SN Conversation: Former MLB commish Bud Selig on Barry Bonds, F-bombs and baseball's image

Ryan Fagan

SN Conversation: Former MLB commish Bud Selig on Barry Bonds, F-bombs and baseball's image image

Few people have had a larger role in shaping baseball over the past half-century than Bud Selig, and the former MLB commissioner talks about his life in the sport in his new autobiography, which is available July 9

He’s candid in his book, “For The Good of the Game: The Inside Story of the Surprising and Dramatic Transformation of Major League Baseball,” which was written with the help of longtime Chicago sportswriter Phil Rogers. Selig spent a half-hour talking about the book and other topics with Sporting News. 

The conversation has been lightly edited for clarity and brevity.

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SPORTING NEWS: I want to start our conversation where you started the book. I found it interesting that you start off talking about Barry Bonds. I know you have a longtime friendship with Henry Aaron, but you started off talking about Bonds’ chase to break Aaron's record and how much you hated following Bonds around. And I'm just curious why that is how you chose to start the book. 

SELIG: Well, that's a good question. There are many ways that we could have started the book, I guess. Phil Rogers thought that was a good way to start it. There was no particular meaning to it, that we started it that way. We just felt that was a great lead-in for the book. And so that's where we started. 

SN: And it was. It definitely catches the reader’s attention because you're very honest with your feelings about Bonds. Did that almost feel cathartic, to talk about it so honestly and not have to watch your words?

SELIG: You know, Ryan, what I tried to do — because I am a history buff, as you know, and I teach history now at three universities — is I was going to be really candid. I wasn't gonna write a book that didn't reflect on every subject. And I know there will be some people who agree, there'd be some people who disagree. I mean, the reaction has been great so far, but look, I understand. I’ve been around too long, and I understand there are different opinions. But I was going to be candid, because there have been some historical myths, Ryan. Let me just give you one, OK?

SN: Sure. 

SELIG: That we were slow to react on steroids. That’s just wrong. And I know people said, even when I got in the Hall of Fame, there was some young writers, I remember I talked to a couple of them. They hadn't covered it. They just were like, you should've done this and that. And when I said to them, “It's a subject of collective bargaining. The commissioner doesn't have the unilateral power.” They said, “Oh, really?” And so that's why I was very blunt in the book. 

SN: That's one of the subjects I wanted to talk with you about. On page 196, you admit that because of the economic issues that were facing baseball, you are more focused on that than steroids and PEDs. When you look at that in hindsight, do you wish that you would have pushed sooner or was it that important to get the economics figured out when you did? 

SELIG: Well, we were in an economic crisis, but Ryan, let me say this: I do say that, but the union was against testing. They had been against testing all the way. I say this in the book. Let me give it to you again. We had a terrible, terrible crisis in the ’80s with cocaine. We had the Pittsburgh drug trials, 29 guys were convicted, four went to jail. They still couldn't get a drug testing program. The union was all the way opposed to it. So, look, in ’02, we battled to get what I thought was a weak program. We did it at 7 in the morning. We avoided a work stoppage, but I want to say this to you: I thought it was weak, but that turned out to be OK. Well, we didn't know it. And look, the union fought us. They fought us publicly, Ryan. That's what I don't understand. There was no secret about it. I’ll give them credit for that. That was their feeling.

SN: You talk about this in the book. At some point, players started to say, “We want this sport clean.” And when they pushed for it, that helped change things. Do you wish some of them would have stepped up and said that sooner instead of fighting the whole way?

SELIG: Well, there were some players who were really good, I have to say. I talked to a lot of them and I think it got better and better as time went on, because in the end (steroids were) not in their best interests. It was in no one's best interest. It was a health problem. It was a problem in every way. 

SN: I wanted to talk about your Hall of Fame induction weekend. The year you went in, that was the first year that I had a vote for the Hall of Fame. I had long wanted to see Tim Raines get in, and I was very honored to be part of that group that finally elected him to where he should have been long before I got a vote. What do you remember most about that weekend in Cooperstown? 

SELIG: It was tremendous, you know. I talk a lot about it at the end. I think you probably read it. That's a great question. Let me just say this to you: I did a lot of thinking in that time. I remember as a kid growing up, even in the ’60s when I started trying to get a team back to Milwaukee, who could have ever believed? And so when Jane (Forbes Clark) calls me — and I had participated in a lot of those because I’d been commissioner for 22 years — to tell me that I'd been elected to the Hall of Fame on a first ballot and blah, blah, blah, I went to Washington DC and met with John Schuerholz, who happens to be a very close friend of mine. And I remember the next day we were sitting with a lot of Hall of Famers, but just the two of us alone. And I looked at him, and he looked at me and we didn't know what to say. It's just an overwhelming feeling. And I was honored, and I can't tell you how much it meant to me. It was wonderful. 

