Your favorite spring training clichés, translated and explained

Joe Rivera

Your favorite spring training clichés, translated and explained image

Baseball tends to lend itself to more clichés than a direct-to-DVD movie, and with good reason. It starts here, in spring training.

Of course, the modern athlete is more in-tune than ever with understanding the ramifications of his or her words, meaning almost every soundbite will include at least one cliché.

So here are some of the most common clichés in spring training, what they really mean and how to decipher them when you hear them.

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"Our goal is to win the World Series."

Translation: "We're going to play baseball this year."

Explained: I mean, yeah, right? It's pretty obvious. Why else would you dedicate your life to playing a sport? Well, sure, there's the paycheck, too. But there's always golf or tennis for the individual glory.

"This is the most talented team I've ever been on."

Translation: "This is a team of professional baseball players and I can't really say anything bad about them."

Explained: Until sabermetricians quickly develop an equation on how to actually quantify talent, there's no real way to determine how much talent is on a team.

It's a sexy thing to say that'll get fans hyped, but talent doesn't necessarily equate to wins.

"These guys play the game the right way."

Translation: "No one has sucker-punched anyone else in the clubhouse — yet."

Explained: Team chemistry is a pretty big thing in baseball, and I'll always contend that: After all, you're spending 250 days out of the year with 25 different egos, attitudes and motivations. Of course, almost everyone wants to get off on the right foot.

After all, no one will ever say, "Man, that guy plays like a real jerk." It just doesn't happen. They always say nice things during spring.

And then, before you know it, someone is getting choked in the dugout.

FOSTER: Welcome back, bullpen carts. Goodbye entrance music?

"Last season is in the past."

Translation: "I don't want to bring up how crappy last year was, please, thanks."

Explained: Yes, a lot of good will come of asking a member of the Johnsonville Bratwursts how his 54-108 season went last year. Or what went wrong, because, you know, that will yield great results in an interview.

While you're asking questions about "what went wrong" last year, here are some things you may want to read up on, since you clearly missed out on past events: The Atkins diet, "The Dark Knight," Furby dolls and the Harry Potter series.

"I'm in the best shape of my life."

Translation: "I may have downed a few too many Twinkies in December while binging 'Black Mirror,' but I've got it under control now."

Explained: Everyone — everyone — is in the best shape of their life this time of year. The players, the front office, the batboy, the grounds crew, the mascots. Hell, even the 53-year-old guy selling hot dogs in Section 127.

Baseball players know how to market themselves. Why do you think they post the workout videos on Instagram, looking shredded, while we stare at our guts in the mirror while we get ready for work, contemplating whether we want that extra donut?

Some ballplayers are on the cutting edge of fitness, using the latest performance enhancing ... supplements, and have their own personal trainers and all that other stuff. Even the players understand how bad of a cliché this has become, with some of them mocking it openly in recent years.

Well, at least this guy's in the best shape of his life. Really.

"We're learning to play as a team."

Translation: "I gotta figure out who's who on this squad."

Explained: Not to diminish what I said earlier about team chemistry, which is very important, but baseball is a tremendously individualized sport. There's really nothing to be had in the way of learning how to play with other players on the team.

Sure, certain things can be learned: feeds from the double-play tandem, catcher learning the pitching staff, etc. But it's not like running Spider 2-Y Banana belly option, when the ball is snapped on a hard count.

So, obviously, what they really mean is learning to call guys by their real first name, or else it'll be awkward, like how you've been calling your brother-in-law "Jim" instead of Frank for years.

"I'm just trying to help the team in any way I can."

Translation: "My name is John McThirteenthprospect, and I know I have no shot at making the team this year. But I'll say the right things anyway."

Explained: For guys like McThirteenthprospect, spring training is a tryout for the big-league squad, even though everyone knows there's no shot the team is going to risk service time and a 40-man roster spot on a guy whose major-league ETA is 2022.

So of course, this is the guy who's going to steal bases, attempt the diving catch on a ball hit 30 feet from him and try to make his mark on a game whenever possible, including in a post-game press conference.

Then, come the end of spring training, everyone talks about his "grit" and "determination" and how he'll have a "bright future."

I'm pulling for you, McThirteenthprospect.

"It's a process."

Translation: "You need to calm the hell down. It's spring training."

Explained: As I like to say, spring training means nothing until it means something. This phrase often uttered by players who struggle in spring training and want to get the media of their backs.

Gave up 10 runs in two innings? It's a process.
Batting .020 in 30 at-bats? It's a process.
Keep putting your left cleat on your right foot? It's a process.

It's spring training for everybody, after all.

Joe Rivera