-and-greets to help him interact with fans.

And as of this year, Martinez sits in the dugout during games instead of the press box. Not every team does this yet, but because in-game communication can be stressful and highly important, he’s there for the Twins players as they need it. During a recent Jose Berrios start, Martinez said that he was in the dugout helping Berrios go over scouting reports with his pitching coach in Spanish. Berrios speaks English well, but in the midst of a start is not the time to risk confusion.

“Between innings, there’s so much going on in the game,” Martinez said.

So while Berrios might be comfortable speaking in English before or after the game, it’s understandably easier for him to stick to Spanish during the action. These in-game interactions can be tough for non-English speaking players, even when they have learned the baseball-related words in English. White Sox third baseman Yoan Moncada said through Russo that he used to just stay quiet when he was on the field.

“At the beginning of my career, when I was signed, I didn’t know how to communicate,” Moncada said. “I didn’t know how to say things in English. I just kept silent.”

ElvisMartinez-EM-FTR-041819.jpgSome of this has gotten easier because the language of baseball is universal, Moncada said. But for now, he still conducts interviews in Spanish. Russo said that typically players might want to speak to the media in English, but they don’t want to inadvertently look foolish. Some might prefer Spanish with a translator until they feel comfortable with a particular member of the media. And with the media, Russo encourages positive relationships.

“They have to understand that the media’s job is a bridge between the players and the fans,” Russo said. “There’s no reason for players to see the media as intruders or enemies.”

The job is daunting, as all three translators agreed that working with the slang and nuance of Spanish as it varies from country to country can be one of the biggest challenges. But like in the United States, where some call it pop while others call it soda, learning the unique vernacular usually comes quickly.

Pete Rose is credited with having said that baseball is a universal language: “Catch the ball, throw the ball, hit the ball.” But the reality is that the men taking the field are increasingly from diverse backgrounds, and the challenge for them to communicate shouldn’t get in the way of their performance. Because of Martinez, Russo, Brizuela and others, the game is improving.

“This is a 24/7 job. If something happens with their families, I’m there with them. If they need to order food and they don’t know how to do it, I’m there with them,” Russo said. “In good days and bad days, you need to be there for them, and that’s something that requires dedication.”

Jared Wyllys