SN: I've asked other players who have been inducted, so I'll ask you too. What's it like to see your plaque for the first time? 

SELIG: I went there in April and they showed me part of it. I don't know what to say. I mean, it just, it is overwhelming. It's amazing. I don't know what else to say. It’s sorta hard to believe. My granddaughters were there and my daughters, obviously, and everybody, and someday long after I'm gone they’ll be able to see it. And that’s an amazing feeling. I don't know what else to say there. Nothing like it. I thought I had seen and done everything. 

SN: That’s very cool. Speaking of Cooperstown, if it was completely your call — and I know it's not, obviously — would the players who are connected to the steroids and whatnot be in Cooperstown? 

SELIG: Well, you know, I’ve stayed away from that because it isn't my call. And I have great respect for the writers and the people who vote, but I’m just going to let that process play out. I did what I could relative to steroids.

SN: The decision about what to do with those guys, even in the couple of years of leading up to my first vote, that that kept me up nights. I went back and forth on how to approach it. It's a difficult topic to wrestle with. 

SELIG: Oh, look. Believe me, I understand. I've talked to a lot of writers, you know, I'm very close a lot of writers and, Ryan, I understand. That's tough.

SN: I want to ask you about a couple of things in the book that stood out to me. The conversation you had in the White House with President Clinton and Vice President Gore after the union rejected the mediation result, what do you remember most about that conversation all these years later? What sticks with you? 

SELIG: Look, I went there on Oct. 14 and we hired Bill Usery, a very famed labor mediator, and I checked him out. In fact, I checked him out with a cousin of my wife’s who was a labor attorney. Everybody really liked him. Tough, grizzled guy, but fair. Really fair. And it was so disappointing, and I know that Usery was disappointed. You know we all agreed on that day that whatever Bill Usery came up with, we’d agree with. The clubs didn't want to go to mediation. I really had to talk them into it and they were fine. But all of a sudden (the union) had a change of heart. That was very disappointing. And it did get nasty. And I used, I guess, my favorite word, a lot. A lot.

SN: And you used your favorite word too, early in the book when you were talking about the business. 

SELIG: Well, Ryan, can I tell you a quick story? 

SN: Of course. 

SELIG: Phil Rogers deserves credit. He pleaded with me not to take it out. I said, “We can't leave that in there.” And he said, “But that's you, and we got to leave it in!” So I left it in. 

SN: It stood out because it's almost like putting it in bold or in italics, because it kind of gets across the message. After that conversation with Clinton and Gore, you said that you were as mad as you've ever been. How tough was it to calm down before you had to go out and speak publicly? 

SELIG: It was tough. It was really tough. But the more I thought, and I didn't have a lot of time to think about it, but I didn't want to take a bad situation and make it worse. So it was tough. It was really tough. 

MORE: Watch 'ChangeUp,' a new MLB live whiparound show on DAZN

SN: Changing topics a bit, what are a couple of your favorite moments with the Brewers in your time with the team and as commissioner? 

SELIG: Well, that's a great question. One, bringing Henry Aaron back for the ’75 and ’76 seasons. In 1982, we won the American League. And there were a lot of great moments in between. I mean, ’78 and ’79 we won 93 and 95 games and we were really good. And there are so many. Paul Molitor’s 39-game hitting streak, Robin Yount getting his 3,000th hit on the day I became commissioner. He and I often joke about it to this day. Last year was great, getting within a game of the World Series. You know, you have good years and you have bad years, but the overall I’m proud of what the Brewers have done. And we're coming up on 50 years, which is hard to believe.

SN: How about a couple of favorite moments that weren't Brewers related? Ones you enjoyed watching as either an owner or the commissioner? 

SELIG: One was when I was a kid, when Henry Aaron hit a home run. This is a moment I'll never forget in my life, in September of 1957 to win the National League pennant, hit a home run in the 11th inning. There were so many great games, but you know, one that just comes to mind was after the horror and tragedy of 9/11, that World Series. I remember the first game at Yankee Stadium was just … I’ve never been in a ballpark like that. I went down to see the president and Derek Jeter came over there. Just walking around and listening to the USA chants. I've never been in a ballpark with that kind of emotion, and I've been in a lot of ballparks with a lot of emotions. 

SN: And then the way that series played out, too, with all the dramatic home runs and then the Diamondbacks coming back to win after all that was pretty crazy. 

