SN Conversation: Reds' Amir Garrett talks basketball, his beloved dogs and social media interaction

Ryan Fagan

SN Conversation: Reds' Amir Garrett talks basketball, his beloved dogs and social media interaction image

Amir Garrett’s journey to the major leagues has long fascinated me, so this spring I visited Cincinnati’s training camp in Goodyear, Ariz., and met with the hard-throwing lefty. 

We talked about his exhausting, no-offseasons path — for three years, he split his time between college basketball and minor league baseball — and discussed life, social media and his two beloved dogs. It was an entertaining and insightful conversation that we’ll get to in a moment. First, a little background. 

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Coming out of high school, Garrett signed with St. John’s University to play basketball as a Top-100 recruit and then was selected in the 22nd round of the 2011 MLB Draft. Garrett was chosen by the Cincinnati Reds despite not playing baseball to close his high school career; he was focused on hoops as a senior, playing for scholastic basketball superpower Findlay (Nev.) Prep and rocketing up the recruiting rankings. 

His previous success on the diamond — and an impressive scout workout that spring — were tantalizing, though, and the Reds gave him a $1 million signing bonus and a contract that allowed him to play baseball in the summer and college hoops in the winter. 

Splitting time between the sports, Garrett, a 6-6 wing, averaged 6.2 points in two seasons with St. John’s (2011-13), with career highs of 18 points, 11 rebounds, five assists and four steals. He transferred to Cal State Northridge after his sophomore season and sat out the 2013-14 season in compliance with NCAA transfer rules. 


That's Garrett (22) playing defense during his sophomore year at St. John's. (Getty Images)

On the diamond, Garrett appeared in just 22 games in his first two summers, split between rookie ball and Single-A (Dayton). He spent the 2014 season in Dayton, rolling up a 3.65 ERA and nearly a strikeout an inning in 27 starts for the Dragons. That fall, Garrett made the decision to stick with baseball, and his hardball career took off. 

The lefty had a 2.44 ERA at high-A Daytona in 2015, then compiled a 2.55 ERA in 2016, split between Double-A Pensacola and Triple-A Louisville. He made his MLB debut against the Cardinals on April 7, 2017, throwing six shutout innings and allowing just two hits. That season had a few bumps — as rookie seasons often do — and he was sent back to the minors that June. Garrett, throwing a fastball that sits in the 95-96 mph range, spent the 2018 season in the Cincinnati bullpen, racking up 10.1 strikeouts per nine and a 4.29 ERA/3.89 FIP. 

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With all that in mind, let’s get to the latest edition of the Sporting News Conversation … 

Editor's note: The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

SPORTING NEWS: Let’s start with this: What’s one of your first baseball memories? 

GARRETT: I lived in Barstow (California) for a little bit. It was the East Barstow Little League versus West Barstown Little League All-Stars in the championship. I was 12, I think. My friend Aaron Sanchez, he was pitching against me, and we ended up beating them. I think it was like 2-1.

SN: The Blue Jays pitcher? 

GARRETT: Yeah. So that was a pretty cool memory for me as a kid because we’re both in the big leagues now. I’m 1-0 on him. 

SN: Did you imagine baseball would be the sport you wound up playing?  

GARRETT: I knew since I was little kid, 'cause that's the only thing I played, was baseball, and then I played football. That's what I wanted to be, a major leaguer one day. But another sport became involved when I got in high school, so baseball was kind of pushed to the side after that. 

SN: So how did you start with basketball? 

GARRETT: One day my friend was just like, “Do you want to play on my dad’s team?” I literally played zero basketball. I mean, you play outside as a kid or whatever, but I never really watched sports at all. I just played them. So when he said, “Do you want to play basketball?” I was like, “Sure, whatever.” This was my eighth-grade summer going into freshman year and I literally didn’t know what traveling was, I didn't know what an and-one was, I didn’t know what a free throw was. I didn't know what anything was, man, so it was kind of awkward when I got on the court. They’re like, “You really don’t know how to play basketball?” And I’m like, “Bro, I don’t know how to play basketball.”

SN: You’re like, “I told you!”

GARRETT: Yeah. I don't know how to play basketball. I don’t know any terms, I don't know how to do anything. But you know, just starting to play it and once I really started playing, baseball wasn’t even a thought. I didn't want to play baseball no more. It was over. Basketball was so fun for me. And by, I want to say, the end of my sophomore year, when I started getting ranked and I started playing some high-level basketball, I was like, “Baseball isn’t for me. I'm going to the NBA.”

SN: It's intoxicating, that attention, isn’t it?

GARRETT: Oh my God, yeah. Basketball is still my favorite sport. You can just go in the gym and shoot all day, and I just feel so good about it. 

SN: That's cool. So did baseball stay in the back of your mind? I mean, you did get drafted by the Reds. 

