Robot umps, electronic zone wouldn't be saviors on balls and strikes

Ryan Davis

Robot umps, electronic zone wouldn't be saviors on balls and strikes image

No matter how baseball changes over the years, the human element helps to keep it unchanged at its core.

There is no doubt that new technology has helped push the game into the 21st century, but the principles are still the same. Baseball, as it's played on the field by the players, still looks very similar to the game that Babe Ruth played 100 years ago.

But there is one aspect of the human element that takes on a different conversation: umpires.

In recent years, Major League Baseball has made an effort to catch up to its counterparts in major American sports, incorporating and refining instant replay. But one thing that hasn't been changed is the way that balls and strikes are called.

MORE: Players don't want robot umps

From the bottom of the knee to the armpit, the strike zone is set for each batter. No technology is used, at least for the umpire's benefit during the course of the game. It's just one man using his own eyes to determine which pitches are strikes and which are balls.

Just how good umpires are at that aspect of their job is debatable. While the prevailing thought around baseball is that they are accurate on somewhere around 95 percent of calls, that number is unscientific. Without anyone from the league to confirm or deny, we're left to speculate. Could it be lower than that? Could automating balls and strikes be a more accurate way of doing things?

The evidence suggests no, at least not yet.

The information we have available on balls and strikes in 2017 is expansive, with technology having developed in the past decade for us to track every pitch. But let's start with how that data is collected.

“It used to be camera systems, now it's radar,” said Harry Pavlidis, director of technology for Baseball Prospectus and the founder of Pitch Info. “Basically, a portion of the balls' flight is captured and analyzed to create a detailed projection/estimate of the entire path. The big things are how fast is the ball going and how is it spinning; in what direction and at what speed. RPM, typically.”

Pitch Info provides pitch data to statistical reference websites such as Brooks Baseball and FanGraphs. This information, called PITCHf/x, helps better analyze the game, with pitch type, location and classification — ball or strike — being publicly available for every MLB batter.

MORE: Rob Manfred: We're not ready for electronic strike zone

Based on the information available, thanks to Pavlidis and others like him, we're able to compare pitches as they are called by umpires versus what the radar tells us. That includes an estimate on how accurate the average umpire is behind the plate.

“Both (radar and the umpire) would probably be about 90 percent,” he said. “An automated system would not have the big misses but would actually miss more on the margins, according to some unpublished research I've heard about. The bigger difference would be the zone wouldn't expand and contract during at-bats.”

It's interesting that the technology is about as accurate as the humans standing behind the dish. That has a lot to do with the recent change from camera systems to radar, Pavlidis said.

“It's worse now, in my estimation,” he said. “The camera systems were replaced by radar for 2017, and I have not seen any demonstration from the field establishing the accuracy levels that we had with the optical systems; 0.5 to one-inch under ideal operating conditions.

“The new system is also, well, newer to the parks — we've had the others for up to 10 years — so the kinks need to be ironed out. Radar processing is also slower, more subject to electronic interference.”

The big question, of course, is whether the technology is at a point where we could take calling the balls and strikes out of the hands of humans and put in an automated system. Based on recent changes, probably not. Pavlidis sees a way forward, however.

“Change back to optical, with redundant systems,” he said. “Redefine the top/bottom of the strike zone so it's not arbitrary in terms of time. And test out the notion of a fixed zone; it would hopefully be no big deal that suddenly there are many more 3-0 walks and 0-2 punchouts, but we'd have to see how the game is impacted.”

Let's think about this in the realist of terms. The umpire will always need to remain behind the plate, even if automation is a real possibility. The first base umpire isn't going to be able to race down the line in time to tell you if a runner coming from third is safe or out. So the home plate umpire would also be the one to make the actual call on each pitch, even if the decision is made by a high-tech computer system.

Thinking outside the box, a buzzer system could be put in place to let the umpire know when a pitch is a ball and when it is a strike. Or maybe a handheld device that lights up, or even has a screen that simply says "ball" or "strike" after each pitch. There are myriad of ways to figure that part out, and the delay would almost certainly be nominal.

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Realistically, how soon could that be implemented and what might get in the way?

“Three, five, 10 years,” Pavlidis said. “It depends on investment and motivation, and the umpire's union won't like it.”

There is truth in that statement. Joe West, the president of the World Umpires Association and a notorious showman who has drawn plenty of ire from fans over the years, echoes a common thought in his distrust of the technology.

“They've tried that, but that machine misses more pitches than we do,” West said recently.

The main argument against going with technology over the umpire is how the strike zone is set, batter to batter and pitch to pitch. This is where subjectivity comes into play on both ends. While an umpire is more likely to miss a pitch or be fooled by a catcher with excellent framing skills, a machine is more likely to have the zone slightly out of place. Gameday stringers do the best they can to mark the zone on a screen for each batter, but players tend to move while in the the batter's box. In the end, you can't avoid some level of the human element.

As far as actually automating balls and strikes in MLB games, it's clear that obstacles remain. Nothing with this sort of scope simply gets thrown into action. Just look at the pitch clock. While many believe that it's on the way to the majors, the pitch clock was first implemented in the minor leagues as a beta test. Before MLB would consider a beta test for automating balls and strikes, we'd probably need to see an independent league implement a system and prove that it really works.

We're not there yet.

But let's not confuse reluctance to automate with science denial. Technological advances such as PITCHf/x are a welcome part of the game. Not only do they lend better and more clear information to front offices and analysts, their study has no doubt helped umpires improve over the past decade.

This technology has been integral to the improvement of the product on the field, and it'll continue to change the game as advances are made in the years to come — even if robots calling balls and strikes is a long way off.

Ryan Davis