SELIG: Well, it was amazing, and I think I say it in the book. I think that Sunday of Game 7, my wife went and got George Steinbrenner and we had lunch because we watched the Packers-Tampa Bay game together. George and I had two bets a year. He had Ohio State and I had the Badgers, obviously. And then he had Tampa and I had the Packers. I generally came out way ahead on that one. At lunch, he was very quiet, very nervous, but quiet and we watched the game together. That Game 7 was a hell of a game, too. Unbelievable. Big thing for Phoenix and heartbreak for my friend Joe Torre and George and everybody else. 

SN: For those football bets, what did you put on the games? 

SELIG: You know, that's a good question. I don't remember. It was very modest, but we had a lot of agitation. He loved Ohio State and I loved the Badgers. We had a lot of fun together. You know, he loved football and I was a big Packers and Badgers fan. They were modest amounts. They weren’t going to make or break either one of us. 

SN: More about bragging rights, I guess? 

SELIG: It was, all about bragging rights. No question. 

SN: You write a lot about the image of baseball and the way things look, and there’s one thing I want to ask about that relates to the image of baseball. I’ve written about this subject in the past. The pay scale for minor league ballplayers hasn't changed a whole lot even though the revenues under your watch, as you talk about in the book, went way, way up. And I'm just curious because it seems to me that when you're talking about the salaries for these minor league players, wouldn’t it be better to give every guy an extra $5,000 or $10,000 a season instead of fighting the way that baseball has to keep those salaries low? If nothing else, it would be better from a PR standpoint than fighting these players.

SELIG: You know, Ryan, without commenting on what clubs are doing today, because I’m going to leave that to Rob (Manfred), but I've read now that multiple major league clubs in their system are addressing this subject. So I think that's about to change. 

SN: Yeah. I know Toronto has jumped on that. Without commenting on specifics, are you happy to see that? 

SELIG: Yeah. Overall, I am. Yes. Yes. 

SN: Another thing on image, this time Alex Rodriguez. I just want to ask you this: Are you surprised how he’s been able to change his image after the Biogenesis scandal and all that ugliness? He's working for ESPN. He was part of the promotion of the London series between the Yankees and Red Sox. Are you surprised how he's been able to rebuild his image? 

SELIG: Well, in one way, I guess maybe I am, but no, not really. You know, he's very charming. He's worked hard at it. And for that I give him credit, by the way. I do. Absolutely. 

SN: It surprises me a bit because he fought everything, and you write about this in the book. He fought and he sued everything, even the Players Association. It just seems like it'd be hard to come back, but I guess he's done a good job with that somehow. 

SELIG: He has, and for that I give him credit, no question.

SN: And you even put it in the book that you harbor no ill will towards him, right?

SELIG: Oh, I do not. No, I do not. I do not. Nope, I do not. 

SN: In the book, you talk about how you asked owners to judge your performance based on their franchise values. Is that one of the things that you look at as one of your biggest accomplishments in your time as commissioner? 

SELIG: I do, but I do for this reason: The reason I said that was it would be a composite of everything we did. If we were doing the right things, if we were making the right decisions, that's where it would really reflect. And it reflected dramatically. But it really was everything we did, whether it was wild card or interleague or revenue share, all the many, many things that went on. If all those work, their franchise values would go up, so that was the best barometer I could find. 

SN: Was it hard to convince people about the wild card? I’ll admit, I hated it at the beginning and then a year or two in, I was like, “Nope, I was wrong. I like this.”

SELIG: We had a lot of critics about it, people who thought it was a disaster, as you know. The clubs really came around quite well. I had work to do on the American League, but after a couple of F-bombs it worked OK.  

SN: How long has that been your favorite word? 

SELIG: I don't know if that's my favorite word. My wife objects to this, so I have to always be careful. It's just a descriptive word that … I don't know about “favorite word” but it sometimes emphasizes the point I'm trying to make. 

SN: I totally agree. It absolutely does. Last thing I want to ask you, and you've been great with your time and I appreciate it, but when you look at baseball today, especially in the last couple of years, there are a lot of strikeouts and there are a lot of home runs. Is that a good thing? 

SELIG: I guess having been around so long, I've been through so many things that have happened, back in the ’60s, back in the ’70s and the ’80s, and I guess what I'm going to say about this to you is that, look, we go through these things. Baseball will have to work this out. To say it's a good thing or bad thing, you know, I've heard negativism about baseball going back in the late ’50s. I've told the story a thousand times, about a sports editor who went to Dallas and talked about baseball was moribund and it was dying. This was 1958, so I’ve heard that for 62 years now. The truth of the matter is, you're always going to need some change, and I don't deny that they need some change. And I have every faith that all the people involved, starting with Rob, will work all this out. 

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.