GARRETT: I mean, baseball was always a thing I was always good at, you know? No matter what, I was going to play and I was going to pick up where I left off. My dad wanted me to play. When I was a senior in high school, I was playing basketball, and he was like, “I just want you to work out for me.” To do it for him. And I was like, “All right, I'll work out. I'm not playing. I don't want to play baseball.”  We’ll just see where it goes. I was working out and I was blessed to get drafted. I was like, “All right, but I’m still playing basketball, though.” We experimented with a couple of years of going back and forth. 

SN: Isn’t that mentally exhausting?

GARRETT: Oh, it was. It was hard. I had to juggle baseball and school, thinking about what I'm going to do when I come back to school for basketball, workouts-wise, and how far behind I'm going to be. And when I was in basketball, at a basketball school, I’m thinking about baseball. Even though you're not playing at the time, it's just exhausting thinking about it. Like, “I gotta get my arm in shape,” in the middle of basketball. Or you’re thinking about what you’ve got to do for baseball in the middle of basketball. You know what I mean? It's exhausting. I could never reach my full potential at either sport when I was playing both. My mind was always somewhere else. I tried to respect the game I was playing at the time. During basketball, don't even think about baseball. When I was in baseball, no basketball. Know what I’m saying?

SN: That’s hard

GARRETT: That’s very hard. I was glad I got to do it, but it was exhausting. It was tough. 

SN: Was it a relief when you finally made the decision?

GARRETT: You know, it was a relief, but I was kind of sad. I missed the basketball so much. But you know, I was getting older. I really wasn't the athlete and player I once was. So the decision really made itself for me.

SN: You were pretty good at baseball.

GARRETT: I was happy with my decision. I really felt like, once I gave up basketball, I got to the big leagues quickly. 

SN: Did did you ever have thoughts of being in the NBA and playing baseball? 

GARRETT: I don't think that would've worked. Especially when I got to college. I was an average college basketball player at that point. I think if I would've just focused on basketball out of high school, I for sure would have went to the NBA. I would have given my all to the game, and I definitely would have made it. But the juggling back and forth, the half-season here and half there, it just didn't work out.

SN: As a lefty who throws as hard as you do, that’s rare. Is that a more unique skill set as opposed to what you were in basketball? 

GARRETT: Yeah. But it was tough because I was really good at basketball. I was pretty good. 

SN: Right. I didn’t mean to …

GARRETT: No, no, no, no. I know. But you know, the odds were more in my favor for baseball. You don't see too many guys like me. You see a lot of them in basketball, you know? So that played a role. And my age, as well. I was 22, I think, when I made my decision to play baseball all the time. And in the NBA, they're taking them young. No 22-year-old rookies or nothing like that. By that age, you’d better already be in the league. 

SN: Which is crazy.

GARRETT: It is. It is. But that’s just how it is. 

SN: I was reading up about you before I got here, and I found a bio from St. John’s that said you like cliff jumping. Is that right? 

GARRETT: Cliff jumping? Heck no. 

SN: Ha. I was surprised. 

GARRETT: Yeah, right (laughing loudly). Whoever put that there, they were lying. Cliff jumping? Heck no.

SN: I saw that and thought, “Maybe there’s a story there.”

GARRETT: Heck no. That’s crazy.

SN: Love it. There are a lot of eyes on you, because of your basketball background at St. John’s, and you interact a lot on Twitter and Instagram. Do you like that extra attention?

GARRETT: Oh, hell yeah. I love a lot of attention. I feel a lot of athletes are like, “Oh, why do you respond,” or “Why do you reply?” And I just say, “I’m nobody special, bro. I’m a person.” You know what I’m saying? I’m going to talk to people. They say, “Why do you respond?” Because I’m me. This is me. I’m no better than anybody else. I’m just a person. I’ve just got a higher platform because I play baseball. But I love responding to them. I love when they write to me, negative, positive. I don’t ever respond back in any crazy manner. But I’m a person, so I’m going to respond. If I’ve got to hear you, you’re going to hear me a little bit, too. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s just my personality. I’m not a robot, like a lot of other guys are. People expect us to act a certain way, and that doesn’t work for me. 

SN: Do you have to bite your tongue sometimes, delete replies? I do that. 

GARRETT: No, I don’t really. You know, sometimes it gets to that point, then I think, “Why?” I’d rather be nice to somebody and let them get to know me, and then they’re like, “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just an angry fan.” Or something like that. So if you be nice to them, now they know who you are. You kill them with kindness and maybe they go back and delete what they initially wrote about you.

SN: Isn’t that fun, when you can turn them around like that? 

GARRETT: Yeah. I do that all the time. You react, you make people laugh. I had somebody write me, be really mean to me, and I was like, “That was mean, but you know I love you.” I said that to him. And he was like, “Oh, man. I didn’t think you would respond.” He was like, “I’m sorry I said that. There’s something going on in my life, and I took it out on you.” You see? You just don’t know what’s happening. Now he was like, “Now I’m a fan for life because you made my day.” You never know what could happen. I’m not going to respond negatively, you know? Now they get to see who I am. Because I responded to him, now I made his day, and he had been going through something. 

SN: As you mentioned, once you focused on baseball, you got to the bigs pretty quickly. Was that just because you were able to focus all on that, or was it development a little bit?

GARRETT: I felt like it was because I was able to focus on one sport, and my development just took off. I never went to spring training until 2015, that was my first full spring training. I was able to have a whole season, top to bottom of this, start out in February — and it was my first big-league camp, too — and just go the whole year. That helped a lot. I got more repetitions on the mound. You learn about yourself each and every day. And I had a really good pitching coach, Tony Fossas, when I was in the lower minors. I was with him for awhile, able to pick his brain and just play baseball a lot. And I just feel like repetition was the key for me, getting up on that mound every five days, throwing and learning. I felt like I just just took off. 


Garrett delivers a pitch during his MLB debut. (Getty Images)

SN: What do you remember what the first big-league start, against the Cardinals? Six innings, two hits, no runs. Pretty impressive.

GARRETT: It was so crazy, man. That whole day was just like … it was just so blurry to me. I went out there and everybody says they’re nervous, but I wasn't even nervous or anything. When I got on the mound, after that first pitch I threw, I was like, “Wow, I'm here. I can do this.” When you make it to the big leagues, your first game is always like, “I’ve been working my whole life to get here.” That’s what if feels like. You've been working your whole life. Nothing else matters at the time. You're like, “I'm here. If this was it, I could say I got to the big leagues.” It didn’t really hit me til after the game. Later that night, when I was trying to go to bed, I literally cried because I was like, “Dang, it felt like forever to get here, but I’m here and I made it, and I'm going to do what I can to stay here.” That was an awesome feeling, a feeling I’ll never forget. 

SN: Your slider usage last year was so much better than 2017. Is that something you focused on, or is that more about going from starter to reliever that improved that?  

GARRETT: I mean, my slider is what got me to the big leagues. I kind of shied away from in ’17, but when I got moved to the bullpen, it's very necessary. I started seeing results early in the season, against lefty and righty, and I was just like, “Why am I not throwing this more?” When I started throwing it a lot, good things were happening. Why try to fix something if it’s not broken? I’m not going to shy away from it. It’s my best pitch.

SN: How’d you learn that pitch? 

GARRETT: I used to have curveball. I was over the top more. And a pitching coach was like, “OK, throw a slider.” I tried it and I was like, all right, I’m going to throw a slider from now on. I picked up the slider when I was in Low-A. It’s just a pitch that works for me. 

SN: I saw you posted a video of your dogs in the snow for first time. 

GARRETT: (laughs) Oh, man. Bad idea.

SN: Tell me about them. 

GARRETT: I have two dogs. Two rescue pit bulls. I grew up, and I never really liked dogs that much. I was always scared of them, any kind of dog. Until I rescued my own, my pit bull, Dozier, four years ago. He’s 10 years old now. And then me and my fiancé rescued Dash last year, and he's 2 years old. 

SN: Does he follow Dozier around everywhere? 

GARRETT: Dozier doesn’t really do anything. Dozier is the best dog in the world. All you’ve got to do is open the door and feed him. He will not make a sound. He will sleep all day and he will not bark and he will just relax. Now, Dash, on the other hand. That dude is 2 years old, and he's the complete opposite. He will wake you up in the morning at a certain time. He’s on a schedule, so 7 o’clock, you’d better be up, because he knows that’s what time I need to be up. He’ll run up and down the stairs. He's crazy, man. But I love these dogs. You never know what you're going to get when you rescue a dog. My dog Dozier, he was in bad condition. He was pepper-sprayed, his ears were all messed up when we got him. He was down to like 40 pounds. He's about 100 now. 

SN: I was gonna say, 40 pounds is way too small.

GARRETT: He was soooo skinny. When I saw him, I wanted to cry because who would do this to an animal? You know? I like pit bulls and I feel like they have a bad rep. My dogs are living testimony of what dogs will be like if you treat them good. My dogs are harmless. They love everybody. Dozier likes his space. If you want to go and cuddle with him and he doesn’t, he’ll get up and walk away. He's like, “Nah, I'm good.” Dash is the cuddler. These dogs are really my best friends and I'm glad I could give them a life that they could live and be good and feel safe and comfortable. We try to do a good job with them. 

SN: Last thing and I’ll let you go. You guys could be pretty good this year, right? 

GARRETT: I think we will pretty good, man. All the guys we got, we're good. I know it's just spring training, but when game time comes around, we’re going to be a hard ball club to beat. The division is tough, but we're going to be a team to definitely look out for. 

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.